diff --git a/doc/operating-kolla.rst b/doc/operating-kolla.rst
index 1ba05d0f4e..e8dfdf49cb 100644
--- a/doc/operating-kolla.rst
+++ b/doc/operating-kolla.rst
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Operating Kolla
-Kolla's strategy for upgrades is to never make a mess and follow consistent
-patterns during deployment such that upgrades from one environment to
-the next are simple to automate.
+Kolla's strategy for upgrades is to never make a mess and to follow consistent
+patterns during deployment such that upgrades from one environment to the next
+are simple to automate.
 Kolla implements a one command operation for upgrading an existing deployment
 consisting of a set of containers and configuration data to a new deployment.
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ consisting of a set of containers and configuration data to a new deployment.
 Kolla uses the ``x.y.z`` semver nomenclature for naming versions. Kolla's
 Liberty version is ``1.0.0`` and the Mitaka version is ``2.0.0``. The Kolla
 community commits to release z-stream updates every 45 days that resolve
-defects in the stable version in use and publish those images to the
-Docker Hub registry. To prevent confusion, the Kolla community recommends
-using an alpha identifier ``x.y.z.a`` where ``a`` represents any customization
-done on the part of the operator. For example, if an operator intends
-to modify one of the Docker files or the repos from where the originals and
-build custom images and using Liberty, the operator should start with
-version and increase alpha for each release. Alpha tag usage is
-at discretion of the operator. The alpha identifier could be a number as
-recommended or a string of the operator's choosing.
+defects in the stable version in use and publish those images to the Docker Hub
+registry. To prevent confusion, the Kolla community recommends using an alpha
+identifier ``x.y.z.a`` where ``a`` represents any customization done on the
+part of the operator. For example, if an operator intends to modify one of the
+Docker files or the repos from the originals and build custom images for the
+Liberty version, the operator should start with version and increase
+alpha for each release. Alpha tag usage is at discretion of the operator. The
+alpha identifier could be a number as recommended or a string of the operator's
 If the alpha identifier is not used, Kolla will deploy or upgrade using the
 version number information contained in the release. To customize the