diff --git a/ansible/group_vars/all.yml b/ansible/group_vars/all.yml
index 36137461af..dad752d54d 100644
--- a/ansible/group_vars/all.yml
+++ b/ansible/group_vars/all.yml
@@ -324,6 +324,10 @@ ceph_cache_mode: "writeback"
 # Valid options are [ ext4, btrfs, xfs ]
 ceph_osd_filesystem: "xfs"
+# Set to 'yes-i-really-really-mean-it' to force wipe disks with existing partitions for OSDs. Only
+# set if you understand the consequences!
+ceph_osd_wipe_disk: ""
 # These are /etc/fstab options. Comma separated, no spaces (see fstab(8))
 ceph_osd_mount_options: "defaults,noatime"
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_osds.yml b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_osds.yml
index 014d2dcd47..e5d0ab8b08 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_osds.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_osds.yml
@@ -23,6 +23,21 @@
     osds_cache_bootstrap: "{{ (osd_cache_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).disks|from_json }}"
+- pause:
+    prompt: |
+     WARNING: It seems {{ item.device }} is marked to be wiped and partitioned for Ceph data and
+              a co-located journal, but appears to contain other existing partitions (>1).
+              If you are sure you want this disk to be *wiped* for use with Ceph, press enter.
+              Otherwise, press Ctrl-C, then 'A'. (You can disable this check by setting
+              ceph_osd_wipe_disk: 'yes-i-really-really-mean-it' within globals.yml)
+  with_items: "{{ osds_bootstrap|default([]) }}"
+  when:
+    - item.external_journal | bool == False
+    - ansible_devices[item.device.split('/')[2]].partitions|count > 1
+    - ceph_osd_wipe_disk != "yes-i-really-really-mean-it"
 - name: Bootstrapping Ceph OSDs
     action: "start_container"
@@ -54,6 +69,21 @@
       - "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
   with_indexed_items: "{{ osds_bootstrap|default([]) }}"
+- pause:
+    prompt: |
+     WARNING: It seems {{ item.device }} is marked to be wiped and partitioned for Ceph data and
+              a co-located journal, but appears to contain other existing partitions (>1).
+              If you are sure you want this disk to be *wiped* for use with Ceph, press enter.
+              Otherwise, press Ctrl-C, then 'A'. (You can disable this check by setting
+              ceph_osd_wipe_disk: 'yes-i-really-really-mean-it' within globals.yml)
+  with_items: "{{ osds_cache_bootstrap|default([]) }}"
+  when:
+    - item.external_journal | bool == False
+    - ansible_devices[item.device.split('/')[2]].partitions|count > 1
+    - ceph_osd_wipe_disk != "yes-i-really-really-mean-it"
 - name: Bootstrapping Ceph Cache OSDs
     action: "start_container"
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-ceph-disk-init-protection-5b38ce8f1502ff69.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-ceph-disk-init-protection-5b38ce8f1502ff69.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20febed2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-ceph-disk-init-protection-5b38ce8f1502ff69.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+prelude: >
+    There any multiple options available to an operator
+    with regards to how they wish to provision devices
+    for use with Ceph OSDs. One of those is to co-locate
+    the data and journal on a disk, which is done by
+    marking a partition on that disk with
+    If an unwitting user happened to confuse this with
+    the partition based approach, they could wipe out
+    their entire disk, resulting in data loss.
+  - The Ceph bootstrap will now pause requesting
+    confirmation from the operator if it detects a
+    bootstrap label on a disk with more than one
+    partition.
+    An operator may override this behaviour by
+    setting the Ansible variable
+    'ceph_osd_wipe_disk' to
+    'yes-i-really-really-mean-it'.