From 956a29f83a6936a1445c7b5212e2b9e9f84a8bc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Will Szumski <>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2019 16:08:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Support customizing prometheus.cfg files

This provides a mechanism to scrape targets defined outside of kolla-ansible.

Change-Id: I0950341b147bb374b4128f09f807ef5a756f5dfa
Related: blueprint custom-prometheus-targets
 ansible/roles/prometheus/tasks/config.yml     | 17 +++++++--
 .../prometheus-guide.rst                      | 36 +++++++++++++++++++
 ...etheus-customization-0b173ff7c63ca30f.yaml |  6 ++++
 3 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 releasenotes/notes/add-mechanism-for-prometheus-customization-0b173ff7c63ca30f.yaml

diff --git a/ansible/roles/prometheus/tasks/config.yml b/ansible/roles/prometheus/tasks/config.yml
index bbc7d2b568..0b1d8d0d45 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/prometheus/tasks/config.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/prometheus/tasks/config.yml
@@ -56,14 +56,27 @@
     - Restart prometheus-server container
+- name: Find prometheus config overrides
+  find:
+    # NOTE(wszumski): Non-existent paths don't produce a failure
+    paths:
+      - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d"
+      - "{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/{{ inventory_hostname }}/prometheus.yml.d"
+    patterns: "*.yml"
+  delegate_to: localhost
+  register: prometheus_config_overrides_result
+  run_once: true
 - name: Copying over prometheus config file
   become: true
     service: "{{ prometheus_services['prometheus-server'] }}"
-  template:
-    src: "{{ item }}"
+    overrides: "{{ prometheus_config_overrides_result.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}"
+  merge_yaml:
+    sources: "{{ [prometheus_config_file] + overrides }}"
     dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/prometheus-server/prometheus.yml"
     mode: "0660"
+    extend_lists: true
     - inventory_hostname in groups[]
     - service.enabled | bool
diff --git a/doc/source/reference/logging-and-monitoring/prometheus-guide.rst b/doc/source/reference/logging-and-monitoring/prometheus-guide.rst
index 282f9089ee..7252286888 100644
--- a/doc/source/reference/logging-and-monitoring/prometheus-guide.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/logging-and-monitoring/prometheus-guide.rst
@@ -30,3 +30,39 @@ and data retention period to 2 days:
 .. code-block:: yaml
    prometheus_cmdline_extras: "-storage.remote.timeout 30s -storage.local.retention 48h"
+Extending prometheus.cfg
+If you want to add extra targets to scrape, you can extend the default
+``prometheus.yml`` config file by placing additional configs in
+``{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d``. These should have the
+same format as ``prometheus.yml``. These additional configs are merged so
+that any list items are extended. For example, if using the default value for
+``node_custom_config``, you could add additional targets to scape by defining
+``/etc/kolla/config/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d/10-custom.yml`` containing the
+.. code-block:: jinja
+  scrape_configs:
+    - job_name: custom
+      static_configs:
+        - targets:
+          - ''
+    - job_name: custom-template
+      static_configs:
+        - targets:
+  {% for host in groups['prometheus'] %}
+          - '{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ 3456 }}'
+  {% endfor %}
+The jobs, ``custom``, and ``custom_template``  would be appended to the default
+list of ``scrape_configs`` in the final ``prometheus.yml``. To customize on a per
+host basis, files can also be placed in
+``{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/<inventory_hostname>/prometheus.yml.d``
+where, ``inventory_hostname`` is one of the hosts in your inventory. These
+will be merged with any files in ``{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d``,
+so in order to override a list value instead of extending it, you will need to make
+sure that no files in ``{{ node_custom_config }}/prometheus/prometheus.yml.d``
+set a key with an equivalent hierarchical path.
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/add-mechanism-for-prometheus-customization-0b173ff7c63ca30f.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/add-mechanism-for-prometheus-customization-0b173ff7c63ca30f.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7ded83164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/add-mechanism-for-prometheus-customization-0b173ff7c63ca30f.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - |
+    Added a mechanism to customize ``prometheus.yml``. Please read the the
+    `documentation <>`__.
+    for more details.