diff --git a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_mons.yml b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_mons.yml
index 5e0ff61fe8..b702ae945f 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_mons.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_mons.yml
@@ -35,20 +35,12 @@
   always_run: True
   run_once: True
-- name: Starting Ceph Monitor data container
-  docker:
-    tty: True
-    net: host
-    pull: "{{ docker_pull_policy }}"
-    restart_policy: "{{ docker_restart_policy }}"
-    restart_policy_retry: "{{ docker_restart_policy_retry }}"
-    state: reloaded
-    registry: "{{ docker_registry }}"
-    username: "{{ docker_registry_username }}"
-    password: "{{ docker_registry_password }}"
-    insecure_registry: "{{ docker_insecure_registry }}"
-    name: ceph_mon_data
+- name: Starting ceph-mon-data container
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "start_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
     image: "{{ ceph_data_image_full }}"
+    name: "ceph_mon_data"
       - "/etc/ceph/"
       - "/var/lib/ceph/"
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_osds.yml b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_osds.yml
index 8a0158d7de..20b5bdaacd 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_osds.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/bootstrap_osds.yml
@@ -24,82 +24,40 @@
     osds_cache_bootstrap: "{{ (osd_cache_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).disks|from_json }}"
 - name: Bootstrapping Ceph OSDs
-  docker:
-    tty: True
-    net: host
-    pull: "{{ docker_pull_policy }}"
-    restart_policy: "no"
-    state: reloaded
-    registry: "{{ docker_registry }}"
-    username: "{{ docker_registry_username }}"
-    password: "{{ docker_registry_password }}"
-    insecure_registry: "{{ docker_insecure_registry }}"
-    privileged: True
-    name: "bootstrap_osd_{{ item.0 }}"
-    image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
-    volumes:
-      - "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-osd/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
-      - "/dev/:/dev/"
-    env:
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "start_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
+    detach: False
+    environment:
       KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
       OSD_DEV: "{{ item.1.device }}"
       OSD_INITIAL_WEIGHT: "{{ osd_initial_weight }}"
-  with_indexed_items: osds_bootstrap|default([])
-# https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/1031
-- name: Waiting for bootstrap containers to exit
-  command: docker wait "bootstrap_osd_{{ item.0 }}"
-  register: bootstrap_result
-  run_once: True
-  failed_when: bootstrap_result.stdout != "0"
-  with_indexed_items: osds_bootstrap|default([])
-- name: Cleaning up bootstrap containers
-  docker:
-    tty: True
+    image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
     name: "bootstrap_osd_{{ item.0 }}"
-    image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
-    state: absent
-  with_indexed_items: osds_bootstrap|default([])
-- name: Bootstrapping Ceph Cache OSDs
-  docker:
-    tty: True
-    net: host
-    pull: "{{ docker_pull_policy }}"
-    restart_policy: "no"
-    state: reloaded
-    registry: "{{ docker_registry }}"
-    username: "{{ docker_registry_username }}"
-    password: "{{ docker_registry_password }}"
-    insecure_registry: "{{ docker_insecure_registry }}"
     privileged: True
-    name: "bootstrap_osd_cache_{{ item.0 }}"
-    image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
+    restart_policy: "never"
       - "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-osd/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
       - "/dev/:/dev/"
-    env:
+  with_indexed_items: osds_bootstrap|default([])
+- name: Bootstrapping Ceph Cache OSDs
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "start_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
+    detach: False
+    environment:
       KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
       OSD_DEV: "{{ item.1.device }}"
       OSD_INITIAL_WEIGHT: "{{ osd_initial_weight }}"
-  with_indexed_items: osds_cache_bootstrap|default([])
-# https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/1031
-- name: Waiting for bootstrap containers to exit
-  command: docker wait "bootstrap_osd_cache_{{ item.0 }}"
-  register: bootstrap_result
-  run_once: True
-  failed_when: bootstrap_result.stdout != "0"
-  with_indexed_items: osds_cache_bootstrap|default([])
-- name: Cleaning up bootstrap containers
-  docker:
-    tty: True
-    name: "bootstrap_osd_cache_{{ item.0 }}"
     image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
-    state: absent
+    name: "bootstrap_osd_cache_{{ item.0 }}"
+    privileged: True
+    restart_policy: "never"
+    volumes:
+      - "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-osd/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
+      - "/dev/:/dev/"
   with_indexed_items: osds_cache_bootstrap|default([])
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/generate_cluster.yml b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/generate_cluster.yml
index 7788935414..f53a709731 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/generate_cluster.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/generate_cluster.yml
@@ -1,25 +1,17 @@
-- name: Generating Initial Ceph keyrings and monmap
-  docker:
-    tty: True
-    detach: False
-    net: host
-    pull: "{{ docker_pull_policy }}"
-    restart_policy: "no"
-    state: reloaded
-    registry: "{{ docker_registry }}"
-    username: "{{ docker_registry_username }}"
-    password: "{{ docker_registry_password }}"
-    insecure_registry: "{{ docker_insecure_registry }}"
-    name: ceph_mon
-    image: "{{ ceph_mon_image_full }}"
-    volumes: "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-mon/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
-    volumes_from:
-      - "ceph_mon_data"
-    env:
+- name: Generating initial Ceph keyrings and monmap
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "start_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
+    environment:
       KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
       MON_IP: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + api_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}"
+    image: "{{ ceph_mon_image_full }}"
+    name: "ceph_mon"
+    restart_policy: "never"
+    volumes: "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-mon/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
+    volumes_from: "ceph_mon_data"
 - name: Waiting for a few settings for cluster to generate keys
   command: sleep 3
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_mons.yml b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_mons.yml
index a9288ca873..9016e2ce65 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_mons.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_mons.yml
@@ -1,21 +1,10 @@
 - name: Starting ceph-mon container
-  docker:
-    tty: True
-    net: host
-    pull: "{{ docker_pull_policy }}"
-    restart_policy: "{{ docker_restart_policy }}"
-    restart_policy_retry: "{{ docker_restart_policy_retry }}"
-    state: reloaded
-    registry: "{{ docker_registry }}"
-    username: "{{ docker_registry_username }}"
-    password: "{{ docker_registry_password }}"
-    insecure_registry: "{{ docker_insecure_registry }}"
-    name: ceph_mon
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "start_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
     image: "{{ ceph_mon_image_full }}"
+    name: "ceph_mon"
     volumes: "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-mon/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
-    volumes_from:
-      - "ceph_mon_data"
-    env:
-      KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
+    volumes_from: "ceph_mon_data"
   when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-mon']
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_osds.yml b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_osds.yml
index ab7bd35ddd..e91e90ea14 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_osds.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_osds.yml
@@ -26,30 +26,22 @@
   changed_when: False
   failed_when: id.rc != 0
-- name: Starting ceph-osds container
-  docker:
-    tty: True
-    net: host
-    pull: "{{ docker_pull_policy }}"
-    restart_policy: "{{ docker_restart_policy }}"
-    restart_policy_retry: "{{ docker_restart_policy_retry }}"
-    state: reloaded
-    registry: "{{ docker_registry }}"
-    username: "{{ docker_registry_username }}"
-    password: "{{ docker_registry_password }}"
-    insecure_registry: "{{ docker_insecure_registry }}"
-    pid: host
-    privileged: True
-    name: "ceph_osd_{{ item.0.stdout }}"
-    image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
-    volumes:
-      - "/var/lib/ceph/osd/{{ item.1['fs_uuid'] }}:/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{{ item.0.stdout }}"
-      - "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-osd/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
-      - "/dev/:/dev/"
-    env:
+- name: Starting ceph-osd container
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "start_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
+    environment:
       KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
       OSD_ID: "{{ item.0.stdout }}"
       OSD_DEV: "{{ item.1['device'] }}"
+    image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
+    name: "ceph_osd_{{ item.0.stdout }}"
+    pid: "host"
+    privileged: True
+    volumes:
+      - "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-osd/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
+      - "/dev/:/dev/"
+      - "/var/lib/ceph/osd/{{ item.1['fs_uuid'] }}:/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{{ item.0.stdout }}"
     - id.results
     - osds
diff --git a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_rgws.yml b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_rgws.yml
index 68d5516ba0..4de1e8afdc 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_rgws.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/ceph/tasks/start_rgws.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,9 @@
 - name: Starting ceph-rgw container
-  docker:
-    tty: True
-    net: host
-    pull: "{{ docker_pull_policy }}"
-    restart_policy: "{{ docker_restart_policy }}"
-    restart_policy_retry: "{{ docker_restart_policy_retry }}"
-    state: reloaded
-    registry: "{{ docker_registry }}"
-    username: "{{ docker_registry_username }}"
-    password: "{{ docker_registry_password }}"
-    insecure_registry: "{{ docker_insecure_registry }}"
-    name: ceph_rgw
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "start_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
     image: "{{ ceph_rgw_image_full }}"
+    name: "ceph_rgw"
     volumes: "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-rgw/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
-    env:
-      KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
   when: inventory_hostname in groups['ceph-rgw']