From 742960aa59dba6ad7725d5643785ebb4a98c6d91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Michal (inc0) Jastrzebski" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 13:11:49 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Quickstart rewrite

Nearly full rewrite of our QSG to make it more 2017.

Co-Authored-By: chenxing <>
Partially-Implements: blueprint ka-queens-doc-restructure
Change-Id: Ie558e1121438a502611c7c0e6c0e5ac0f6574827
 doc/source/user/quickstart.rst | 724 ++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 256 insertions(+), 468 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/source/user/quickstart.rst b/doc/source/user/quickstart.rst
index 38517f87d6..f3abf5100a 100644
--- a/doc/source/user/quickstart.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user/quickstart.rst
@@ -5,10 +5,16 @@ Quick Start
 This guide provides step by step instructions to deploy OpenStack using Kolla
-and Kolla-Ansible on bare metal servers or virtual machines.
+on bare metal servers or virtual machines.
+Recommended reading
+It's beneficial to learn basics of both `Ansible <>`__
+and `Docker <>`__ before running Kolla-Ansible.
 Host machine requirements
 The host machine must satisfy the following minimum requirements:
@@ -20,96 +26,41 @@ The host machine must satisfy the following minimum requirements:
     Root access to the deployment host machine is required.
-Recommended environment
-This guide recommends using a bare metal server or a virtual machine. Follow
-the instructions in this document to get started with deploying OpenStack on
-bare metal or a virtual machine with Kolla.
-If developing Kolla on a system that provides VirtualBox or Libvirt in addition
-to Vagrant, use the Vagrant virtual environment documented in
-`Development Environment with Vagrant <>`_.
-Verify the state of network interfaces. If using a VM spawned on
-OpenStack as the host machine, the state of the second interface will be DOWN
-on booting the VM.
-    ip addr show
-Bring up the second network interface if it is down.
-    ip link set ens4 up
-Verify if the second interface has an IP address.
-    ip addr show
 Install dependencies
-Kolla builds images which are used by Kolla-Ansible to deploy OpenStack. The
-deployment is tested on CentOS, Oracle Linux and Ubuntu as both container OS
-platforms and bare metal deployment targets.
-.. note:: Install is *very* sensitive about version of components. Please
-   review carefully because default Operating System repos are likely out of
-   date.
-Dependencies for the stable/ocata branch are:
-=====================   ===========  ===========  =========================
-Component               Min Version  Max Version  Comment
-=====================   ===========  ===========  =========================
-Ansible                 2.0.0        none         On deployment host
-Docker                  1.10.0       none         On target nodes
-Docker Python           1.8.1        none         On target nodes
-Python Jinja2           2.8.0        none         On deployment host
-=====================   ===========  ===========  =========================
-Dependencies since pike (including master branch) are:
-=====================   ===========  ===========  =========================
-Component               Min Version  Max Version  Comment
-=====================   ===========  ===========  =========================
-Ansible                 2.2.0        none         On deployment host
-Docker                  1.10.0       none         On target nodes
-Docker Python           2.0.0        none         On target nodes
-Python Jinja2           2.8.0        none         On deployment host
-=====================   ===========  ===========  =========================
 Make sure the ``pip`` package manager is installed and upgraded to the latest
-before proceeding:
+before proceeding.
+For CentOS, run:
-    #CentOS
     yum install epel-release
     yum install python-pip
     pip install -U pip
-    #Ubuntu
+For Ubuntu, run:
     apt-get update
     apt-get install python-pip
     pip install -U pip
-Install dependencies needed to build the code with ``pip`` package manager.
+To build the code with ``pip`` package manager, install the following
+For CentOS, run:
-    #CentOS
     yum install python-devel libffi-devel gcc openssl-devel libselinux-python
-    #Ubuntu
+For Ubuntu, run:
     apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev gcc libssl-dev python-selinux
 Kolla deploys OpenStack using `Ansible <>`__. Install
@@ -137,7 +88,9 @@ installed using:
     pip install -U ansible
-.. note:: It is recommended to use virtualenv to install non-system packages.
+.. note::
+   It is recommended to use virtualenv to install non-system packages.
 If DEB based systems include a version of Ansible that meets Kolla's version
 requirements it can be installed by:
@@ -146,200 +99,59 @@ requirements it can be installed by:
     apt-get install ansible
-   Kolla uses `Python Build Reasonableness (PBR) <>`_
-   in its implementation. ``PBR`` provides version information to Kolla about
-   the package in use. This information is later used when building images to
-   specify the Docker tag used in the image built. When installing the Kolla
-   package via pip, ``PBR`` will always use the ``PBR`` version information.
-   When obtaining a copy of the software via git, ``PBR`` will use the git
-   version information, but **ONLY** if Kolla has not been pip installed via
-   the pip package manager. This is why there is an operator workflow and a
-   developer workflow.
-The following dependencies can be installed by bootstraping the host machine
-as described in the `Automatic host bootstrap`_ section. For manual
-installation, follow the instructions below:
-Since Docker is required to build images as well as be present on all deployed
-targets, the Kolla community recommends installing the official Docker, Inc.
-packaged version of Docker for maximum stability and compatibility with the
-following command:
+It's beneficial to add the following options to ansible
+configuration file ``/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg``:
-    curl -sSL | bash
+    [defaults]
+    host_key_checking=False
+    pipelining=True
+    forks=100
-This command will install the most recent stable version of Docker, but please
-note that Kolla releases are not in sync with Docker in any way, so some things
-could stop working with new version. The latest release of Kolla is tested to
-work with docker-engine>=1.10.0,!=1.13.0. To check your Docker version run this
-    docker --version
-When running with systemd, setup docker-engine with the appropriate information
-in the Docker daemon to launch with. This means setting up the following
-information in the ``docker.service`` file. If you do not set the MountFlags
-option correctly then ``kolla-ansible`` will fail to deploy the
-``neutron-dhcp-agent`` container and throws APIError/HTTPError. After adding
-the drop-in unit file as follows, reload and restart the Docker service:
-    # Create the drop-in unit directory for docker.service
-    mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
-    # Create the drop-in unit file
-    tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/kolla.conf <<-'EOF'
-    [Service]
-    MountFlags=shared
-    EOF
-Restart Docker by executing the following commands:
-    # Run these commands to reload the daemon
-    systemctl daemon-reload
-    systemctl restart docker
-On the target hosts you also need to install the latest version of the Docker
-python libraries with pip:
-    pip install -U docker
-OpenStack, RabbitMQ, and Ceph require all hosts to have matching times to
-ensure proper message delivery. In the case of Ceph, it will complain if the
-hosts differ by more than 0.05 seconds. Some OpenStack services have timers as
-low as 2 seconds by default. For these reasons it is highly recommended to
-setup an NTP service of some kind. While ``ntpd`` will achieve more accurate
-time for the deployment if the NTP servers are running in the local deployment
-environment, `chrony <>`_ is more accurate when
-syncing the time across a WAN connection. When running Ceph it is recommended
-to setup ``ntpd`` to sync time locally due to the tight time constraints.
-To install, start, and enable ntp on CentOS execute the following:
-    # CentOS 7
-    yum install ntp
-    systemctl enable ntpd.service
-    systemctl start ntpd.service
-To install and start on Debian based systems execute the following:
-    apt-get install ntp
-Libvirt is started by default on many operating systems. Please disable
-``libvirt`` on any machines that will be deployment targets. Only one copy of
-libvirt may be running at a time.
-    # CentOS 7
-    systemctl stop libvirtd.service
-    systemctl disable libvirtd.service
-    # Ubuntu
-    service libvirt-bin stop
-    update-rc.d libvirt-bin disable
-On Ubuntu, apparmor will sometimes prevent libvirt from working.
-   /usr/sbin/libvirtd: error while loading shared libraries:
- cannot open shared object file: Permission denied
-If you are seeing the libvirt container fail with the error above, disable the
-libvirt profile.
-    sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd
-.. note::
-    On Ubuntu 16.04, please uninstall lxd and lxc packages. (An issue exists
-    with cgroup mounts, mounts exponentially increasing when restarting
-    container).
-Additional steps for upstart and other non-systemd distros
-For other non-systemd distros, run the following.
-    mount --make-shared /run
-    mount --make-shared /var/lib/nova/mnt
-If /var/lib/nova/mnt is not present, do the workaround below.
-    mkdir -p /var/lib/nova/mnt /var/lib/nova/mnt1
-    mount --bind /var/lib/nova/mnt1 /var/lib/nova/mnt
-    mount --make-shared /var/lib/nova/mnt
-For mounting /run and /var/lib/nova/mnt as shared upon startup, edit
-/etc/rc.local to add the following.
-    mount --make-shared /run
-    mount --make-shared /var/lib/nova/mnt
-.. note::
-    If CentOS/Fedora/OracleLinux container images are built on an Ubuntu host,
-    the back-end storage driver must not be AUFS (see the known issues in
-    `Building Container Images`_).
+Install Kolla
 Install Kolla for deployment or evaluation
-Install kolla-ansible and its dependencies using pip.
+Install kolla-ansible and its dependencies using ``pip``.
     pip install kolla-ansible
-Copy the configuration files globals.yml and passwords.yml to /etc directory.
+Copy ``globals.yml`` and ``passwords.yml`` to ``/etc/kolla`` directory.
+For CentOS, run:
-    #CentOS
     cp -r /usr/share/kolla-ansible/etc_examples/kolla /etc/kolla/
-    #Ubuntu
-    cp -r /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/etc_examples/kolla /etc/kolla/
-The inventory files (all-in-one and multinode) are located in
-/usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory. Copy the configuration files
-to the current directory.
+For Ubuntu, run:
+    cp -r /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/etc_examples/kolla /etc/kolla/
+Copy the ``all-in-one`` and ``multinode`` inventory files to
+the current directory.
+For CentOS, run:
-   #CentOS
    cp /usr/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/* .
-   #Ubuntu
+For Ubuntu, run:
    cp /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/* .
 Install Kolla for development
 Clone the Kolla and Kolla-Ansible repositories from git.
@@ -348,331 +160,307 @@ Clone the Kolla and Kolla-Ansible repositories from git.
     git clone
     git clone
-Kolla-ansible holds configuration files (globals.yml and passwords.yml) in
-etc/kolla.  Copy the configuration files to /etc directory.
+Kolla-ansible holds the configuration files (``globals.yml`` and
+``passwords.yml``) in ``etc/kolla``. Copy the configuration
+files to ``/etc/kolla`` directory.
     cp -r kolla-ansible/etc/kolla /etc/kolla/
-Kolla-ansible holds the inventory files (all-in-one and multinode) in
-ansible/inventory. Copy the configuration files to the current directory.
+Kolla-ansible holds the inventory files (``all-in-one`` and ``multinode``)
+in ``ansible/inventory``. Copy the inventory files to the current
     cp kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/* .
-Local Registry
-A local registry is recommended but not required for an ``all-in-one``
-installation when developing for master. Since no master images are available
-on docker hub, the docker cache may be used for all-in-one deployments.  When
-deploying multinode, a registry is strongly recommended to serve as a single
-source of images. Reference the
-`Multinode Deployment of Kolla <>`_
-for more information on using a local Docker registry.
-Otherwise, the `Docker Hub Image Registry`_ contains all
-images from each of Kolla’s major releases. The latest release tag is 5.0.0 for
+Prepare initial configuration
-Automatic host bootstrap
-Edit the ``/etc/kolla/globals.yml`` file to configure interfaces.
+Next step is to prepare our inventory file. Inventory is an ansible file where
+we specify node roles and access credentials.
+Kolla-Ansible comes with ``all-in-one`` and ``multinode`` example inventory
+files. Difference between them is that the former is ready for deploying
+single node OpenStack on localhost. If you need to use separate host or more
+than one node, edit ``multinode`` inventory:
+Edit the first section of ``multinode`` with connection details of your environment,
+for example:
-    network_interface: "ens3"
-    neutron_external_interface: "ens4"
+    [control]
+    10.0.0.[10:12] ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_password=foobar ansible_become=true
+    # Ansible supports syntax like [10:12] - that means 10, 11 and 12.
+    # Become clausule means "use sudo".
-Generate passwords. This will populate all empty fields in the
-``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml`` file using randomly generated values to secure the
-deployment. Optionally, the passwords may be populated in the file by hand.
+    [network:children]
+    control
+    # when you specify group_name:children, it will use contents of group specified.
+    [compute]
+    10.0.0.[13:14] ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_password=foobar ansible_become=true
+    [monitoring]
+    # This group is for monitoring node.
+    # Fill it with one of the controllers' IP address or some others.
+    [storage:children]
+    compute
+    [deployment]
+    localhost       ansible_connection=local become=true
+    # use localhost and sudo
+To learn more about inventory files, check
+`Ansible documentation <>`_.
+To confirm that our inventory is correct, run:
+    ansible -m ping all
+.. note::
+    Ubuntu might not come with python pre-installed. That will cause
+    errors in ping module. To quickly install python with ansible you
+    can run ``ansible -m raw -a "apt-get -y install python-dev all"``
+Kolla passwords
+Passwords used in our deployment are stored in ``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml``
+file. All passwords are blank in this file and have to be filled either
+manually or by running random password generator:
+For deployment or evaluation, run:
-To quickly prepare hosts, playbook bootstrap-servers can be used. This is an
-Ansible playbook which works on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7 hosts to
-install and prepare the cluster for OpenStack installation.
+For development, run:
-    kolla-ansible -i <<inventory file>> bootstrap-servers
+    cd kolla-ansible/tools
+    ./
-Build container images
+Kolla globals.yml
-When running with systemd, edit the file
-to include the MTU size to be used for Docker containers.
+``globals.yml`` is the main configuration file for Kolla-Ansible.
+There are a few options that are required to deploy Kolla-Ansible:
+* Image options
-    [Service]
-    MountFlags=shared
-    ExecStart=
-    ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon \
-     -H fd:// \
-     --mtu 1400
+  User has to specify images that are going to be used for our deployment.
+  In this guide `DockerHub <>`__ provided
+  pre-built images are going to be used. To learn more about building
+  mechanism, please refer `image building documentation
+  <>`_.
-.. note::
+  Kolla provides choice of several Linux distributions in containers:
-    Depend of your Docker version and distro, ExecStart command may be
-    different which may cause Docker start failures. If your docker version
-    is >= 1.13.0, the ``docker daemon`` is moved to ``dockerd``, and should
-    be used instead. The default ExecStart command for your system can be
-    obtained from ``/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service``.
+  - Centos
+  - Ubuntu
+  - Oraclelinux
+  - Debian
+  - RHEL
-.. note::
+  For newcomers, we recommend to use CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 16.04.
-    The MTU size should be less than or equal to the MTU size allowed on the
-    network interfaces of the host machine. If the MTU size allowed on the
-    network interfaces of the host machine is 1500 then this step can be
-    skipped. This step is relevant for building containers. Actual openstack
-    services won't be affected.
+  ::
-.. note::
+      kolla_base_distro: "centos"
-   Verify that the MountFlags parameter is configured as shared. If you do not
-   set the MountFlags option correctly then kolla-ansible will fail to deploy the
-   neutron-dhcp-agent container and throws APIError/HTTPError.
+  Next "type" of installation needs to be configured.
+  Choices are:
-Restart Docker and ensure that Docker is running.
+  binary
+   using repositories like apt or yum
+  source
+   using raw source archives, git repositories or local source directory
-    systemctl daemon-reload
-    systemctl restart docker
+  .. note::
-The Kolla community builds and pushes tested images for each tagged release of
-Kolla. Pull required images with appropriate tags in target nodes.
+     This only affects OpenStack services. Infrastructure services like Ceph are
+     always "binary".
+  .. note::
-    kolla-ansible pull -i /path/to/all-in-one
+     Source builds are proven to be slightly more reliable than binary.
-View the images.
+  ::
+      kolla_install_type: "source"
-    docker images
+  To use DockerHub images, the default image tag has to be overriden. Images are
+  tagged with release names. For example to use stable Pike images set
-Developers running from master are required to build container images as the
-Docker Hub does not contain built images for the master branch. Reference the
-`Building Container Images`_ for more advanced build configuration.
+  ::
-To build images using default parameters run:
+      openstack_release: "pike"
+  It's important to use same version of images as kolla-ansible. That
+  means if pip was used to install kolla-ansible, that means it's latest stable
+  version so ``openstack release`` should be set to pike. If git was used with
+  master branch, DockerHub also provides daily builds of master branch (which is
+  tagged as ``master``):
-    kolla-build
+  ::
-By default kolla-build will build all containers using CentOS as the base image
-and binary installation as base installation method. To change this behavior,
-please use the following parameters with kolla-build:
+      openstack_release: "master"
+* Networking
-    --base [ubuntu|centos|oraclelinux]
-    --type [binary|source]
+  Kolla-Ansible requires a few networking options to be set.
+  We need to set network interfaces used by OpenStack.
-.. note::
+  First interface to set is "network_interface". This is the default interface
+  for multiple management-type networks.
-   ``--base`` and ``--type`` can be added to the above kolla-build command if
-   different distributions or types are desired.
+  ::
-It is also possible to build individual container images. As an example, if the
-glance images failed to build, all glance related images can be rebuilt as
+      network_interface: "eth0"
+  Second interface required is dedicated for Neutron external (or public) networks,
+  can be vlan or flat, depends on how the networks are created. This interface
+  should be active without IP address. If not, instances won't be able to access
+  to the external networks.
-    kolla-build glance
+  ::
-In order to see all available parameters, run:
+      neutron_external_interface: "eth1"
+  To learn more about network configuration, refer `Network overview
+  <>`_.
-    kolla-build -h
+  Next we need to provide floating IP for management traffic. This IP will be
+  managed by keepalived to provide high availability, and should be set to be
+  *not used* address in management network that is connected to our
+  ``network_interface``.
-View the images.
+  ::
+      kolla_internal_vip_address: ""
-    docker images
+* Enable additional services
+  By default Kolla-Ansible provides a bare compute kit, however it does provide
+  support for a vast selection of additional services. To enable them, set
+  ``enable_*`` to "yes". For example, to enable Block Storage service:
-    Mixing of OpenStack releases with Kolla releases (example, updating
-    kolla-build.conf to build Mitaka Keystone to be deployed with Newton Kolla) is
-    not recommended and will likely cause issues.
+  ::
-Deploy Kolla
+      enable_cinder: "yes"
-Kolla-Ansible is used to deploy containers by using images built by Kolla.
-There are two methods of deployment: *all-in-one* and *multinode*.  The
-*all-in-one* deployment is similar to `devstack
-<>`__ deploy which installs all
-OpenStack services on a single host. In the *multinode* deployment, OpenStack
-services can be run on specific hosts. This documentation describes deploying
-an *all-in-one* setup. To setup *multinode* see the
-`Multinode Deployment of Kolla <>`_.
+  Kolla now supports many OpenStack services, there is
+  `a list of available services
+  <>`_.
+  For more information about service configuration, Please refer to the
+  `Services Reference Guide
+  <>`_.
-.. note::
-    For *multinode* deployment of kolla, check if all the hostnames are
-    resolvable. RabbitMQ can't work with IP addresses, so we need to make
-    sure that all RabbitMQ cluster hosts can resolve each other's hostnames.
+After configuration is set, we can proceed to the deployment phase. First we
+need to setup basic host-level dependencies, like docker.
-Each method is represented as an Ansible inventory file. More information on
-the Ansible inventory file can be found in the Ansible `inventory introduction
+Kolla-Ansible provides a playbook that will install all required services in
+the correct versions.
-All variables for the environment can be specified in the files:
-``/etc/kolla/globals.yml`` and ``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml``.
+* For deployment or evaluation, run:
-Generate passwords for ``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml`` using the provided
-``kolla-genpwd`` tool. The tool will populate all empty fields in the
-``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml`` file using randomly generated values to secure the
-deployment. Optionally, the passwords may be populate in the file by hand.
+  #. Bootstrap servers with kolla deploy dependencies:
+     ::
-    kolla-genpwd
+         kolla-ansible -i ./multinode bootstrap-servers
-Start by editing ``/etc/kolla/globals.yml``. Check and edit, if needed, these
-parameters: ``kolla_base_distro``, ``kolla_install_type``. The default for
-``kolla_base_distro`` is ``centos`` and for ``kolla_install_type`` is
-``binary``. If you want to use ubuntu with source type, then you should make
-sure globals.yml has the following entries:
+  #. Do pre-deployment checks for hosts:
+     ::
-    kolla_base_distro: "ubuntu"
-    kolla_install_type: "source"
+         kolla-ansible -i ./multinode prechecks
-Please specify an unused IP address in the network to act as a VIP for
-``kolla_internal_vip_address``. The VIP will be used with keepalived and added
-to the ``api_interface`` as specified in the ``globals.yml``
+  #. Finally proceed to actual OpenStack deployment:
+     ::
-    kolla_internal_vip_address: “”
+         kolla-ansible -i ./multinode deploy
-.. note::
+* For development, run:
-    The kolla_internal_vip_address must be unique and should belong to the same
-    network to which the first network interface belongs to.
+  #. Bootstrap servers with kolla deploy dependencies:
-.. note::
+     ::
-    The kolla_base_distro and kolla_install_type should be same as base and
-    install_type used in kolla-build command line.
+         cd kolla-ansible/tools
+         ./kolla-ansible -i ./multinode bootstrap-servers
-The ``network_interface`` variable is the interface to which Kolla binds API
-services. For example, when starting Mariadb, it will bind to the IP on the
-interface list in the ``network_interface`` variable.
+  #. Do pre-deployment checks for hosts:
+     ::
-    network_interface: "ens3"
+         ./kolla-ansible -i ./multinode prechecks
-The ``neutron_external_interface`` variable is the interface that will be used
-for the external bridge in Neutron. Without this bridge the deployment instance
-traffic will be unable to access the rest of the Internet.
+  #. Finally proceed to actual OpenStack deployment:
+     ::
-    neutron_external_interface: "ens4"
+         ./kolla-ansible -i ./multinode deploy
-In case of deployment using the **nested** environment (eg. Using Virtualbox
-VM’s, KVM VM’s), verify if your compute node supports hardware acceleration for
-virtual machines by executing the following command in the *compute node*.
+When this playbook finishes, OpenStack should be up, running and functional!
+If error occurs during execution, refer to
+`troubleshooting guide <>`_.
+Using OpenStack
-    egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo
-If this command returns a value of **zero**, your compute node does not support
-hardware acceleration and you **must** configure libvirt to use **QEMU**
-instead of KVM. Create a file /etc/kolla/config/nova/nova-compute.conf and add
-the content shown below.
-    mkdir -p /etc/kolla/config/nova
-    cat << EOF > /etc/kolla/config/nova/nova-compute.conf
-    [libvirt]
-    virt_type = qemu
-    cpu_mode = none
-    EOF
-For *all-in-one* deployments, the following commands can be run. These will
-setup all of the containers on the localhost. These commands will be
-wrapped in the kolla-script in the future.
-.. note:: Even for all-in-one installs it is possible to use the Docker
-   registry for deployment, although not strictly required.
-First, validate that the deployment targets are in a state where Kolla may
-deploy to them. Provide the correct path to inventory file in the following
-    kolla-ansible prechecks -i /path/to/all-in-one
-Deploy OpenStack.
-    kolla-ansible deploy -i /path/to/all-in-one
-List the running containers.
-    docker ps -a
-Generate the ```` file. The file will be created in
-``/etc/kolla/`` directory.
+OpenStack requires an openrc file where credentials for admin user etc are set.
+To generate this file run
     kolla-ansible post-deploy
-Install the python-openstackclient as per followed installation.
-    pip install python-openstackclient
-To test your deployment, run the following commands to initialize the network
-with a glance image and neutron networks.
     . /etc/kolla/
-    #centOS
-    /usr/share/kolla-ansible/init-runonce
+Install basic OpenStack CLI clients:
-    #ubuntu
-    /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/init-runonce
-.. note::
+    pip install python-openstackclient python-glanceclient python-neutronclient
-    Different hardware results in variance with deployment times.
+Depending on how you installed Kolla-Ansible, there is script that will create
+example networks, images, and so on.
-After successful deployment of OpenStack, the Horizon dashboard will be
-available by entering IP address or hostname from ``kolla_external_fqdn``, or
-``kolla_internal_fqdn``. If these variables were not set during deploy they
-default to ``kolla_internal_vip_address``.
+For pip install and CentOS host:
+    . /usr/share/kolla-ansible/init-runonce
+For pip install and Ubuntu host:
+    . /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/init-runonce
+For git pulled source:
+    . kolla-ansible/tools/init-runonce
-.. _Docker Hub Image Registry:
-.. _launchpad bug:
-.. _Building Container Images: