Updates Heat Template for M3 Release

Updates the following:

1. Replaces Docker copr pkgs with binary
2. Updates docs
3. Adds compose from sdake GH repo
4. Adds required ebtables kernel module for nova-network
5. Adds container net/subnet info required for correct nova
networking functionality.
6. Consolidates pkgs installs from get-image script to the
heat template.

Change-Id: Ibec2dd5909bb8379c193b5cdbad665a5b6c2e8f8
This commit is contained in:
Daneyon Hansen 2015-03-24 00:32:27 +00:00
parent d944259056
commit cdb97831f5
5 changed files with 120 additions and 76 deletions

@ -17,10 +17,15 @@ networking has a configuration similar to:
Sharing pid and networking namespaces is detailed in the
[super privileged containers][] concept.
The Kolla cluster is based on Fedora 21, and makes use of the
[pkilambi/docker][] [COPR][] repository for Docker packages. This
is because Kolla requires a newer version of Docker not currently
packaged in Fedora 21.
The Kolla cluster is based on Fedora 21, requires the Docker 1.5.0-dev
[binary][] and runs a newer version of `docker-compose` that includes
pid: host support. One of the authors of Kolla has a pull request
outstanding that the docker-compose maintainers have said they
would merge shortly.
The pull request is:
These templates are designed to work with the Icehouse or Juno
versions of Heat. If using Icehouse Heat, this [patch][] is
@ -29,7 +34,7 @@ required to correct a bug with template validation when using the
[heat]: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Heat
[kolla]: https://launchpad.net/kolla
[pkilambi/docker]: https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/pkilambi/docker
[binary]: https://docs.docker.com/installation/binaries/
[copr]: https://copr.fedoraproject.org/
[spec]: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/153798/
[super privileged containers]: http://sdake.io/2015/01/28/an-atomic-upgrade-process-for-openstack-compute-nodes/
@ -45,7 +50,7 @@ devenv directory:
The script will create a Fedora 21 image with the required modifications.
Copy the image to your Glance image store:
Add the image to your Glance image store:
$ glance image-create --name "fedora-21-x86_64" \
--file /var/lib/libvirt/images/fedora-21-x86_64 \
@ -62,13 +67,31 @@ local.yaml:
ssh_key_name: admin-key
external_network_id: 028d70dd-67b8-4901-8bdd-0c62b06cce2d
container_external_network_id: 028d70dd-67b8-4901-8bdd-0c62b06cce2d
container_external_subnet_id: 575770dd-6828-1101-34dd-0c62b06fjf8s
The external_network_id is used by Heat to automatically assign
floating IP's to your Kolla nodes. You can then access your Kolla nodes
directly using the floating IP. The network ID is derived from the
`neutron net-list` command.
The container_external_network_id is used by the nova-network container
within the Kolla node as the FLAT_INTERFACE. The FLAT_INTERFACE tells Nova what
device to use (i.e. eth1) to pass network traffic between Nova instances
across Kolla nodes. This network should be seperate from the external_network_id
above and is derived from the 'neutron net-list' command.
The container_external_subnet_id: is the subnet equivalent to
Review the parameters section of kollacluster.yaml for a full list of
configuration options. **Note:** You must provide values for:
- `ssh_key_name`
- `external_network_id`
- `container_external_network_id`
- `container_external_subnet_id`
And then create the stack, referencing that environment file:
@ -87,57 +110,67 @@ You can ssh into that server as the `fedora` user:
$ ssh fedora@
And once logged in you can run Docker commands, etc:
Once logged into your Kolla node, setup your environment.
The basic starting environment will be created using `docker-compose`.
This environment will start up the openstack services listed in the
compose directory.
$ sudo docker images
To start, setup your environment variables.
$ cd kolla
$ ./tools/genenv
The `genenv` script will create a compose/openstack.env file
and an openrc file in your current directory. The openstack.env
file contains all of your initialized environment variables, which
you can edit for a different setup.
Next, run the start script.
$ ./tools/start
The `start` script is responsible for starting the containers
using `docker-compose -f <osp-service-container> up -d`.
If you want to start a container set by hand use this template
$ docker-compose -f glance-api-registry.yml up -d
All Docker commands should be run from the directory of the Docker binaray,
by default this is `/`.
A few commands for debugging the system.
$ sudo docker images
$ sudo ./docker images
Lists all images that have been pulled from the upstream kollaglue repository
thus far. This can be run on the node during the `./start` operation to
check on the download progress.
$ sudo docker ps -a
$ sudo ./docker ps -a
This will show all processes that docker has started. Removing the `-a` will
show only active processes. This can be run on the node during the `./start`
operation to check that the containers are orchestrated.
$ sudo docker logs <containerid>
$ sudo ./docker logs <containerid>
This shows the logging output of each service in a container. The containerid
can be obtained via the `docker ps` operation. This can be run on the node
during the `./start` operation to debug the container.
$ sudo systemctl restart docker
$ curl http://<NODE_IP>:3306
Restarts the Docker service on the node.
$ journalctl -f -l -xn -u docker
This shows log output on the server for the docker daemon and can be filed
in bug reports in the upstream launchpad tracker.
$ telnet <NODE_IP> 3306
You can use telnet to test connectivity to a container. This example demonstrates
You can use curl to test connectivity to a container. This example demonstrates
the Mariadb service is running on the node. Output should appear as follows
$ telnet 3306
$ curl
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

@ -3,26 +3,21 @@
# This script expects the following to be installed:
# curl, libguestfs-tools-c
if ! [ -f "$IMAGE" ]; then
echo "Downloading $IMAGE"
curl -O http://archive.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/21/Cloud/Images/x86_64/$IMAGE
echo "Copying $IMAGE to $TARGET"
virt-customize \
--install $PACKAGES \
--update \
--install $PACKAGES \
--run-command "yum clean all" \
--run-command "cat > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 <<EOF

@ -15,7 +15,16 @@ parameters:
type: string
description: uuid of a network to use for floating ip addresses
description: uuid of a network to use for aaccessing Kolla hosts by floating ip address
type: string
description: uuid of a network to use for container floating ip addresses
type: string
description: uuid of a subnet to use for container floating ip addresses
@ -100,6 +109,8 @@ resources:
fixed_network_id: {get_resource: fixed_network}
fixed_subnet_id: {get_resource: fixed_subnet}
external_network_id: {get_param: external_network_id}
container_external_network_id: {get_param: container_external_network_id}
container_external_subnet_id: {get_param: container_external_subnet_id}

@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ parameters:
type: string
description: uuid of a network to use for kolla host floating ip addresses
type: string
description: uuid of a network to use for container floating ip addresses
type: string
description: uuid of a subnet to use for container floating ip addresses
# The following are all generated in the parent template.
type: string
@ -136,54 +144,46 @@ resources:
template: |
yum -y upgrade
# Latest packages
yum clean all
yum -y update
# Remove network manager
yum -y remove NetworkManager
chkconfig network on
# enable dnf command
yum -y install ntp dnf dnf-plugins-core
# Install base packages
yum -y install wget ntp git tcpdump python-pip
# Docker packages
dnf -y copr enable pkilambi/docker
dnf -y install docker
# Install Docker binaries
# TODO Use pkg when API 1.18 is available
wget https://master.dockerproject.com/linux/amd64/docker-1.5.0-dev -O docker
chmod +x docker
./docker -d &
# Start Docker
systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker
# Install Compose with pid=host support
# TODO: Use pkg when github.com/docker/compose/pull/1011 is merged
git clone http://github.com/sdake/fig
cd fig
pip install -e .
pip install -U docker-py
pip install -e .
pip install six==1.7.3
# Pull the Kolla repo
cd /root
curl -L -O https://github.com/stackforge/kolla/archive/version-m3.tar.gz
tar -xvf version-m3.tar.gz
mv kolla-version-m3 kolla
# Load ebtables kernel module required for networking
modprobe ebtables
# Start NTP
systemctl enable ntpd
systemctl start ntpd
# Directory where the fig container reads yaml files
mkdir -p /opt/docker-compose
# Sample yaml file for testing
cat << EOF > /opt/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
image: kollaglue/fedora-rdo-rabbitmq
net: "host"
- "5672:5672"
- "15672:15672"
- "4369:4369"
- "25672:25672"
privileged: true
# Pull the fig image
docker pull kollaglue/fedora-rdo-docker-compose
# Up the RabbitMQ test container-set
docker run --privileged -v /opt/docker-compose:/opt/docker-compose \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
kollaglue/fedora-rdo-docker-compose up -d
# Send the CFN signal
cfn-signal -e0 --data 'OK' -r 'Setup complete' '$WAIT_HANDLE'
@ -210,9 +210,12 @@ resources:
type: "OS::Neutron::Port"
get_param: external_network_id
get_param: container_external_network_id
- get_resource: secgroup_all_open
- subnet_id:
get_param: container_external_subnet_id
type: "OS::Neutron::FloatingIP"

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
ssh_key_name: <YOUR_NOVA_KEYPAIR>
external_network_id: <NEUTRON_EXTERNAL_NET_ID>
container_external_network_id: <NEUTRON_EXTERNAL_NET_ID2>
container_external_subnet_id: <NEUTRON_EXTERNAL_SUBNETNET_ID2>