From 3dfc763bb8c937707754de1fedcb450449c33b10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rui Yuan Dou <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 16:26:38 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Doc syntax error and expressions updates

Correct syntax error for Deployment Philosophy doc.
Update node types descriptions for more unified in doc Production

Change-Id: I9266a72eb88d9c4c52673bbdecc952b684a56d12
 doc/deployment-philosophy.rst         | 4 ++--
 doc/production-architecture-guide.rst | 8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/deployment-philosophy.rst b/doc/deployment-philosophy.rst
index 83cd28ae01..959148e4ce 100644
--- a/doc/deployment-philosophy.rst
+++ b/doc/deployment-philosophy.rst
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ Overview
 Kolla has an objective to replace the inflexible, painful, resource-intensive
 deployment process of OpenStack with a flexible, painless, inexpensive
-deployment process. Often to deploy OpenStack at the 100+ node scale small
-businesses may require means building a team of OpenStack professionals to
+deployment process. Often to deploy OpenStack at the 100+ nodes scale, small
+businesses may require building a team of OpenStack professionals to
 maintain and manage the OpenStack deployment. Finding people experienced in
 OpenStack deployment is very difficult and expensive, resulting in a big
 barrier for OpenStack adoption. Kolla seeks to remedy this set of problems by
diff --git a/doc/production-architecture-guide.rst b/doc/production-architecture-guide.rst
index db0d49d3a6..222bf16835 100644
--- a/doc/production-architecture-guide.rst
+++ b/doc/production-architecture-guide.rst
@@ -14,18 +14,18 @@ Node types and services running on them
 A basic Kolla inventory consists of several types of nodes, known in Ansible as
-* Controller - This is the cloud controller node. It hosts control services
+* Controller - Cloud controller nodes which host control services
   like APIs and databases. This group should have odd number of nodes for
-* Network - This is the network node. It will host Neutron agents along with
+* Network - Network nodes host Neutron agents along with
   haproxy / keepalived. These nodes will have a floating ip defined in
-* Compute - These are servers for compute services. This is where guest VMs
+* Compute - Compute nodes for compute services. This is where guest VMs
-* Storage - Storage servers, for cinder-volume, LVM or ceph-osd.
+* Storage - Storage nodes, for cinder-volume, LVM or ceph-osd.
 Network configuration