--- - hosts: all any_errors_fatal: true tasks: # NOTE(yoctozepto): ensure we pick up fact changes from pre - name: Refresh facts setup: # NOTE(yoctozepto): setting vars as facts for all to have them around in all the plays - name: set facts for commonly used variables vars: # NOTE(yoctozepto): needed here to use in other facts too openstack_core_enabled: "{{ scenario not in ['bifrost', 'mariadb'] }}" set_fact: kolla_inventory_path: "/etc/kolla/inventory" logs_dir: "/tmp/logs" kolla_ansible_src_dir: "{{ ansible_env.PWD }}/src/{{ zuul.project.canonical_hostname }}/openstack/kolla-ansible" kolla_ansible_local_src_dir: "{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/src/{{ zuul.project.canonical_hostname }}/openstack/kolla-ansible" infra_dockerhub_mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}:8082/" need_build_image: false build_image_tag: "change_{{ zuul.change | default('none') }}" openstack_core_enabled: "{{ openstack_core_enabled }}" openstack_core_tested: "{{ scenario in ['core', 'ceph', 'cinder-lvm', 'cells', 'swift'] }}" dashboard_enabled: "{{ openstack_core_enabled }}" # TODO(mgoddard): Remove when previous_release is ussuri. playbook_python_version: "{{ '2' if is_upgrade and previous_release == 'train' else '3' }}" - name: Install xfsprogs package for Swift filesystems become: true package: name: xfsprogs when: scenario == 'swift' - name: Prepare disks for a storage service script: "setup_disks.sh {{ disk_type }}" when: scenario in ['cinder-lvm', 'ceph', 'zun', 'swift'] become: true vars: disk_type: "{{ ceph_storetype if scenario == 'ceph' else scenario }}" ceph_storetype: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].get('ceph_osd_storetype') }}" - hosts: primary any_errors_fatal: true tasks: - name: detect whether need build images set_fact: need_build_image: true when: - item.project.short_name == "kolla" - item.branch == zuul.branch with_items: "{{ zuul['items'] }}" - name: enable building images on AArch64 set_fact: need_build_image: true when: - ansible_architecture == 'aarch64' # NOTE(yoctozepto): required to template template_overrides.j2 for Zuul - name: Include kolla Zuul vars if building new images include_vars: file: "{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/src/opendev.org/openstack/kolla/tests/vars/zuul.yml" when: need_build_image # only then kolla sources are available (and used) # NOTE(mgoddard): This only affects the remote copy of the repo, not the # one on the executor. - name: checkout the previous kolla-ansible branch shell: cmd: | git checkout stable/{{ previous_release | lower }} echo "kolla-ansible checked out to:" git log --pretty=oneline -1 chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: is_upgrade - name: ensure /etc/kolla exists file: path: "/etc/kolla" state: "directory" mode: 0777 become: true # NOTE(yoctozepto): required to customize kolla to use local mirrors - name: Template template_overrides.j2 template: src: "{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/src/opendev.org/openstack/kolla/tests/templates/template_overrides.j2" dest: /etc/kolla/template_overrides.j2 when: need_build_image # only then kolla sources are available (and used) - name: Ensure /etc/docker exists file: path: "/etc/docker" state: directory become: true - name: Ensure configuration directories exist file: path: "/etc/kolla/config/{{ item }}" state: directory loop: - nova - bifrost - swift - name: generate configuration files template: src: "{{ kolla_ansible_local_src_dir }}/{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" become: "{{ item.become | default(false) }}" vars: is_previous_release: "{{ is_upgrade }}" with_items: # Ansible inventory - src: "tests/templates/inventory.j2" dest: "{{ kolla_inventory_path }}" # globals.yml - src: "tests/templates/globals-default.j2" dest: /etc/kolla/globals.yml # nova-compute.conf - src: "tests/templates/nova-compute-overrides.j2" dest: /etc/kolla/config/nova/nova-compute.conf when: "{{ openstack_core_enabled }}" # ceph.conf - src: "tests/templates/ceph-overrides.j2" dest: /etc/kolla/config/ceph.conf when: "{{ scenario == 'ceph' }}" # bifrost/dib.yml - src: "tests/templates/bifrost-dib-overrides.j2" dest: /etc/kolla/config/bifrost/dib.yml when: "{{ scenario == 'bifrost' }}" # ironic.conf - src: "tests/templates/ironic-overrides.j2" dest: /etc/kolla/config/ironic.conf when: "{{ scenario == 'ironic' }}" when: item.when | default(true) - block: - name: ensure ironic config directory exists file: path: /etc/kolla/config/ironic state: directory mode: 0777 - name: download Ironic Python Agent (IPA) images get_url: url: "https://tarballs.openstack.org/ironic-python-agent/tinyipa/files/{{ item.src }}" dest: "/etc/kolla/config/ironic/{{ item.dest }}" with_items: - src: "tinyipa-{{ zuul.branch | replace('/', '-') }}.gz" dest: ironic-agent.initramfs - src: "tinyipa-{{ zuul.branch | replace('/', '-') }}.vmlinuz" dest: ironic-agent.kernel when: scenario == "ironic" - name: ensure /etc/ansible exists file: path: /etc/ansible state: directory become: true - name: install kolla-ansible and dependencies vars: # Test latest ansible version on Ubuntu, minimum supported on others. ansible_version_constraint: "{{ '>=2.6' if base_distro == 'ubuntu' else '<2.7' }}" pip: name: - "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - "ansible{{ ansible_version_constraint }}" - "ara<1.0.0" # TODO(mgoddard): Always use pip3 when previous_release is ussuri. executable: "pip{{ playbook_python_version }}" become: true # TODO(mgoddard): Always use python3 when previous_release is ussuri. - name: get ARA callback plugin path command: "python{{ playbook_python_version }} -m ara.setup.callback_plugins" changed_when: false register: ara_callback_plugins - name: template ansible.cfg template: src: "{{ kolla_ansible_local_src_dir }}/tests/templates/ansible.cfg.j2" dest: /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg become: true - name: copy passwords.yml file copy: src: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}/etc/kolla/passwords.yml" dest: /etc/kolla/passwords.yml remote_src: true - name: generate passwords command: kolla-genpwd - name: slurp kolla passwords slurp: src: /etc/kolla/passwords.yml register: passwords_yml - name: write out kolla SSH private key copy: content: "{{ (passwords_yml.content | b64decode | from_yaml).kolla_ssh_key.private_key }}" dest: ~/.ssh/id_rsa_kolla mode: 0600 - name: authorise kolla public key for zuul user authorized_key: user: "{{ ansible_env.USER }}" key: "{{ (passwords_yml.content | b64decode | from_yaml).kolla_ssh_key.public_key }}" # Delegate to each host in turn. If more tasks require execution on all # hosts in future, break out into a separate play. with_inventory_hostnames: - all delegate_to: "{{ item }}" - name: Record the running state of the environment as seen by the setup module shell: cmd: ansible all -i {{ kolla_inventory_path }} -e ansible_user={{ ansible_user }} -m setup > /tmp/logs/ansible/initial-setup - name: Set facts for actions set_fact: # NOTE(yoctozepto): no support for upgrades for now docker_image_tag: "{{ build_image_tag if need_build_image else zuul.branch | basename }}" docker_image_prefix: "{{ 'primary:4000/lokolla/' if need_build_image else 'kolla/' }}" # NOTE(mgoddard): We are using the script module here and later to ensure # we use the local copy of these scripts, rather than the one on the remote # host, which could be checked out to a previous release (in an upgrade # job). - name: Run setup_gate.sh script script: cmd: setup_gate.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" environment: BASE_DISTRO: "{{ base_distro }}" INSTALL_TYPE: "{{ install_type }}" BUILD_IMAGE: "{{ need_build_image }}" TAG: "{{ build_image_tag }}" KOLLA_SRC_DIR: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/src/opendev.org/openstack/kolla" SCENARIO: "{{ scenario }}" - name: Run init-swift.sh script script: cmd: init-swift.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" environment: KOLLA_SWIFT_BASE_IMAGE: "{{ docker_image_prefix }}{{ base_distro }}-{{ install_type }}-swift-base:{{ docker_image_tag }}" # NOTE(yoctozepto): no IPv6 for now STORAGE_NODES: "{{ groups['all'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_'+api_interface_name, 'ipv4', 'address']) | join(' ') }}" when: scenario == 'swift' # At this point we have generated all necessary configuration, and are # ready to deploy the control plane services. Control flow now depends on # the scenario being exercised. # Deploy control plane. For upgrade jobs this is the previous release. - block: - name: Run deploy.sh script script: cmd: deploy.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" # NOTE(yoctozepto): this is nice as the first step after the deployment # because it waits for the services to stabilize well enough so that # the dashboard is able to show the login prompt - name: Run test-dashboard.sh script script: cmd: test-dashboard.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: dashboard_enabled - name: Run init-core-openstack.sh script script: cmd: init-core-openstack.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: openstack_core_tested or scenario in ['ironic', 'scenario_nfv', 'zun'] - name: Run test-core-openstack.sh script script: cmd: test-core-openstack.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" environment: SCENARIO: "{{ scenario }}" when: openstack_core_tested - name: Run test-zun.sh script script: cmd: test-zun.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: scenario == 'zun' - name: Run test-swift.sh script script: cmd: test-swift.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: scenario == 'swift' - name: Run test-scenario-nfv.sh script script: cmd: test-scenario-nfv.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: scenario == "scenario_nfv" - name: Run test-ironic.sh script script: cmd: test-ironic.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: scenario == "ironic" - name: Run test-masakari.sh script script: cmd: test-masakari.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: scenario == "masakari" - name: Run test-mariadb.sh script script: cmd: test-mariadb.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: scenario == "mariadb" when: scenario != "bifrost" # NOTE(yoctozepto): each host checks itself - hosts: all any_errors_fatal: true tasks: - name: Pre-upgrade sanity checks block: - name: Run pre-upgrade check-failure.sh script shell: cmd: tests/check-failure.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - name: Run pre-upgrade check-config.sh script shell: cmd: tests/check-config.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" # Using script rather than shell here because check-logs.sh does not # exist in Stein branch. - name: Run check-logs.sh script script: cmd: check-logs.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: is_upgrade - hosts: primary any_errors_fatal: true tasks: # Upgrade: update config. - block: # NOTE(mgoddard): This only affects the remote copy of the repo, not the # one on the executor. - name: checkout the current kolla-ansible branch shell: cmd: | git checkout {{ zuul.branch }} echo "kolla-ansible checked out to:" git log --pretty=oneline -1 chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - name: Generate configuration files template: src: "{{ kolla_ansible_local_src_dir }}/{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" vars: is_previous_release: false with_items: # Ansible inventory - src: "tests/templates/inventory.j2" dest: "{{ kolla_inventory_path }}" # globals.yml - src: "tests/templates/globals-default.j2" dest: /etc/kolla/globals.yml # nova-compute.conf - src: "tests/templates/nova-compute-overrides.j2" dest: /etc/kolla/config/nova/nova-compute.conf # ceph.conf - src: "tests/templates/ceph-overrides.j2" dest: /etc/kolla/config/ceph.conf when: "{{ scenario == 'ceph' }}" when: item.when | default(true) # TODO(mgoddard): Remove this block when previous_release is ussuri. - block: - name: remove ansible and ARA for python 2 pip: name: - ansible - ara executable: pip2 state: absent become: true - name: install ansible and ARA for python 3 vars: # Test latest ansible version on Ubuntu, minimum supported on others. ansible_version_constraint: "{{ '>=2.6' if base_distro == 'ubuntu' else '<2.7' }}" pip: name: - "ansible{{ ansible_version_constraint }}" - "ara<1.0.0" executable: pip3 become: true - name: get ARA callback plugin path command: "python3 -m ara.setup.callback_plugins" changed_when: false register: ara_callback_plugins - name: template ansible.cfg template: src: "{{ kolla_ansible_local_src_dir }}/tests/templates/ansible.cfg.j2" dest: /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg become: true - name: upgrade kolla-ansible pip: name: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" executable: pip3 become: true # Update passwords.yml to include any new passwords added in this # release. - name: move passwords.yml to passwords.yml.old command: mv /etc/kolla/passwords.yml /etc/kolla/passwords.yml.old - name: copy passwords.yml file copy: src: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}/etc/kolla/passwords.yml" dest: /etc/kolla/passwords.yml remote_src: true - name: generate new passwords command: kolla-genpwd - name: merge old and new passwords command: >- kolla-mergepwd --old /etc/kolla/passwords.yml.old --new /etc/kolla/passwords.yml --final /etc/kolla/passwords.yml # Perform an upgrade to the in-development code. - name: Run upgrade.sh script shell: cmd: tests/upgrade.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" # NOTE(yoctozepto): this is nice as the first step after the upgrade # because it waits for the services to stabilize well enough so that # the dashboard is able to show the login prompt - name: Run test-dashboard.sh script shell: cmd: tests/test-dashboard.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: dashboard_enabled - name: Run test-core-openstack.sh script shell: cmd: tests/test-core-openstack.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" environment: SCENARIO: "{{ scenario }}" when: openstack_core_tested when: is_upgrade # Bifrost testing. - block: - name: Run deploy-bifrost.sh script shell: cmd: tests/deploy-bifrost.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - name: Run test-bifrost.sh script shell: cmd: tests/test-bifrost.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - name: Run upgrade-bifrost.sh script shell: cmd: tests/upgrade-bifrost.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: scenario == "bifrost" # NOTE(yoctozepto): each host checks itself - hosts: all any_errors_fatal: true tasks: - name: Post-deploy/upgrade sanity checks block: - name: Run check-failure.sh script shell: cmd: tests/check-failure.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - name: Run check-config.sh script shell: cmd: tests/check-config.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - name: Run check-logs.sh script shell: cmd: tests/check-logs.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - hosts: primary any_errors_fatal: true tasks: - name: Run reconfigure.sh script script: cmd: reconfigure.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: - not is_upgrade - scenario != "bifrost" # NOTE(yoctozepto): each host checks itself - hosts: all any_errors_fatal: true tasks: - name: Post-reconfigure sanity checks block: - name: Run check-failure.sh script shell: cmd: tests/check-failure.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - name: Run check-config.sh script shell: cmd: tests/check-config.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" - name: Run check-logs.sh script shell: cmd: tests/check-logs.sh executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ kolla_ansible_src_dir }}" when: - not is_upgrade - scenario != "bifrost"