--- - name: Cheching for mariadb cluster fail: msg: "MariaDB cluster was not found. Is your inventory correct?" when: not has_cluster | bool - name: Cleaning up temp file on mariadb hosts file: path: /tmp/kolla_mariadb_grastate.dat state: absent changed_when: false check_mode: no - name: Cleaning up temp file on localhost file: path: /tmp/kolla_mariadb_recover_inventory_name state: absent delegate_to: localhost changed_when: false check_mode: no run_once: true - block: - name: Stop MariaDB containers become: true kolla_docker: name: "{{ mariadb_service.container_name }}" action: "stop_container" # Run wsrep recovery with detach=false to block until completion. Use a # different container name to avoid the mariadb container being removed. - name: Run MariaDB wsrep recovery become: true kolla_docker: action: "start_container" common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}" detach: false environment: KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}" BOOTSTRAP_ARGS: "--wsrep-recover" image: "{{ mariadb_service.image }}" labels: BOOTSTRAP: name: mariadb_wsrep_recovery restart_policy: no volumes: "{{ mariadb_service.volumes }}" - name: Copying MariaDB log file to /tmp become: true shell: "docker cp {{ mariadb_service.container_name }}:/var/log/kolla/mariadb/mariadb.log /tmp/mariadb_tmp.log" # Look for sequence number in logs. Format is: # WSREP: Recovered position: :. - name: Get MariaDB wsrep recovery seqno become: true shell: tail -n 200 /tmp/mariadb_tmp.log | awk -F" " '$0~/Recovered position/{print $NF;exit;}' | awk -F":" '{print $2}' register: wsrep_recovery_seqno - name: Removing MariaDB log file from /tmp become: true file: path: /tmp/mariadb_tmp.log state: absent changed_when: false check_mode: no - name: Registering MariaDB seqno variable set_fact: seqno: "{{ wsrep_recovery_seqno.stdout_lines[0] }}" changed_when: false - name: Comparing seqno value on all mariadb hosts shell: cmd: | if [[ ! -z {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['seqno'] }} && ! -z {{ hostvars[item]['seqno'] }} && {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['seqno'] }} =~ ^[0-9]+$ && {{ hostvars[item]['seqno'] }} =~ ^[0-9]+$ && {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['seqno'] }} -lt {{ hostvars[item]['seqno'] }} ]]; then echo {{ hostvars[item]['seqno'] }}; fi with_items: "{{ groups['mariadb'] }}" register: seqno_compare args: executable: /bin/bash changed_when: false - name: Writing hostname of host with the largest seqno to temp file copy: content: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" dest: /tmp/kolla_mariadb_recover_inventory_name mode: 0644 delegate_to: localhost changed_when: false when: seqno_compare.results | map(attribute='stdout') | join('') == "" - name: Registering mariadb_recover_inventory_name from temp file set_fact: mariadb_recover_inventory_name: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/kolla_mariadb_recover_inventory_name') }}" when: - mariadb_recover_inventory_name is not defined - name: Store bootstrap and master hostnames into facts set_fact: bootstrap_host: "{{ mariadb_recover_inventory_name }}" master_host: "{{ mariadb_recover_inventory_name }}" changed_when: true - name: Copying grastate.dat file from MariaDB container in bootstrap host become: true command: "docker cp {{ mariadb_service.container_name }}:/var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat /tmp/kolla_mariadb_grastate.dat" changed_when: false when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host == inventory_hostname - name: Set grastate.dat file from MariaDB container in bootstrap host become: true lineinfile: dest: /tmp/kolla_mariadb_grastate.dat regexp: 'safe_to_bootstrap:(.*)$' line: 'safe_to_bootstrap: 1' state: present when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host == inventory_hostname - name: Copying grastate.dat file to mariadb container become: true command: docker cp /tmp/kolla_mariadb_grastate.dat mariadb:/var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat changed_when: false when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host == inventory_hostname - name: Starting first MariaDB container become: true kolla_docker: action: "start_container" common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}" environment: KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}" BOOTSTRAP_ARGS: "--wsrep-new-cluster" image: "{{ mariadb_service.image }}" labels: BOOTSTRAP: name: "{{ mariadb_service.container_name }}" restart_policy: no volumes: "{{ mariadb_service.volumes }}" when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host == inventory_hostname - name: Wait for first MariaDB container wait_for: host: "{{ api_interface_address }}" port: "{{ mariadb_port }}" connect_timeout: 1 timeout: 60 search_regex: "MariaDB" register: check_mariadb_port until: check_mariadb_port is success retries: 10 delay: 6 when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host == inventory_hostname - name: Set first MariaDB container as primary become: true shell: "docker exec {{ mariadb_service.container_name }} mysql -uroot -p{{ database_password }} -e \"SET GLOBAL wsrep_provider_options='pc.bootstrap=yes';\"" no_log: True when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host == inventory_hostname - name: Wait for MariaDB to become operational become: true command: >- docker exec {{ mariadb_service.container_name }} mysql -uroot -p{{ database_password }} --silent --skip-column-names -e 'SHOW STATUS LIKE "wsrep_evs_state"' changed_when: false register: result until: '"OPERATIONAL" in result.stdout' retries: 10 delay: 6 no_log: true when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host == inventory_hostname - name: Restart slave MariaDB container become: true kolla_docker: action: "start_container" common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}" name: "{{ mariadb_service.container_name }}" image: "{{ mariadb_service.image }}" volumes: "{{ mariadb_service.volumes }}" dimensions: "{{ mariadb_service.dimensions }}" when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host != inventory_hostname - name: Wait for slave MariaDB wait_for: host: "{{ api_interface_address }}" port: "{{ mariadb_port }}" connect_timeout: 1 timeout: 60 search_regex: "MariaDB" register: check_mariadb_port until: check_mariadb_port is success retries: 10 delay: 6 when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host != inventory_hostname - name: Restart master MariaDB container become: true kolla_docker: action: "recreate_or_restart_container" common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}" name: "{{ mariadb_service.container_name }}" image: "{{ mariadb_service.image }}" volumes: "{{ mariadb_service.volumes }}" dimensions: "{{ mariadb_service.dimensions }}" when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host == inventory_hostname - name: Wait for master mariadb wait_for: host: "{{ api_interface_address }}" port: "{{ mariadb_port }}" connect_timeout: 1 timeout: 60 search_regex: "MariaDB" register: check_mariadb_port until: check_mariadb_port is success retries: 10 delay: 6 when: - bootstrap_host is defined - bootstrap_host == inventory_hostname - import_tasks: wait_for_loadbalancer.yml