By default, Ansible injects a variable for every fact, prefixed with ansible_. This can result in a large number of variables for each host, which at scale can incur a performance penalty. Ansible provides a configuration option [0] that can be set to False to prevent this injection of facts. In this case, facts should be referenced via ansible_facts.<fact>. This change updates all references to Ansible facts within Kolla Ansible from using individual fact variables to using the items in the ansible_facts dictionary. This allows users to disable fact variable injection in their Ansible configuration, which may provide some performance improvement. This change disables fact variable injection in the ansible configuration used in CI, to catch any attempts to use the injected variables. [0] https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/config.html#inject-facts-as-vars Change-Id: I7e9d5c9b8b9164d4aee3abb4e37c8f28d98ff5d1 Partially-Implements: blueprint performance-improvements
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# NOTE(awiddersheim): Gather facts for all hosts as a
# first step since several plays below require them when
# building their configurations.
- name: Gather facts for all hosts
hosts: all
serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
gather_facts: true
- name: Group hosts to determine when using --limit
key: "all_using_limit_{{ (ansible_play_batch | length) != (groups['all'] | length) }}"
changed_when: false
tags: always
# NOTE(pbourke): This case covers deploying subsets of hosts using --limit. The
# limit arg will cause the first play to gather facts only about that node,
# meaning facts such as IP addresses for rabbitmq nodes etc. will be undefined
# in the case of adding a single compute node.
# NOTE(mgoddard): Divide all hosts to be queried between the hosts selected via
# the limit.
- name: Gather facts for all hosts (if using --limit)
hosts: all_using_limit_True
serial: '{{ kolla_serial|default("0") }}'
gather_facts: false
batch_index: "{{ ansible_play_batch.index(inventory_hostname) }}"
batch_size: "{{ ansible_play_batch | length }}"
# Use a python list slice to divide the group up.
# Syntax: [<start index>:<end index>:<step size>]
delegate_hosts: "{{ groups['all'][batch_index | int::batch_size | int] }}"
- name: Gather facts
delegate_facts: True
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ delegate_hosts }}"
# We gathered facts for all hosts in the batch during the first play.
- not hostvars[item].ansible_facts.module_setup | default(false)
tags: always