Atleast in a script, sudo can be made to only allow the script to run from the mysql process in the future, versus all the proceesses being able to be executed as root presently. Change-Id: I030b57086e37e4dc8f668f98c04335d94ab9d2b0 Partially-Implements: blueprint drop-root
22 lines
509 B
22 lines
509 B
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout 10
spawn mysql_secure_installation
expect "Enter current password for root (enter for none):"
send "\r"
expect "Set root password?"
send "y\r"
expect "New password:"
send "$env(DB_ROOT_PASSWORD)\r"
expect "Re-enter new password:"
send "$env(DB_ROOT_PASSWORD)\r"
expect "Remove anonymous users?"
send "y\r"
expect "Disallow root login remotely?"
send "n\r"
expect "Remove test database and access to it?"
send "y\r"
expect "Reload privilege tables now?"
send "y\r"
expect eof