Co-Authored-By: Swapnil Kulkarni <me@coolsvap.net" Change-Id: I81e5e6bfde3323e6917e3d61e3db760e2fec2019 Implements: blueprint gnocchi-containers
15 KiB
Executable File
Integrating with Kolla
This guide describes how to integrate with Kolla. The main integration path is
via docker-compose using docker-compose YML files. Each container set has
a common YML and associated openstack.env
. The openstack.env
describes the command line environment to pass to the docker-compose yml files.
Why integrate with Kolla?
Integrating with Kolla takes a hard part of managing an OpenStack system, specifically managing the container images, and places the burden on a third party project. We strive to do an excellent job of providing world-class OpenStack containers at least as a reference architecture, and possibly as what may be desirable to deploy into live production.
Docker Command Line Arguments
Every container set YML file includes the necessary docker CLI operations needed to launch the container in a tidy YML file. Instead of guessing which set of command line operations are needed per container, the docker-compose YML file can be used directly and will pass the appropriate command line values to the container on container start.
The parameterized docker features used by kolla are:
- --pid=host
- --net=host
- -v host:container
- --privileged
These parameterized features are not exposed to the user. Instead they are executed via docker-compose.
Environment Variables
Rather then document which individual containers require specific configuration variables, Kolla integration requires passing all configuration variables to all containers. This allows a simple method of ensuring every type of node (controller, storage, compute) receives the same configuration.
Environment Variable KEY/VALUE pairs
DEBUG_LOGGING=<true|false> - Defaults to false. Enable/disable debug level logging for all OpenStack services.
VERBOSE_LOGGING=<true|false> - Defaults to true. Enable/disable verbose level logging for all OpenStack services.
NOVA_LOG_DIR=<none> - Defaults to none. The base directory used for relative Nova --log-file paths.
NEUTRON_LOG_DIR<none> - Defaults to none. The base directory used for relative Neutron --log-file paths.
NOVA_API_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Nova API log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NOVA_CONDUCTOR_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Nova Conductor log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NOVA_SCHEDULER_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Nova Scheduler log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NOVA_COMPUTE_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Nova Compute log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NEUTRON_SERVER_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Neutron Server log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NEUTRON_L3_AGENT_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Neutron L3 Agent log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NEUTRON_LINUXBRIDGE_AGENT_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Neutron Linux Bridge Agent log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
NEUTRON_METADATA_AGENT_LOG_FILE=<none> Defaults to none. Name of Neutron Metadata Agent log file to output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stdout.
ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD=<steakfordinner> - The admin user password
ADMIN_TENANT_NAME=<admin> - tenant name
FLAT_INTERFACE=<eth1> - nova networking flat interface device name
DB_CLUSTER_BIND_ADDRESS=<subnet address/IP> - Defaults to Listening address for database.
DB_CLUSTER_INIT_DB=<true|false> - Defaults to false. Configures if Galera should be initialized.
DB_CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster-name>. Defaults to kollacluster. Galera cluster name.
DB_CLUSTER_NODES=<cluster-nodes>. Defaults to none. List of nodes in Galera cluster, separated by comma(IP address or hostname).
DB_CLUSTER_WSREP_METHOD=<rsync|mysqldump|xtremebackup|xtremebackup-v2> - Defaults to mysqldump. Galera replication method.
GLANCE_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - address where glance API is running>
GLANCE_DB_NAME=<glance> - DB name of glance service
GLANCE_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - <Glance DB password>
GLANCE_DB_USER=<glance> - User name of glance in the database
GLANCE_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<password> - Keystone DB password
GLANCE_KEYSTONE_USER=<keystone> - Glance Keystone User
GLANCE_REGISTRY_SERVICE_HOST=<glance IP> Glance registry service host
GNOCCHI_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password> - admin password for gnocchi user
GNOCCHI_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - address where gnocchi API is running
GNOCCHI_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<gnocchi> - Gnocchi keystone password
GNOCCHI_KEYSTONE_USER=<gnocchi> - Gnocchi Keystone User
GNOCCHI_SERVICE_PORT=<8041> - Port where gnocchi operates
GNOCCHI_STORAGE_BACKEND=<file> - Storage backend for gnocchi
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - IP Address of Keystone Host
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_SERVICE_PORT=<35357> - Port where Keystone admin endpoint operates.
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_TOKEN=<keystone-secret> - A token used to access Keystone
KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL=<http> - The keystone authentication protocol
KEYSTONE_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - The password used to access Keystone in the DB
KEYSTONE_PUBLIC_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP address where Keystone is running
KEYSTONE_PUBLIC_SERVICE_PORT=<5000> - Port which keystone uses for public service.
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<mariadb root password> - defines the MariaDB root password
MARIADB_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where Mariadb is running
MARIADB_MAX_CONNECTIONS=<151> - The maximum number of connections to the MariaDB server
NETWORK_MANAGER=<nova|neutron> - Use Nova or Neutron networking
NOVA_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Nova API Service is hosted
METADATA_HOST=<IP> - The IP address of the Nova Metadata service
ENABLED_APIS=<ec2,osapi_compute,metadata> - Enabled Nova API services.
NOVA_DB_NAME=<nova> - The name of the nova entry in the database
NOVA_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - The password used to access nova
NOVA_DB_USER=<nova> - The name of the nova DB password
NOVA_EC2_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Nova EC2 API is hosted
arn't these two the same?
NOVA_EC2_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> _ The IP Address where the Nova EC2 service is hosted
NOVA_VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=<IP> The IP address for the VNC Proxy Client to use
NOVA_VNCSERVER_LISTEN_ADDRESS=<IP> The IP address for the VNC Server to use
NOVA_NOVNC_PROXY_PORT=<6080> The TCP port used by Nova NoVNC
NOVA_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<password> - The Nova keystone password
NOVA_KEYSTONE_USER=<nova> - The Nova keystone username
NEUTRON_DB_NAME=<neutron> - The name of the Neutron database
NEUTRON_DB_USER=<neutron> - The name used by Neutron to access the Neutron database
NEUTRON_DB_PASSWORD=<password> The password used by Neutron to access the Neutron database
NEUTRON_KEYSTONE_USER=<neutron> - The name used by Neutron to communicate with Keystone
NEUTRON_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<neutron> - The password used by Neutron to communicate with Keystone
NEUTRON_SERVER_SERVICE_HOST=<$HOST_IP> - The IP address/hostname used to commuicate with the Neutron API
NEUTRON_SHARED_SECRET=<sharedsecret> - The shared secret used between Neutron/Nova to secure metadata communication
NEUTRON_API_PASTE_CONFIG=</usr/share/neutron/api-paste.ini> - Location of Neutron's API paste config file
NEUTRON_VLAN_NETWORK_NAME=<physnet1> - List of physical_network names with which vlan networks can be created
NEUTRON_NETWORK_VLAN_RANGES=<1:1> - Colon seperated range of addresses
TYPE_DRIVERS=<flat,vxlan> - List of network type driver entrypoints to be loaded
TENANT_NETWORK_TYPES=<flat,vxlan> - List of network_types to allocate as tenant networks
MECHANISM_DRIVERS=<linuxbridge,l2population> - List of networking mechanism driver entrypoints to be loaded
NEUTRON_FLAT_NETWORK_NAME=<physnet1> - List of physical_network names with which flat networks can be created
NEUTRON_FLAT_NETWORK_INTERFACE=<eth1> - List of physical interface names that connect to physical_networks
HEAT_DB_NAME=<heat> - The heat DB name
HEAT_DB_PASSWORD=<kolla> - The heat db password
HEAT_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<heat> - The keystone password for the heat user
HEAT_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Heat API service is hosted
HEAT_API_CFN_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where Heat users will contact the heat-engine in search for meta data
HEAT_API_CFN_URL_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where Heat virtual machines will contact the heat-engine to signal wait conditions
HEAT_DOMAIN_PASS=<password> - The Heat domain password
INIT_CINDER_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Cinder db
INIT_DESIGNATE_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Designate db
INIT_GLANCE_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Glance db
INIT_HEAT_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Heat db
INIT_KEYSTONE_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Keystone db
INIT_NOVA_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the Nova db
PUBLIC_INTERFACE=<eth1> - The nova public interface
PUBLIC_IP=<Host IP Address> - The IP Address of this host
RABBITMQ_PASS=<rabbit> - The rabbitmq password used to join AMQP
RABBITMQ_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Rabbit service is running
RABBITMQ_USER=<rabbit> - The RabbitMQ user name
RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_NODES=<rabbit-nodes> - Default to none. RabbitMQ cluster nodes list in format 'hostname1@IP1 hostname2@IP2' (without quotes)
RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_COOKIE=<rabbit-cookie> - Default to none. RabbitMQ cookie content. Alphabetical value here
RABBIT_PASSWORD=<password> - The RabbitMQ password
RABBIT_USERID=<rabbit> - The RabbitMQ user id on the host
MAGNUM_DB_NAME=<magnum> - The Magnum database name
MAGNUM_DB_USER=<magnum> - The Magnum database username
MAGNUM_DB_PASSWORD=<kolla> - The Magnum database password
MAGNUM_KEYSTONE_USER=<magnum> - The Magnum keystone username
MAGNUM_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<magnum> - The Magnum keystone password
MAGNUM_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The Magnum Host IP address
MAGNUM_API_SERVICE_PORT=<9511> - The Magnum port
DESIGNATE_DB_NAME=<designate> - The Designate database name
DESIGNATE_DB_PASSWORD=<designatedns> - The Designate database password
DESIGNATE_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<designate> - The keystone password for the designate user
DESIGNATE_BIND9_RNDC_KEY=<KEY> - The rndc/bind key to use for communication between pool_manager and bind9
DESIGNATE_MASTERNS=<IP> - The IP Address of the master (primary) DNS server (the backend)
DESIGNATE_BACKEND=<bind9> - The backend to use in Designate, currently only bind9 is supported
DESIGNATE_SLAVENS=<IP> - The IP Address of a slave nameserver under control of pool_manager
DESIGNATE_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address of the Designate API
DESIGNATE_API_SERVICE_PORT=<9001> - The port of the Designate API
DESIGNATE_MDNS_PORT=<5354> - The port of the Designate MiniDNS server acting as master server
DESIGNATE_DNS_PORT=<53> - The port of the Designate-backed DNS slaves that are used by the world
DESIGNATE_ALLOW_RECURSION=<true|false> - Configure a recursive nameserver
DESIGNATE_DEFAULT_POOL_NS_RECORD=<ns1.example.org.> - Name of server used to generate NS records
DESIGNATE_SINK_NOVA_DOMAIN_NAME=<nova.example.org.> - Name of domain used to create records from Nova notifications
DESIGNATE_SINK_NEUTRON_DOMAIN_NAME=<neutron.example.org.> - Name of domain used to create records from Neutron notifications
DESIGNATE_SINK_NOVA_FORMATS=<("%(octet0)s-%(octet1)s-%(octet2)s-%(octet3)s.%(domain)s" "%(hostname)s.%(domain)s")> - List of formats for records that will be created by Nova handler
DESIGNATE_SINK_NEUTRON_FORMATS=<("%(octet0)s-%(octet1)s-%(octet2)s-%(octet3)s.%(domain)s" "%(hostname)s.%(domain)s")> - List of formats for records that will be created by Neutron handler
CINDER_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where the Cinder service is running
CINDER_API_SERVICE_PORT=<8776> - Port where Cinder operates
CINDER_API_SERVICE_LISTEN=<IP> - The IP Address where the Cinder API listens
CINDER_KEYSTONE_USER=<cinder> - Cinder Keystone User
CINDER_KEYSTONE_PASSWORD=<password> - The Cinder Keystone password
CINDER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password> - The Cinder password
CINDER_DB_NAME=<cinder> - Cinder's DB name
CINDER_DB_USER=<cinder> - User name of Cinder in the database
CINDER_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - Cinder DB password
CINDER_BACKUP_DRIVER=<driver> - The backup driver for Cinder
CINDER_BACKUP_MANAGER=<manager> - The backup manager for Cinder
CINDER_BACKUP_API_CLASS=<api> - The cinder-backup api class
CINDER_BACKUP_NAME_TEMPLATE=<template> - The naming template for Cinder backups
ISCSI_HELPER=<lioadm> - The ISCSI user tool to use
ISCSI_IP_ADDRESS=<IP> - The IP Address to connect to ISCSI
CINDER_LVM_LO_VOLUME_SIZE=<size> - The size of the volume group (4G)
CINDER_VOLUME_GROUP=<cinder-volumes> - The name of the volume group
CINDER_VOLUME_BACKEND_NAME=<LVM_iSCSI57> - The backend name for a given driver implementation
CINDER_VOLUME_DRIVER=<cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMISCSIDriver> - The driver used for volume creation
CINDER_ENABLED_BACKEND=<lvm57> - A list of backend names to use
INIT_CINDER_DB=<true|false> - Initialize or update the cinder db
KEEPALIVED_HOST_PRIORITIES=<host1:100,host2:99> - Map of priorities per node. Priorities have to be unique.
CINDER_API_VERSION=<2> - The API version for Cinder
CEILOMETER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password> - The Ceilometer password
CEILOMETER_API_SERVICE_HOST=<IP> - The IP Address where Ceilometer listens
CEILOMETER_DB_NAME=<ceilometer> - Ceilometer DB name
CEILOMETER_DB_PASSWORD=<password> - Ceilometer DB password
CEILOMETER_DB_USER=<ceilometer> - Ceilometer DB User
CEILOMETER_KEYSTONE_USER=<ceilometer> - Ceilometer Keystone user
Minimum environment variable setup guide.
Launching a container set
Pick out a simple container set and launch it as follows:
$ docker-compose -f compose/rabbitmq.yml up -d
The third party deployment engine should launch the appropriate containers for
the appropriate nodes. Note the rabbitmq.yml
used in the example above
expects an openstack.env
file present in the current working directory. This
file will be passed as environment data to the container and configure the
container appropriately.
Integrating with Kolla is as sample as creating an openstack.env
file, having
a deployment tool write the openstack.env
file and .yml files to the nodes are
targeted for deployment, and running docker-compose as described in the above