There are inconsitencies across the documentation and the source code files when it comes to project's name (Kolla Ansible vs. Kolla-Ansible). This commit aims at unifying it so that the naming becomes consistent everywhere. Change-Id: I903b2e08f5458b1a1abc4af3abefe20b66c23a54
14 KiB
Bifrost - Standalone Ironic
- From the
developer documentation: -
Bifrost (pronounced bye-frost) is a set of Ansible playbooks that automates the task of deploying a base image onto a set of known hardware using Ironic. It provides modular utility for one-off operating system deployment with as few operational requirements as reasonably possible.
Kolla uses bifrost as a mechanism for bootstrapping an OpenStack control plane on a set of baremetal servers. Kolla provides a container image for bifrost. Kolla-ansible provides a playbook to configure and deploy the bifrost container, as well as building a base OS image and provisioning it onto the baremetal nodes.
Hosts in the System
In a system deployed by bifrost we define a number of classes of hosts.
- Control host
The control host is the host on which kolla and kolla-ansible will be installed, and is typically where the cloud will be managed from.
- Deployment host
The deployment host runs the bifrost deploy container and is used to provision the cloud hosts.
- Cloud hosts
The cloud hosts run the OpenStack control plane, compute and storage services.
- Bare metal compute hosts:
In a cloud providing bare metal compute services to tenants via Ironic, these hosts will run the bare metal tenant workloads. In a cloud with only virtualised compute this category of hosts does not exist.
In many cases the control and deployment host will be the same, although this is not mandatory.
Bifrost supports provisioning of bare metal nodes. While kolla-ansible is agnostic to whether the host OS runs on bare metal or is virtualised, in a virtual environment the provisioning of VMs for cloud hosts and their base OS images is currently out of scope.
Cloud Deployment Procedure
Cloud deployment using kolla and bifrost follows the following high level steps:
- Install and configure kolla and kolla-ansible on the control host.
- Deploy bifrost on the deployment host.
- Use bifrost to build a base OS image and provision cloud hosts with this image.
- Deploy OpenStack services on the cloud hosts provisioned by bifrost.
Prepare the Control Host
Follow the Install dependencies section of the ../../user/quickstart
instructions to set up kolla and kolla-ansible dependencies. Follow the
instructions in either the Install kolla for
development section or the Install kolla for deployment
or evaluation section to install kolla and kolla-ansible.
Prepare the Deployment Host
RabbitMQ requires that the system's hostname resolves to the IP
address that it has been configured to use, which with bifrost will be
. Bifrost will attempt to modify
on the deployment host to ensure that this is
the case. Docker bind mounts /etc/hosts
into the container
from a volume. This prevents atomic renames which will prevent Ansible
from fixing the /etc/hosts
file automatically.
To enable bifrost to be bootstrapped correctly, add an entry to
resolving the deployment host's hostname to
, for example:
cat /etc/hosts bifrost localhost
The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts:
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts bifrost
Build a Bifrost Container Image
This section provides instructions on how to build a container image for bifrost using kolla.
Currently kolla only supports the source
install type
for the bifrost image.
- To generate kolla-build.conf configuration File
If required, generate a default configuration file for
:cd kolla tox -e genconfig
, settinginstall_type
:install_type = source
Alternatively, instead of using kolla-build.conf
, a
build can be enabled by appending
--type source
to the kolla-build
or tools/build.py
To build images, for Development:
cd kolla tools/build.py bifrost-deploy
For Production:
kolla-build bifrost-deploy
By default
will build all containers using CentOS as the base image. To change this behavior, use the following parameter withkolla-build
command:--base [centos|debian|rhel|ubuntu]
Configure and Deploy a Bifrost Container
This section provides instructions for how to configure and deploy a container running bifrost services.
Prepare Kolla Ansible Inventory
Kolla-ansible will deploy bifrost on the hosts in the
Ansible group. In the all-in-one
inventory files, a bifrost
group is
defined which contains all hosts in the deployment
This top level deployment
group is intended to represent
the host running the bifrost_deploy
container. By default,
this group contains localhost
. See /user/multinode
for details
on how to modify the Ansible inventory in a multinode deployment.
Bifrost does not currently support running on multiple hosts so the
group should contain only a single host, however
this is not enforced by kolla-ansible. Bifrost manages a number of
services that conflict with services deployed by kolla including
OpenStack Ironic, MariaDB, RabbitMQ and (optionally) OpenStack Keystone.
These services should not be deployed on the host on which bifrost is
Prepare Kolla Ansible Configuration
Follow the instructions in ../../user/quickstart
to prepare kolla-ansible's
global configuration file globals.yml
. For bifrost, the
variable should be set to the
name of the interface that will be used to provision bare metal cloud
hosts if this is different than network_interface
. For
example to use eth1
bifrost_network_interface: eth1
Note that this interface should typically have L2 network connectivity with the bare metal cloud hosts in order to provide DHCP leases with PXE boot options.
Since bifrost only supports the source image type, ensure that this
is reflected in globals.yml
kolla_install_type: source
Prepare Bifrost Configuration
Kolla ansible custom configuration files can be placed in a directory
given by the node_custom_config
variable, which defaults do
. Bifrost configuration files should be
placed in this directory or in a bifrost
subdirectory of it
(e.g. /etc/kolla/config/bifrost
). Within these directories
the files bifrost.yml
, servers.yml
can be used to configure Bifrost.
Create a Bifrost Inventory
The file servers.yml
defines the bifrost hardware
inventory that will be used to populate Ironic. See the bifrost
dynamic inventory examples for further details.
For example, the following inventory defines a single node managed
via the Ironic ipmi
driver. The inventory contains
credentials required to access the node's BMC via IPMI, the MAC
addresses of the node's NICs, an IP address to configure the node's
configdrive with, a set of scheduling properties and a logical name.
uuid: "31303735-3934-4247-3830-333132535336"
ipmi_username: "admin"
ipmi_address: ""
ipmi_password: "root"
mac: "1c:c1:de:1c:aa:53"
mac: "1c:c1:de:1c:aa:52"
driver: "ipmi"
ipv4_address: ""
cpu_arch: "x86_64"
ram: "24576"
disk_size: "120"
cpus: "16"
name: "cloud1"
The required inventory will be specific to the hardware and environment in use.
Create Bifrost Configuration
The file bifrost.yml
provides global configuration for
the bifrost playbooks. By default kolla mostly uses bifrost's default
variable values. For details on bifrost's variables see the bifrost
documentation. For example:
mysql_service_name: mysql
ansible_python_interpreter: /var/lib/kolla/venv/bin/python
enabled_hardware_types: ipmi
# uncomment below if needed
# dhcp_pool_start:
# dhcp_pool_end:
# dhcp_lease_time: 12h
# dhcp_static_mask:
Create Disk Image Builder Configuration
The file dib.yml
provides configuration for bifrost's
image build playbooks. By default kolla mostly uses bifrost's default
variable values when building the baremetal OS and deployment images,
and will build an Ubuntu-based image for deployment to
nodes. For details on bifrost's variables see the bifrost
For example, to use the debian
Disk Image Builder OS
dib_os_element: debian
See the diskimage-builder documentation for more details.
Deploy Bifrost
The bifrost container can be deployed either using kolla-ansible or manually.
Deploy Bifrost using Kolla Ansible
For development:
cd kolla-ansible
tools/kolla-ansible deploy-bifrost
For Production:
kolla-ansible deploy-bifrost
Deploy Bifrost manually
Start Bifrost Container
docker run -it --net=host -v /dev:/dev -d \ --privileged --name bifrost_deploy \ kolla/ubuntu-source-bifrost-deploy:3.0.1
Copy Configuration Files
docker exec -it bifrost_deploy mkdir /etc/bifrost docker cp /etc/kolla/config/bifrost/servers.yml bifrost_deploy:/etc/bifrost/servers.yml docker cp /etc/kolla/config/bifrost/bifrost.yml bifrost_deploy:/etc/bifrost/bifrost.yml docker cp /etc/kolla/config/bifrost/dib.yml bifrost_deploy:/etc/bifrost/dib.yml
Bootstrap Bifrost
docker exec -it bifrost_deploy bash
Generate an SSH Key
Bootstrap and Start Services
cd /bifrost ./scripts/env-setup.sh export OS_CLOUD=bifrost cat > /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf << EOF HOME=/var/lib/rabbitmq EOF ansible-playbook -vvvv \ -i /bifrost/playbooks/inventory/target \ /bifrost/playbooks/install.yaml \ -e @/etc/bifrost/bifrost.yml \ -e @/etc/bifrost/dib.yml \ -e skip_package_install=true
Validate the Deployed Container
docker exec -it bifrost_deploy bash
cd /bifrost
export OS_CLOUD=bifrost
Running "ironic node-list" should return with no nodes, for example
(bifrost-deploy)[root@bifrost bifrost]# ironic node-list
| UUID | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
Enroll and Deploy Physical Nodes
Once we have deployed a bifrost container we can use it to provision the bare metal cloud hosts specified in the inventory file. Again, this can be done either using kolla-ansible or manually.
By Kolla Ansible
For Development:
tools/kolla-ansible deploy-servers
For Production:
kolla-ansible deploy-servers
docker exec -it bifrost_deploy bash
cd /bifrost
export OS_CLOUD=bifrost
export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=/etc/bifrost/servers.yml
ansible-playbook -vvvv \
-i /bifrost/playbooks/inventory/bifrost_inventory.py \
/bifrost/playbooks/enroll-dynamic.yaml \
-e "ansible_python_interpreter=/var/lib/kolla/venv/bin/python" \
-e @/etc/bifrost/bifrost.yml
docker exec -it bifrost_deploy bash
cd /bifrost
export OS_CLOUD=bifrost
export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=/etc/bifrost/servers.yml
ansible-playbook -vvvv \
-i /bifrost/playbooks/inventory/bifrost_inventory.py \
/bifrost/playbooks/deploy-dynamic.yaml \
-e "ansible_python_interpreter=/var/lib/kolla/venv/bin/python" \
-e @/etc/bifrost/bifrost.yml
At this point Ironic should clean down the nodes and install the default OS image.
Advanced Configuration
Bring Your Own Image
Bring Your Own SSH Key
To use your own SSH key after you have generated the
file update the private and public keys under
Known issues
SSH daemon not running
By default sshd
is installed in the image but may not be
enabled. If you encounter this issue you will have to access the server
physically in recovery mode to enable the sshd
service. If
your hardware supports it, this can be done remotely with ipmitool
and Serial Over
LAN. For example
ipmitool -I lanplus -H -U admin -P root sol activate
Bifrost documentation <>
Bifrost troubleshooting guide <user/troubleshooting.html>
- Bifrost code repository