A few errors in the dev doc were causing problems with deploying a dev env. The dev dos has been updated with the correct steps for prep'ing a host for running Kolla. Additionally, wording has been added to reference the Heat template for dev env deployment. Change-Id: I9f0ba1bd2deca490a72b3c54cb1a7df386228ee8
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Developer Environment
If you are developing Kolla on an existing OpenStack cloud that supports Heat, then follow the Heat template README. Otherwise, follow the instructions below to manually create your Kolla development environment.
In order to run Kolla, it is mandatory to run a version of
that includes pid: host support. One of the
authors of Kolla has a pull request outstanding that the
docker-compose maintainers have said they would merge shortly.
The pull request is:
Until then, it must be retrieved via git and installed:
git clone http://github.com/sdake/fig
cd fig
sudo pip install -e .
sudo pip install -U docker-py
sudo pip install -e .
sudo pip install six==1.7.3
The docker-compose version available via the sdake repository has been rebased on to a master version of docker-compose which requires the docker API 1.18. the docker API 1.18 is not available in distro packaging and is only available by building from source. Docker also distributes pre-built binaries for docker. It is recommended to just run the docker provided binaries rather then building from source:
If a version of Docker other than 1.5.0-dev is currently running on your system, stop it:
sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo killall -9 docker
Next, download and run the Docker 1.5.0-dev binary:
wget https://master.dockerproject.com/linux/amd64/docker-1.5.0-dev -O docker
sudo ./docker -d &
The basic starting environment will be created using docker-compose
This environment will start up the openstack services listed in the
compose directory.
To start, setup your environment variables.
$ cd kolla
$ ./tools/genenv
The genenv
script will create a compose/openstack.env file
and an openrc file in your current directory. The openstack.env
file contains all of your initialized environment variables, which
you can edit for a different setup.
Next, run the start script.
$ ./tools/start
The start
script is responsible for starting the containers
using docker-compose -f <osp-service-container> up -d
If you want to start a container set by hand use this template
$ docker-compose -f glance-api-registry.yml up -d
All Docker commands should be run from the directory of the Docker binary,
by default this is /
You can follow a container's status by doing
$ sudo ./docker ps -a
If any of the containers exited you can check the logs by doing
$ sudo ./docker logs <glance-api-container>
$ docker-compose logs <glance-api-container>
If you want to start a individual service like glance-api
by hand, then use
this template. This is a good method to test and troubleshoot an individual
$ sudo ./docker run --name glance-api -d \
--env-file=openstack.env kollaglue/fedora-rdo-glance-api:latest