By default, the workers for gnocchi_metricd is 5[0], it's too small for production environment, this PS to make it configurable, in this way, user can change it according to actual needs. [0]: https://github.com/openstack/kolla-ansible/blob/master/ansible/group_vars/all.yml#L356 Change-Id: Ibf4dec793f02c407547c77963cc13799d044b90f
85 lines
3.3 KiB
85 lines
3.3 KiB
debug = {{ gnocchi_logging_debug }}
log_dir = /var/log/kolla/gnocchi
{% if enable_redis | bool %}
coordination_url = redis://{% for host in groups['redis'] %}{% if host == groups['redis'][0] %}admin:{{ redis_master_password }}@{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ redis_sentinel_port }}?sentinel=kolla{% else %}&sentinel_fallback={{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ redis_sentinel_port }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}&socket_timeout=60&retry_on_timeout=yes
{% endif %}
{% if service_name == 'gnocchi-api' %}
# Force gnocchi-api.log or will use app.wsgi
log_file = /var/log/kolla/gnocchi/gnocchi-api.log
{% endif %}
port = {{ gnocchi_api_port }}
host = {{ api_interface_address }}
middlewares = keystonemiddleware.auth_token.AuthProtocol
auth_mode = keystone
enable_proxy_headers_parsing = True
connection = mysql+pymysql://{{ gnocchi_database_user }}:{{ gnocchi_database_password }}@{{ gnocchi_database_address }}/{{ gnocchi_database_name }}
max_pool_size = 50
max_overflow = 1000
max_retries = -1
resource_id = {{ gnocchi_resource_id }}
user_id = {{ gnocchi_user_id }}
project_id = {{ gnocchi_project_id }}
archive_policy_name = low
workers = {{ gnocchi_metricd_workers }}
url = mysql+pymysql://{{ gnocchi_database_user }}:{{ gnocchi_database_password }}@{{ gnocchi_database_address }}/{{ gnocchi_database_name }}
auth_uri = {{ internal_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_public_port }}/v3
project_domain_id = {{ default_project_domain_id }}
project_name = service
user_domain_id = {{ default_user_domain_id }}
username = {{ gnocchi_keystone_user }}
password = {{ gnocchi_keystone_password }}
auth_url = {{ admin_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_admin_port }}
auth_type = password
memcache_security_strategy = ENCRYPT
memcache_secret_key = {{ memcache_secret_key }}
memcached_servers = {% for host in groups['memcached'] %}{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ memcached_port }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% if gnocchi_policy_file is defined %}
policy_file = {{ gnocchi_policy_file }}
{% endif %}
{% if gnocchi_incoming_storage == 'redis' %}
driver = redis
redis_url = redis://{% for host in groups['redis'] %}{% if host == groups['redis'][0] %}admin:{{ redis_master_password }}@{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ redis_sentinel_port }}?sentinel=kolla{% else %}&sentinel_fallback={{ hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['api_interface']]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ redis_sentinel_port }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}&db=0&socket_timeout=60&retry_on_timeout=yes
{% endif %}
{% if gnocchi_backend_storage == 'file' %}
driver = file
file_basepath = /var/lib/gnocchi
{% elif gnocchi_backend_storage == 'ceph' %}
driver = ceph
ceph_pool = {{ gnocchi_pool_name }}
ceph_username = gnocchi
ceph_keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.gnocchi.keyring
ceph_conffile = /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
{% endif %}
{% if enable_grafana | bool %}
allowed_origin = {{ public_protocol }}://{{ kolla_external_fqdn }}:{{ grafana_server_port }}
{% endif %}