Stephen Hindle cadf8afdcf Read GPT label using sgdisk rather than udev
The Ceph osd bootstrap/startup logic depends upon reading/writing
partition names.  Some older versions of udev have trouble reading these
(/dev/disk/by-label is missing).

To work around this, we shell out to sgdisk and scrape the partition
name data directly.

Co-authored-by: Paul Bourke <>
Closes-Bug: 1585185
Change-Id: I362b3f8e91de79687fc84e256996fbcaf303b6af
2016-07-07 10:26:34 +01:00

52 lines
1.7 KiB

- name: Looking up OSDs for Ceph
command: docker exec -t kolla_toolbox sudo -E /usr/bin/ansible localhost
-m find_disks
-a "partition_name='KOLLA_CEPH_DATA' match_mode='prefix'"
register: osd_lookup
changed_when: "{{ osd_lookup.stdout.find('localhost | SUCCESS => ') != -1 and (osd_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).changed }}"
failed_when: osd_lookup.stdout.split()[2] != 'SUCCESS'
- name: Parsing disk info for Ceph OSDs
osds: "{{ (osd_lookup.stdout.split('localhost | SUCCESS => ')[1]|from_json).disks|from_json }}"
- name: Mounting Ceph OSD volumes
src: "UUID={{ item.fs_uuid }}"
fstype: "{{ ceph_osd_filesystem }}"
state: mounted
name: "/var/lib/ceph/osd/{{ item['fs_uuid'] }}"
opts: "{{ ceph_osd_mount_options }}"
with_items: "{{ osds }}"
- name: Gathering OSD IDs
command: "cat /var/lib/ceph/osd/{{ item['fs_uuid'] }}/whoami"
with_items: "{{ osds }}"
register: id
changed_when: False
failed_when: id.rc != 0
- name: Starting ceph-osd container
action: "start_container"
common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
OSD_ID: "{{ item.0.stdout }}"
JOURNAL_PARTITION: "{{ item.1.journal }}"
image: "{{ ceph_osd_image_full }}"
name: "ceph_osd_{{ item.0.stdout }}"
pid_mode: "host"
privileged: True
- "{{ node_config_directory }}/ceph-osd/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
- "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
- "/dev/:/dev/"
- "/var/lib/ceph/osd/{{ item.1['fs_uuid'] }}:/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-{{ item.0.stdout }}"
- "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
- id.results
- osds
when: osds