Proskurin Kirill eee6af5ef5 Few improvements in the quickstart doc
Fixed commands for disabling\stoping libvirt and ntpd in different OS

I encourage to install kolla tools via pip, so user could get rid
of relative paths to config and scripts and run it from everythere.

Change-Id: I77271ce2f72fbaa7d6586a84f7998a9888d9b3a2
2015-11-06 17:15:16 +03:00

12 KiB

Bare Metal Deployment of Kolla

Evaluation and Developer Environments

Two virtualized evaluation and development environment options are available. These options permit the evaluation of Kolla without disrupting the host operating system.

If developing or evaluating Kolla on an OpenStack cloud environment that supports Heat, follow the Heat evaluation and developer environment guide <heat-dev-env>.

If developing or evaluating Kolla on a system that provides VirtualBox or Libvirt in addition to Vagrant, use the Vagrant virtual environment documented in Vagrant evaluation and developer environment guide <vagrant-dev-env>.

If evaluating or deploying OpenStack on bare-metal with Kolla, follow the instructions in this document to get started.

Host machine requirements

The machine recommended requirements:

  • Two network interfaces.
  • More than 8gb main memory.
  • At least 40gb disk space.

Installing Dependencies

Kolla is tested on CentOS, Oracle Linux, RHEL and Ubuntu. It should work with other OS distributions, but some need further testing.

Fedora: Kolla will not run on Fedora 22 or later currently. Fedora 22 compresses kernel modules with the .xz compressed format. The guestfs system in the CentOS family of containers cannot read these images because a dependent package supermin in CentOS needs to be updated to add .xz compressed format support.

Ubuntu: For Ubuntu based systems where Docker is used, do not use AUFS when starting Docker daemon, unless running Ubuntu uses 3.19 kernel or above. AUFS requires CONFIG_AUFS_XATTR=y set when building the kernel. On Ubuntu, versions prior to 3.19 did not set this flag to be compatible with Docker. In order to update kernel in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to 3.19, run:

sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-vivid

If unable to upgrade the kernel, the Kolla community recommends using a different storage backend such as btrfs when running Docker daemon.


Install is very sensitive about version of components. Please review carefully because default Operating System repos are likely out of date.

Component Min Version Max Version Comment
Ansible 1.9.4 none On deployment host
Docker 1.8.2 1.8.2 On target nodes
Docker Python 1.2.0 none On target nodes
Python Jinja2 2.6.0 none On deployment host

Make sure "pip" package manager is installed before procceed:

# Centos 7
easy_install pip

# Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
sudo apt-get install python-pip

To install Kolla tools and Python dependencies use:

git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/kolla
pip install kolla/

Copy Kolla configuration to /etc:

cp -r kolla/etc/kolla /etc/

Since Docker is required to build images as well as be present on all deployed targets, the Kolla community recommends installing the Docker Inc. packaged version of Docker for maximum stability and compatibility with the following command:

curl -sSL https://get.docker.io | bash

This command will install the most recent stable version of Docker, but please note what Kolla releases are not in sync with docker in any way, so some things could stop working with new version. Kolla release 1.0.0-liberty tested to work with docker 1.8.2, to check you docker version run this command:

docker --version

If this version is higher than recomended, consider downgrade it using this commands:

# Centos 7
yum downgrade docker-engine-1.8.2
systemctl restart docker.service

# Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
sudo apt-get install docker-engine=1.8.2-0~trusty

On the system where the OpenStack CLI/Python code is run, the Kolla community recommends installing the OpenStack python clients if they are not installed. This could be a completely different machine then the deployment host or deployment targets. Before installing the OpenStack python client, the following requirements are needed to build the client code:

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install -y python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev gcc

# Centos 7
yum install -y python-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel gcc

To install these clients use:

pip install -U python-openstackclient

OpenStack uses healthcheck timers which run off wall-clock time rather then starting a timer and expring the timer, encoding the expiration in the message contents. In some cases, this timer interval can be on the order of 60 seconds. For OpenStack to operate correctly with these tight health-check timer intervals, the Kolla community highly recommends running the ntpd service on all deployment targets. To install, start, and enable ntp execute the following:

# Centos 7
yum -y install ntp
systemctl enable ntpd.service
systemctl start ntpd.service

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install ntp

Libvirt is started by default on many operating systems. Please disable libvirt on any machines that will be deployment targets. Only one copy of libvirt may be running at a time.

# Centos 7
systemctl stop libvirtd.service
systemctl disable libvirtd.service

# Ubuntu
service libvirt-bin stop
update-rc.d libvirt-bin disable

Kolla deploys OpenStack using Ansible. Install Ansible from distribution packaging if the distro packaging has recommended version available.

Currently all implemented distro versons of Ansible are too old to use distro packaging. Once distro packaging is updated install from packaging using:

yum -y install ansible

On DEB based systems this can be done using:

apt-get install ansible

If the distro packaged version of Ansible is too old, install Ansible using pip:

pip install -U ansible

Some ansible dependencies, like pycrypto, may need gcc installed on the build system. Install it using system packaging tools if it's not installed already:

# Centos 7
yum -y install gcc

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install gcc

Building Container Images

The Kolla community does not currently generate new images for each commit to the repository. The push time for a full image build to the docker registry is about 5 hours on 100mbit Internet, so there are technical limitations to using the Docker Hub registry with the current OpenStack CI/CD systems.

The Kolla community builds and pushes tested images for each tagged release of Kolla, but if running from master, it is recommended to build images locally.

Before running the below instructions, ensure the docker daemon is running or the build process will fail. To build images using default parameters run:


By default docker will build all containers using Centos as base image and binary installation as base installation method. To change this behavior, please use the following parameters with build.py:

--base [ubuntu|centos|fedora|oraclelinux]
--type [binary|source]

A docker build of all containers on Xeon hardware with SSDs and 100mbit network takes roughly 30 minutes. The CentOS mirrors are flakey and the RDO delorean repository is not mirrored at all. As a result occasionally some containers fail to build. To rectify this, the build tool will automatically attempt three retries of a build operation if the first one fails.

It is also possible to build individual containers. As an example, if the glance containers failed to build, all glance related containers can be rebuilt as follows:

kolla-build glance

In order to see all available parameters, run:

kolla-build -h

Deploying Kolla

The Kolla community provide two example methods of Kolla deploy: all-in-one and multinode. The "all-in-one" deploy is similar to devstack deploy which installs all OpenStack services on a single host. In the "multinode" deploy, OpenStack services can be run on specific hosts. This documentation only describes deploying all-in-one method as most simple one.

Each method is represented as an Ansible inventory file. More information on the Ansible inventory file can be found in the Ansible inventory introduction.

All variables for the environment can be specified in the files: "/etc/kolla/globals.yml" and "/etc/kolla/passwords.yml"

Start by editing /etc/kolla/globals.yml. Check and edit, if needed, these parameters: kolla_base_distro, kolla_install_type.

The kolla_*_address variables can both be the same. Please specify an unused IP address in the network to act as a VIP for kolla_internal_address. The VIP will be used with keepalived and added to the "api_interface" as specified in the globals.yml

kolla_external_address: "openstack.example.com"
kolla_internal_address: ""

If the environment doesn't have a free IP address available for VIP configuration, the host's IP address may be used here by disabling HAProxy by adding:

enable_haproxy: "no"

Note this method is not recommended and generally not tested by the development community, but included since sometimes a free IP is not available in a testing environment.

The "network_interface" variable is the interface to which Kolla binds API services. For example, when starting up Mariadb it will bind to the IP on the interface list in the "network_interface" variable.

network_interface: "eth0"

The "neutron_external_interface" variable is the interface that will be used for the external bridge in Neutron. Without this bridge the deployment instance traffic will be unable to access the rest of the Internet. In the case of a single interface on a machine, a veth pair may be used where one end of the veth pair is listed here and the other end is in a bridge on the system.

neutron_external_interface: "eth1"

The docker_pull_policy specifies whether Docker should always pull images from the repository it is configured for, or only in the case where the image isn't present locally. If building local images without pushing them to the Docker registry, please set this value to "missing" or when running deployment Docker will attempt to fetch the latest image upstream.

docker_pull_policy: "missing"

For "all-in-one" deploys, the following commands can be run. These will setup all of the containers on the localhost. These commands will be wrapped in the kolla-script in the future.

kolla-ansible deploy

In order to see all available parameters, run:

kolla-ansible -h

A bare metal system with Ceph takes 18 minutes to deploy. A virtual machine deployment takes 25 minutes. These are estimates; different hardware may be faster or slower but should be near these results.

After successful deployment of OpenStack, the Horizon dashboard will be avalible by entering IP addr or hostname from "kolla_external_address", or kolla_internal_address in case then kolla_external_address uses kolla_internal_address.

Useful tools

View tools/openrc-example for an example of an openrc that may be used with the environment. The following command will initialize an environment with a glance image and neutron networks:


Debugging Kolla

The container's status can be determined on the deployment targets by executing:

docker ps -a

If any of the containers exited, this indicates a bug in the container. Please seek help by filing a bug or contacting the developers via IRC.

The logs can be examined by executing:

docker exec -it rsyslog bash

The logs from all services in all containers may be read from /var/log/SERVICE_NAME

If the stdout logs are need, please run:

docker logs <container-name>

Note that some of the containers don't log to stdout at present so the above command will provide no information.

To learn more about Docker command line operation please refer to Docker documentation.