diff --git a/tasks/galera_install_yum.yml b/tasks/galera_install_yum.yml
index a4fd62bb..4779dda3 100644
--- a/tasks/galera_install_yum.yml
+++ b/tasks/galera_install_yum.yml
@@ -61,12 +61,24 @@
     gpgcheck: yes
     enabled: yes
   register: add_repos
-  until: add_repos|success
+  until: add_repos | success
   retries: 5
   delay: 2
     - galera-repos
+# When changing the repo URL, the metadata does
+# not reliably update, resulting in the right
+# URL being used, but the wrong package list.
+# This is why we force the metadata to be
+# cleaned out whenever the repo config changes.
+- name: Force the expiry of the repo metadata
+  command: "yum clean metadata"
+  when: add_repos | changed
+  tags:
+    - galera-repos
+    - skip_ansible_lint
 - name: Install percona repo
     pkg: "{{ galera_percona_xtrabackup_repo.repo }}"