From 41d0e61f0cf6f29b65873c01ecb7e4a5d22dfc38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jesse Pretorius <>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 17:51:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] MNAIO: Cater for galera bootstrap without a master

There can be situations where a gvwstate.dat file is present
in at least one galera container, but the my_uuid and view_id
do not match in any of them. In this case, we should just pick
any container to be the master.

This patch caters for this situation, ensuring that the cluster
still bootstraps whenever the VM boots.

Change-Id: If87cd9399b6624418f16910e4ddc046aaa22e5c5
 .../playbooks/kvm/     | 27 ++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi-node-aio/playbooks/kvm/ b/multi-node-aio/playbooks/kvm/
index bc8adfcc..87a43df2 100755
--- a/multi-node-aio/playbooks/kvm/
+++ b/multi-node-aio/playbooks/kvm/
@@ -33,27 +33,46 @@ done
 # there may be more than one, so we need to
 # find the one holding the view_id
 for cnt in $(ls -1 /tmp | grep galera_container); do
+  # generate a new uuid for this container
+  uuid_map[${cnt}]=$(uuidgen)
+  # work through the existing files to see
+  # if there is a master present
   if [[ -e ${gvwstate_path} ]]; then
     echo "Found ${gvwstate_path}, extracting my_uuid/view_id."
     my_uuid=$(awk '/^my_uuid:/ { print $2 }' ${gvwstate_path})
     view_id=$(awk '/^view_id:/ { print $3 }' ${gvwstate_path})
+    # just in case there is no master found, we store the
+    # last one we saw so that we can use it as a fallback
+    echo "Setting last_gvwstate_path to ${gvwstate_path}."
+    last_gvwstate_path=${gvwstate_path}
     if [[ "${my_uuid}" == "${view_id}" ]]; then
       echo "Found galera master in ${gvwstate_path}."
-  if [[ "${cnt}" == "${master_cnt}" ]]; then
+  # if a master container was found, overwrite the uuid
+  # to the uuid from it
+  if [[ "${cnt}" == "${master_cnt:-none}" ]]; then
-  else
-    uuid_map[${cnt}]=$(uuidgen)
 echo "Prepare a new master gvwstate.dat in a temporary location."
-cp ${master_gvwstate_path} ${tmp_gvwstate}
+if [[ "${master_gvwstate_path:-none}" != "none" ]]; then
+  cp ${master_gvwstate_path} ${tmp_gvwstate}
+elif [[ "${last_gvwstate_path:-none}" != "none" ]]; then
+  cp ${last_gvwstate_path} ${tmp_gvwstate}
+  echo "ERROR: No gvwstate.dat file was found. Cannot prepare galera cluster for cluster initialization."
+  exit 1
 member_num=$(awk '/^member: '${my_uuid}'/ {print $3}' ${tmp_gvwstate})
 echo "Clearing the existing members."