diff --git a/scripts/ironic_generate-images.sh b/scripts/ironic_generate-images.sh
index 0603644a..df67d60d 100755
--- a/scripts/ironic_generate-images.sh
+++ b/scripts/ironic_generate-images.sh
@@ -25,26 +25,30 @@ function make-base-image {
   scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE* "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}":~/images
   rm baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE*  # no reason to keep these around
-  VMLINUZ_UUID=$(ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; glance image-create --name baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.vmlinuz \
-                                    --visibility public \
+  VMLINUZ_UUID=$(ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; openstack image create \
+                                    --public \
                                     --disk-format aki \
                                     --property hypervisor_type=baremetal \
-                                    --protected=True \
-                                    --container-format aki < ~/images/baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.vmlinuz" | awk '/\| id/ {print $4}')
-  INITRD_UUID=$(ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; glance image-create --name baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.initrd \
-                                   --visibility public \
+                                    --protected \
+                                    --container-format aki \
+                                    baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.vmlinuz < ~/images/baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.vmlinuz" | awk '/\| id/ {print $4}')
+  INITRD_UUID=$(ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; openstack image create \
+                                   --public \
                                    --disk-format ari \
                                    --property hypervisor_type=baremetal \
-                                   --protected=True \
-                                   --container-format ari < ~/images/baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.initrd" | awk '/\| id/ {print $4}')
-  ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; glance image-create --name baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE \
-    --visibility public \
+                                   --protected \
+                                   --container-format ari \
+                                   baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.initrd < ~/images/baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.initrd" | awk '/\| id/ {print $4}')
+  ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; openstack image create \
+    --public \
     --disk-format qcow2 \
     --container-format bare \
     --property hypervisor_type=baremetal \
     --property kernel_id=${VMLINUZ_UUID} \
-    --protected=True \
-    --property ramdisk_id=${INITRD_UUID} < ~/images/baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.qcow2"
+    --protected \
+    --property ramdisk_id=${INITRD_UUID} \
+      baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE < ~/images/baremetal-$DISTRO_NAME-$DIB_RELEASE.qcow2"
 # install needed binaries
@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ pushd ~/dib
   # set up envars for the deploy image ironic agent
   # export DIB_HPSSACLI_URL="http://downloads.hpe.com/pub/softlib2/software1/pubsw-linux/p1857046646/v109216/hpssacli-2.30-6.0.x86_64.rpm"
-  export IRONIC_AGENT_VERSION="stable/ocata"
+  export IRONIC_AGENT_VERSION="stable/rocky"
   # create the deploy image
   disk-image-create --install-type source -o ironic-deploy ironic-agent ubuntu proliant-tools ${DEBUG_USER_ELEMENT:-""}
@@ -110,18 +114,21 @@ pushd ~/dib
   scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ironic-deploy* "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}":~/images
   rm ironic-deploy*  # no reason to keep these around
-  ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; glance image-create --name ironic-deploy.kernel \
-    --visibility public \
+  ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; openstack image create \
+    --public \
     --disk-format aki \
     --property hypervisor_type=baremetal \
-    --protected=True \
-    --container-format aki < ~/images/ironic-deploy.kernel"
-  ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; glance image-create --name ironic-deploy.initramfs \
-    --visibility public \
+    --protected \
+    --container-format aki < ~/images/ironic-deploy.kernel \
+    ironic-deploy.kernel"
+  ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${UTILITY01_HOSTNAME}" "source ~/openrc; openstack image create \
+    --public \
     --disk-format ari \
     --property hypervisor_type=baremetal \
-    --protected=True \
-    --container-format ari < ~/images/ironic-deploy.initramfs"
+    --protected \
+    --container-format ari < ~/images/ironic-deploy.initramfs \
+     ironic-deploy.initramfs"
   # Ubuntu Xenial final image
diff --git a/scripts/ironic_register-nodes.sh b/scripts/ironic_register-nodes.sh
index db4d2c19..b3894eac 100755
--- a/scripts/ironic_register-nodes.sh
+++ b/scripts/ironic_register-nodes.sh
@@ -21,46 +21,51 @@ RESOURCE_CLASS="baremetal.general"
 NOVA_RESOURCE_FLAVOR_NAME=$(echo ${NOVA_RESOURCE_FLAVOR_NAME//-/_} | awk '{print toupper($0)}')
-KERNEL_IMAGE=$(glance image-list | awk '/baremetal-ubuntu-xenial.vmlinuz/ {print $2}')
-INITRAMFS_IMAGE=$(glance image-list | awk '/baremetal-ubuntu-xenial.initrd/ {print $2}')
-DEPLOY_RAMDISK=$(glance image-list | awk '/ironic-deploy.initramfs/ {print $2}')
-DEPLOY_KERNEL=$(glance image-list | awk '/ironic-deploy.kernel/ {print $2}')
+KERNEL_IMAGE=$(openstack image-list | awk '/baremetal-ubuntu-xenial.vmlinuz/ {print $2}')
+INITRAMFS_IMAGE=$(openstack image-list | awk '/baremetal-ubuntu-xenial.initrd/ {print $2}')
+DEPLOY_RAMDISK=$(openstack image-list | awk '/ironic-deploy.initramfs/ {print $2}')
+DEPLOY_KERNEL=$(openstack image-list | awk '/ironic-deploy.kernel/ {print $2}')
-if ironic node-list | grep "$inventory_hostname"; then
-    NODE_UUID=$(ironic --ironic-api-version 1.22 node-list | awk "/$inventory_hostname/ {print \$2}")
+if openstack baremetal node-list | grep "$inventory_hostname"; then
+    NODE_UUID=$(openstack baremetal --os-baremetal-api-version 1.22 node-list | awk "/$inventory_hostname/ {print \$2}")
-    NODE_UUID=$(ironic --ironic-api-version 1.22 node-create \
-      -d agent_ipmitool \
-      -i ipmi_address="$ipmi_address" \
-      -i ipmi_password="$ipmi_password" \
-      -i ipmi_username="$ipmi_user" \
-      -i deploy_ramdisk="${DEPLOY_RAMDISK}" \
-      -i deploy_kernel="${DEPLOY_KERNEL}" \
-      -p cpus=$image_vcpu \
-      -p memory_mb=$image_ram \
-      -p local_gb=$ironic_disk_available \
-      -p size=$image_total_disk_size \
-      -p cpu_arch=$image_cpu_arch \
-      -p capabilities=boot_option:local,disk_label:gpt \
+    NODE_UUID=$(openstack baremetal --os-baremetal-api-version 1.22 node create \
+      --driver agent_ipmitool \
+      --driver-info ipmi_address="$ipmi_address" \
+      --driver-info ipmi_password="$ipmi_password" \
+      --driver-info ipmi_username="$ipmi_user" \
+      --driver-info deploy_ramdisk="${DEPLOY_RAMDISK}" \
+      --driver-info deploy_kernel="${DEPLOY_KERNEL}" \
+      --property cpus=$image_vcpu \
+      --property memory_mb=$image_ram \
+      --property local_gb=$ironic_disk_available \
+      --property size=$image_total_disk_size \
+      --property cpu_arch=$image_cpu_arch \
+      --property capabilities=boot_option:local,disk_label:gpt \
       -n $inventory_hostname \
       --resource-class ${RESOURCE_CLASS} | awk '/ uuid / {print $4}')
-    ironic --ironic-api-version 1.22 port-create -n "$NODE_UUID" \
-                       -a $Port1NIC_MACAddress
+    openstack baremetal --os-baremetal-api-version 1.22 port create --node "$NODE_UUID" \
+                        $Port1NIC_MACAddress
 # flavor creation
-if ! nova flavor-list | grep "${RESOURCE_CLASS}"; then
-    FLAVOR_ID=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)
-    nova flavor-create ${RESOURCE_CLASS} ${FLAVOR_ID} ${image_ram} ${image_disk_root} ${image_vcpu}
-    nova flavor-key ${RESOURCE_CLASS} set cpu_arch=x86_64
-    nova flavor-key ${RESOURCE_CLASS} set capabilities:boot_option="local"
-    nova flavor-key ${RESOURCE_CLASS} set capabilities:disk_label="gpt"
-    nova flavor-key ${RESOURCE_CLASS} set resources:VCPU=0
-    nova flavor-key ${RESOURCE_CLASS} set resources:MEMORY_MB=0
-    nova flavor-key ${RESOURCE_CLASS} set resources:DISK_GB=0
-    nova flavor-key ${RESOURCE_CLASS} set resources:CUSTOM_${NOVA_RESOURCE_FLAVOR_NAME}=1
+if ! openstack flavor list | grep "${RESOURCE_CLASS}"; then
+    openstack flavor create \
+          --ram ${image_ram} \
+          --disk ${image_disk_root} \
+          --vcpus ${image_vcpu} \
+           ${RESOURCE_CLASS}
+    openstack flavor set \
+       --property cpu_arch=x86_64 \
+       --property capabilities:boot_option="local" \
+       --property capabilities:disk_label="gpt" \
+       --property resources:VCPU=0 \
+       --property resources:MEMORY_MB=0 \
+       --property resources:DISK_GB=0 \
+       --property resources:CUSTOM_${NOVA_RESOURCE_FLAVOR_NAME}=1 \
+        ${RESOURCE_CLASS}
-ironic --ironic-api-version 1.22 node-set-provision-state "${NODE_UUID}" manage
+openstack baremetal --os-baremetal-api-version 1.22 node manage "${NODE_UUID}"
 sleep 1m  # necessary to get power state
-ironic --ironic-api-version 1.22 node-set-provision-state "${NODE_UUID}" provide
+openstack baremetal --os-baremetal-api-version 1.22 node provide "${NODE_UUID}"