diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/tasks/curator_systemd.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/tasks/curator_systemd.yml
index e393a51c..da55362c 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/tasks/curator_systemd.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/tasks/curator_systemd.yml
@@ -32,5 +32,5 @@
           state: "started"
             OnBootSec: 30min
-            OnUnitActiveSec: 24h
+            OnUnitActiveSec: 6h
             Persistent: true
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/tasks/curator_upstart.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/tasks/curator_upstart.yml
index cc71f25f..b2acd070 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/tasks/curator_upstart.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/tasks/curator_upstart.yml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     name: "Run curator"
     minute: 0
-    hour: 2
+    hour: */6
     user: "curator"
     job: "/opt/elasticsearch-curator/bin/curator --config /var/lib/curator/curator.yml /var/lib/curator/actions.yml"
     cron_file: "elasticsearch-curator"
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator-actions.yml.j2 b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator-actions.yml.j2
index 66e7600c..095a1273 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator-actions.yml.j2
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator-actions.yml.j2
@@ -17,11 +17,16 @@
 {# Delete index loop #}
 {% for key in elastic_beat_retention_policy_keys -%}
 {%   set delete_indices = {} -%}
-{%   set index_retention = hostvars[inventory_hostname]['elastic_' + key + '_retention'] -%}
+{# Total retention size in days #}
+{%   set _index_retention = hostvars[inventory_hostname]['elastic_' + key + '_retention'] -%}
+{%   set index_retention = ((_index_retention | int) > 0) | ternary(_index_retention, 1) | int %}
+{# Total retention size in gigabytes #}
+{%   set _index_size = ((hostvars[inventory_hostname]['elastic_' + key + '_size'] | int) // 1024) -%}
+{%   set index_size = ((_index_size | int) > 0) | ternary(_index_size, 1) | int %}
 {%   set _ = delete_indices.update(
     'action': 'delete_indices',
-    'description': 'Prune indices for ' + key + ' after ' ~ (index_retention | int) ~ ' days.',
+    'description': 'Prune indices for ' + key + ' after ' ~ index_retention ~ ' days or index is > ' ~ index_size ~ 'gb',
     'options': {
       'ignore_empty_list': true,
       'disable_action': false
@@ -29,7 +34,6 @@
-{# add the filter loop #}
 {%   set filters = [] -%}
 {%   set _ = filters.append(
@@ -39,6 +43,15 @@
+{%   set _ = filters.append(
+   {
+    'filtertype': 'space',
+    'disk_space': index_size,
+    'use_age': true,
+    'source': 'creation_date'
+   }
+  )
 {%   set _ = filters.append(
     'filtertype': 'age',
@@ -46,72 +59,12 @@
     'direction': 'older',
     'timestring': '%Y.%m.%d',
     'unit': 'days',
-    'unit_count': (index_retention | int)
+    'unit_count': index_retention
 {%   set _ = delete_indices.update({'filters': filters}) -%}
 {%   set _ = action_items.append(delete_indices) -%}
-{# Set shrink curator options #}
-{%   set shrink_indices = {} -%}
-{%   set _ = shrink_indices.update(
-   {
-     'action': 'shrink',
-     'description': 'Shrink ' + key + ' indices older than ' ~ (index_retention | int) // 4 ~ ' days',
-     'options': {
-       "disable_action": false,
-       "ignore_empty_list": true,
-       "shrink_node": "DETERMINISTIC",
-       "node_filters": {
-         "permit_masters": ((master_nodes | length) < (data_nodes | length)) | ternary(true, false),
-         "exclude_nodes": (groups['kibana'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list)
-       },
-       "number_of_shards": 1,
-       "number_of_replicas": (elasticsearch_number_of_replicas | int),
-       "shrink_suffix": '-shrink',
-       "copy_aliases": true,
-       "delete_after": true,
-       "post_allocation": {
-         "allocation_type": "include",
-         "key": "node_tag",
-         "value": "cold"
-       },
-       "wait_for_active_shards": 1,
-       "extra_settings": {
-         "settings": {
-           "index.codec": "best_compression"
-         }
-       },
-       "wait_for_completion": true,
-       "wait_for_rebalance": true,
-       "wait_interval": 9,
-       "max_wait": -1
-     }
-   }
-  )
-{%   set filters = [] -%}
-{%   set _ = filters.append(
-   {
-    'filtertype': 'pattern',
-    'kind': 'prefix',
-    'value': key + '-'
-   }
-  )
-{%   set _ = filters.append(
-   {
-    'filtertype': 'age',
-    'source': 'creation_date',
-    'direction': 'older',
-    'unit': 'days',
-    'unit_count': (index_retention | int) // 4
-   }
-  )
-{%   set _ = shrink_indices.update({'filters': filters}) -%}
-{%   set _ = action_items.append(shrink_indices) -%}
 {% endfor -%}
 {% set actions = {} -%}
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/defaults/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/defaults/main.yml
index 3ea4b123..0019cfab 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/defaults/main.yml
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
 elastic_index_retention_algorithm: default
 ### Elastic curator variables
-## Default retention policy options. All retention options are in days.
+## If any of these retention policy option are undefined a dynamic fact will be
+## generated.
+## These options are all in days.
 #  elastic_logstash_retention: 1
 #  elastic_apm_retention: 1
 #  elastic_auditbeat_retention: 1
@@ -26,25 +28,69 @@ elastic_index_retention_algorithm: default
 #  elastic_metricbeat_retention: 1
 #  elastic_packetbeat_retention: 1
-# This is used to calculate the storage a beat could generate per node, per day.
-# This constant is used as a multiplier. If the expected storage is larger than
-# the actual available storage after the buffer is calculated the multiplier
-# will be doubled there-by cutting the potential storage days in half.
-elastic_beat_storage_constant: 512
+## These options are all in megabytes.
+#  elastic_logstash_size: 1024
+#  elastic_apm_size: 1024
+#  elastic_auditbeat_size: 1024
+#  elastic_filebeat_size: 1024
+#  elastic_heartbeat_size: 1024
+#  elastic_journalbeat_size: 1024
+#  elastic_metricbeat_size: 1024
+#  elastic_packetbeat_size: 1024
+## WHen a static retention policy option is not defined these options will be
+## used for dynamic fact generation.
+## Facts will be generated for the general retention using the total available
+## storage from the ES data nodes, subtracting 25%. Using the weights, each
+## index will be given a percentage of the total available storage. Indexes with
+## higher weights are expected to use more storage. The list of hosts in a given
+## index will be used to determine the number of days data can exist within an
+## index before it's pruned.
+## Example:
+#  es cluster has 4TiB of storage
+#  filebeat is deployed to 100 hosts
+#  filebeat has a weight of 10
+#  metricbeat is deployed to 125 hosts
+#  metricbeat has a weight of 2
+#  es storage in MiB: 4194304
+#  hosts and weighting total: (100 + 125) x (10 + 2) = 2700
+#  filebeat pct: (100 x 10) / 2700 = 0.37
+#  filebeat storage allowed: 0.37 * 4194304 = 1551892.48 MiB
+#  filebeat days allowed: 1551892.48 / (100 * 1024) = 15.1552 Days
+#  filebeat result: 15 days of retention or 1.5TiB of storage, whatever comes first
+#  metricbeat pct: (125 x 2) / 2700 = 0.09
+#  metricbeat storage allowed: 0.09 * 4194304 = 377487.36 MiB
+#  metricbeat days allowed: 377487.36 / (125 * 1024) = 2.94912 Days
+#  metricbeat result: 2 days of retention or 38GiB of storage, whatever comes first
-## If any retention policy option is undefined a dynamic fact will be generated.
-## Fact will be generated for the general retention using the storage constant
-## per node, per index, where a given collector is expected to be deployed. The
-## equation used will take the total available storage from the ES data nodes
-## subtract 25% divided by the total number of data nodes. That is then divided
-## by number of hosts assumed to be a beat target which is multiplied by the
-## storage constant.
-  logstash: "{{ groups['elastic-logstash'] | default([null]) | length }}"
-  apm: "{{ groups['apm-server'] | default([null]) | length }}"
-  auditbeat: "{{ (groups['hosts'] | default([null]) | length) * 2 }}"
-  filebeat: "{{ (groups['hosts'] | default([null]) | length) * 2 }}"
-  heartbeat: "{{ groups['kibana'][:3] | default([null]) | length }}"
-  journalbeat: "{{ (groups['all'] | default([null]) | length) * 1.5 }}"
-  metricbeat: "{{ (groups['all'] | default([null]) | length) * 1.5 }}"
-  packetbeat: "{{ (groups['hosts'] | default([null]) | length) * 5 }}"
+  logstash:
+    weight: 1
+    hosts: "{{ groups['elastic-logstash'] | default([]) }}"
+  apm:
+    weight: 1
+    hosts: "{{ groups['apm-server'] | default([]) }}"
+  auditbeat:
+    weight: 10
+    hosts: "{{ groups['hosts'] | default([]) }}"
+  filebeat:
+    weight: 10
+    hosts: "{{ groups['hosts'] | default([]) }}"
+  syslog:
+    weight: 1
+    hosts: "{{ groups['hosts'] | default([]) }}"
+  heartbeat:
+    weight: 1
+    hosts: "{{ groups['kibana'][:3] | default([]) }}"
+  journalbeat:
+    weight: 3
+    hosts: "{{ groups['all'] | default([]) }}"
+  metricbeat:
+    weight: 2
+    hosts: "{{ groups['all'] | default([]) }}"
+  packetbeat:
+    weight: 1
+    hosts: "{{ groups['hosts'] | default([]) }}"
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/tasks/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/tasks/main.yml
index 6c79ac41..9df9730c 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/tasks/main.yml
@@ -18,21 +18,32 @@
     url: "http://{{ coordination_nodes[0] }}/_nodes/{{ (data_nodes | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list) | join(',') }}/stats/fs"
     method: GET
   register: elk_data
-  until: elk_data is success
+  until:
+    - elk_data is success and elk_data['json'] is defined
   retries: 5
-  delay: 5
+  delay: 10
   run_once: true
-- name: Load data node variables
+- name: Set retention keys fact
+  set_fact:
+    es_storage_json: "{{ elk_data['json'] }}"
+- name: Load retention algo variables
   include_vars: "calculate_index_retention_{{ elastic_index_retention_algorithm }}.yml"
     - always
-- name: Set retention facts
-  set_fact: "elastic_{{ item.key }}_retention={{ (es_assumed_usable_storage_per_node | int) // ((item.value | int) * (es_storage_multiplier | int)) }}"
+- name: Set retention facts (mb size)
+  set_fact: "elastic_{{ item.key }}_size={{ item.value }}"
-    - hostvars[inventory_hostname]["elastic_" + item.key + "_retention"] is undefined
-  with_dict: "{{ elastic_beat_retention_policy_hosts }}"
+    - hostvars[inventory_hostname]["elastic_" ~ item.key ~ "_size"] is undefined
+  with_dict: "{{ es_storage_per_index }}"
+- name: Set retention facts (days)
+  set_fact: "elastic_{{ item.key }}_retention={{ item.value }}"
+  when:
+    - hostvars[inventory_hostname]["elastic_" ~ item.key ~ "_retention"] is undefined
+  with_dict: "{{ es_days_per_index }}"
 - name: Set retention keys fact
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/vars/calculate_index_retention_default.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/vars/calculate_index_retention_default.yml
index 4a060a8a..886cf5df 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/vars/calculate_index_retention_default.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/vars/calculate_index_retention_default.yml
@@ -13,18 +13,46 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-# Set available storage fact
-es_total_available_storage: "{{ ((elk_data['json']['nodes'].values() | list) | map(attribute='fs.total.total_in_bytes') | list | sum) // 1024 // 1024 }}"
+# Set available storage fact. This tasks the total amount of storage found
+# within the data nodes of the elasticsearch cluster and converts bytes to
+# megabytes.
+es_total_available_storage: "{{ ((es_storage_json['nodes'].values() | list) | map(attribute='fs.total.total_in_bytes') | list | sum) // 1024 // 1024 }}"
-# Set assumed buffer storage fact
+# Set assumed buffer storage fact. This will result in 25% of the total
+# available storage.
 es_assumed_buffer_storage: "{{ ((es_total_available_storage | int) * 0.25) | round | int }}"
-# Set usable buffer storage fact(s)
+# Set usable buffer storage fact(s). This is the toal storage minus the buffer.
 es_usable_buffer_storage: "{{ (es_total_available_storage | int) - (es_assumed_buffer_storage | int) }}"
-es_expected_storage: "{{ ((elastic_beat_retention_policy_hosts.values() | map('int') | list) | sum) * (elastic_beat_storage_constant | int) }}"
-# Set buffer storage fact
-es_assumed_usable_storage_per_node: "{{ (es_usable_buffer_storage | int) // (data_nodes | length | int) }}"
+# This function will take the sum total of all hosts in the retention policy
+# after weighting. Once the policy is set the sum total will be carved up into
+# individual percentages of the total amount of usable storage after the buffer
+# is calculated.
+es_storage_per_index: |-
+  {%- set es_hash = {} %}
+  {%- set total_weight = (elastic_beat_retention_policy_hosts.values() | list | map(attribute='weight') | list | sum) %}
+  {%- set host_count = (elastic_beat_retention_policy_hosts.values() | list | map(attribute='hosts') | list | map('flatten') | list | length) %}
+  {%- set total_values = (total_weight | int) * (host_count | int) %}
+  {%- for key, value in elastic_beat_retention_policy_hosts.items() %}
+  {%-   set value_pct = (((value.weight | int) * (value.hosts | length)) / (total_values | int)) %}
+  {%-   set value_total = ((value_pct | float) * (es_usable_buffer_storage | int)) %}
+  {%-   set _ = es_hash.__setitem__(key, value_total | int) %}
+  {%- endfor %}
+  {{ es_hash }}
-# Set storage the mulitplier
-es_storage_multiplier: "{{ ((es_usable_buffer_storage | int) < (es_expected_storage | int)) | ternary(((elastic_beat_storage_constant | int) * 2), elastic_beat_storage_constant | int) }}"
+# The assumed number of days an index will be retained is based on the size of
+# the given index. With the sizes all figured out in the function above this
+# function will divide each retention size be a constant of 1024 and the number
+# of hosts within a given collector segment.
+es_days_per_index: |-
+  {%- set es_hash = {} %}
+  {%- for key, value in elastic_beat_retention_policy_hosts.items() %}
+  {%-   if (es_storage_per_index[key] | int) > 0 %}
+  {%-     set value_days = ((es_storage_per_index[key] | int) // ((value.hosts | length) * 1024)) %}
+  {%-     set _ = es_hash.__setitem__(key, ((value_days | int) > 0) | ternary(value_days, 1) ) %}
+  {%-   else %}
+  {%-     set _ = es_hash.__setitem__(key, 1) %}
+  {%-   endif %}
+  {%- endfor %}
+  {{ es_hash }}
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_rollup/tasks/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_rollup/tasks/main.yml
index a5e3b081..a83fb66d 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_rollup/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_rollup/tasks/main.yml
@@ -37,16 +37,21 @@
 - name: Create rollup block
-    - name: Set retention days fact
+    - name: Set min retention days fact
-        days_until_rollup: |-
+        min_days_until_rollup: |-
           {% set index_retention = [] %}
           {% for item in ansible_play_hosts %}
-          {%   set _ = index_retention.append((hostvars[item]['elastic_' + index_name + '_retention'] | int) // 3) %}
+          {%   set _ = index_retention.append(hostvars[item]['elastic_' + index_name + '_retention'] | int) %}
           {% endfor %}
           {{ index_retention | min }}
       run_once: true
+    - name: Set retention days fact
+      set_fact:
+        days_until_rollup: "{{ ((min_days_until_rollup | int) > 1) | ternary(((min_days_until_rollup | int) - 1), min_days_until_rollup) }}"
+      run_once: true
     - name: Create rollup job
         url: "{{ item.url }}"
@@ -59,7 +64,7 @@
       retries: 5
       delay: 5
-        - hostvars[inventory_hostname]['elastic_' + index_name + '_retention'] > days_until_rollup
+        - (days_until_rollup | int) > 0
         - url: "http://{{ coordination_nodes[0] }}/_xpack/rollup/job/rollup_{{ index_name }}/_stop"
           method: POST