From 8db02387496cb040887637ef767c6f8ae9d179f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kevin Carter <>
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2018 01:01:40 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Move most of the variables into the roles

Change-Id: I82a48c554c164c7166c1a0d4e3192332af5024fb
Signed-off-by: Kevin Carter <>
 .../elastic_apm_server/defaults/main.yml      |  19 +++
 .../templates/curator-actions.yml.j2          |   2 +-
 .../elastic_curator/templates/curator.yml.j2  |   2 +-
 .../elastic_data_hosts/defaults/main.yml      |  17 +++
 .../elastic_dependencies/defaults/main.yml    |  15 ++
 .../roles/elastic_kibana/defaults/main.yml    |  10 ++
 .../roles/elastic_logstash/defaults/main.yml  |  44 ++++++
 .../elastic_metricbeat/defaults/main.yml      |  18 +++
 .../templates/metricbeat.yml.j2               |   4 +-
 .../tasks/elastic_apt_repos.yml               |  10 +-
 .../vars/ubuntu-14.04.yml                     |   6 +
 .../elastic_repositories/vars/ubuntu.yml      |   6 +
 .../roles/elastic_retention/defaults/main.yml |  34 +++++
 .../roles/elastic_retention/tasks/main.yml    |   4 +
 .../roles/elasticsearch/defaults/main.yml     |   1 +
 elk_metrics_6x/vars/variables.yml             | 132 +-----------------
 16 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_apm_server/defaults/main.yml
 create mode 100644 elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_data_hosts/defaults/main.yml
 create mode 100644 elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_metricbeat/defaults/main.yml

diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_apm_server/defaults/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_apm_server/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b38493e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_apm_server/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# APM vars
+apm_port: 8200
+apm_token: SuperSecrete
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator-actions.yml.j2 b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator-actions.yml.j2
index a3c9b229..66e7600c 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator-actions.yml.j2
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator-actions.yml.j2
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 {% set action_items = [] -%}
 {# Delete index loop #}
-{% for key in elastic_beat_retention_policy_hosts.keys() -%}
+{% for key in elastic_beat_retention_policy_keys -%}
 {%   set delete_indices = {} -%}
 {%   set index_retention = hostvars[inventory_hostname]['elastic_' + key + '_retention'] -%}
 {%   set _ = delete_indices.update(
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator.yml.j2 b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator.yml.j2
index 50a66299..ff0754ee 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator.yml.j2
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_curator/templates/curator.yml.j2
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     - {{ ansible_host }}
-  port: 9200
+  port: {{ elastic_port }}
   url_prefix: ""
   use_ssl: false
   ssl_no_validate: true
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_data_hosts/defaults/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_data_hosts/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e2353ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_data_hosts/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This interface is used to determine cluster recovery speed.
+elastic_data_interface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4['alias'] }}"
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_dependencies/defaults/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_dependencies/defaults/main.yml
index 78d93326..8db0f2c9 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_dependencies/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_dependencies/defaults/main.yml
@@ -20,3 +20,18 @@ q_mem: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb | int) // 3 }}"
 # Option to define half memory
 h_mem: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb | int) // 2 }}"
+#define this in host/group vars as needed to mount remote filesystems
+#set the client address as appropriate, eth1 assumes osa container mgmt network
+#mountpoints and server paths are just examples
+#  - fstype: nfs4
+#    src: "<nfs-server-ip>:/esbackup"
+#    opts: clientaddr="{{ ansible_eth1['ipv4']['address'] }}"
+#    path: "/elastic-backup"
+#    state: mounted
+# EXPERIMENTAL - When the heap size for a given elastic node is graeter than
+#                4GiB the G1 garbage collector can be enabled. This is an
+#                experimental feature and may be removed later.
+elastic_g1gc_enabled: false
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_kibana/defaults/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_kibana/defaults/main.yml
index a197cac3..1c9006a9 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_kibana/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_kibana/defaults/main.yml
@@ -14,3 +14,13 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 kibana_enable_basic_auth: false
+# kibana vars
+kibana_port: 5601
+kibana_username: admin
+kibana_password: admin
+kibana_nginx_port: 81
+kibana_server_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
+kibana_index_on_elasticsearch: "http://{{ hostvars[groups['elastic-logstash'][0]]['ansible_host'] }}:{{ elastic_port}}/.kibana"
+kibana_elastic_request_timeout: 600000
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_logstash/defaults/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_logstash/defaults/main.yml
index b3e15edd..d2574c21 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_logstash/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_logstash/defaults/main.yml
@@ -31,3 +31,47 @@ logstash_syslog_input_enabled: false
 # Changing this port to 514 will require overrides to the service files making
 # logstash run as root (not recommended).
 logstash_syslog_input_port: 1514
+logstash_beat_input_port: 5044
+logstash_deploy_filters: true
+## Logstash config showing a complete kafka setup using SSL for authentication.
+# logstash_kafka_options:
+#   codec: json
+#   topic_id: "elk_kafka"
+#   ssl_key_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_key_password }}"
+#   ssl_keystore_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_password }}"
+#   ssl_keystore_location: "/var/lib/logstash/{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_location | basename }}"
+#   ssl_truststore_location: "/var/lib/logstash/{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_location | basename }}"
+#   ssl_truststore_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_password }}"
+#   bootstrap_servers:
+#     - server1.local:9092
+#     - server2.local:9092
+#     - server3.local:9092
+#   client_id: "elk_metrics_6x"
+#   compression_type: "gzip"
+#   security_protocol: "SSL"
+## The following variables are options that correspond to the
+## `logstash_kafka_options` variable.
+# logstash_kafka_ssl_key_password: "secrete"
+# logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_password: "secrete"
+# logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_password: "secrete"
+# logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_location: "/root/kafka/keystore.jks"
+# logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_location: "/root/kafka/truststore.jks"
+## Setup servers that read events from the Smart Connector directly. This
+## supports multiple entries in list format using the "host" and "port" for the
+## smart connector.
+# logstash_arcsight_smart_connectors:
+#   - host:
+#     port: 5000
+logstash_arcsight_smart_connectors: []
+## Setup servers to read events from the Eevnt Broker Stream. This
+## multiple entries in list format using the "host" and "port" for the
+## for the event brokers.
+# logstash_arcsight_event_brokers:
+#   - host:
+#     port: 5000
+logstash_arcsight_event_brokers: []
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_metricbeat/defaults/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_metricbeat/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a1fd5c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_metricbeat/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+#metricbeats monitoring endpoints
+elastic_metricbeat_rabbitmq_monitoring_hosts: '"localhost:15672"'
+elastic_metricbeat_haproxy_monitoring_hosts: '"unix:///var/run/haproxy.stat"'
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_metricbeat/templates/metricbeat.yml.j2 b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_metricbeat/templates/metricbeat.yml.j2
index a2765e67..920df89b 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_metricbeat/templates/metricbeat.yml.j2
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_metricbeat/templates/metricbeat.yml.j2
@@ -178,12 +178,12 @@ metricbeat.modules:
 #  namespace: example
 ##---------------------------- Elasticsearch Module ---------------------------
-{% if inventory_hostname in (groups['elastic-logstash'] | union(groups['kibana']) | unique) %}
+{% if inventory_hostname in (groups['elastic-logstash'] | union(groups['kibana'])) %}
 - module: elasticsearch
   metricsets: ["node", "node_stats"]
   enabled: true
   period: 30s
-  hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
+  hosts: ["localhost:{{ elastic_port }}"]
 {% endif %}
 ##-------------------------------- Etcd Module --------------------------------
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/tasks/elastic_apt_repos.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/tasks/elastic_apt_repos.yml
index 776dfeb4..b46376bb 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/tasks/elastic_apt_repos.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/tasks/elastic_apt_repos.yml
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 - name: add Elastic search public GPG key
-    url: ""
-    state: "{{ ((elk_package_state | default('present')) == 'absent') | ternary('absent', 'present') }}"
+    url: "{{ elastic_repo.key_url }}"
+    state: "present"
   register: _apt_task
   until: _apt_task is success
   retries: 3
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
 - name: add elk repo to apt sources list
-    repo: "{{ elk_repo.repo }}"
-    state: "{{ elk_repo.state }}"
-    filename: "{{ elk_repo.filename | default(omit) }}"
+    repo: "{{ elastic_repo.repo }}"
+    state: "{{ elastic_repo.state }}"
+    filename: "{{ elastic_repo.filename | default(omit) }}"
   register: _apt_task
   until: _apt_task is success
   retries: 3
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/vars/ubuntu-14.04.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/vars/ubuntu-14.04.yml
index 2714e5fc..a93425ae 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/vars/ubuntu-14.04.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/vars/ubuntu-14.04.yml
@@ -18,3 +18,9 @@ elastic_repo_distro_packages:
   - "ppa:openjdk-r/ppa"
+# elk apt repo
+  repo: 'deb stable main'
+  state: "{{ ((elk_package_state | default('present')) == 'absent') | ternary('absent', 'present') }}"
+  key_url: ""
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/vars/ubuntu.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/vars/ubuntu.yml
index 8752df14..90019c53 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/vars/ubuntu.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_repositories/vars/ubuntu.yml
@@ -15,3 +15,9 @@
   - apt-transport-https
+# elk apt repo
+  repo: 'deb stable main'
+  state: "{{ ((elk_package_state | default('present')) == 'absent') | ternary('absent', 'present') }}"
+  key_url: ""
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/defaults/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/defaults/main.yml
index a3ae847f..3ea4b123 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/defaults/main.yml
@@ -14,3 +14,37 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 elastic_index_retention_algorithm: default
+### Elastic curator variables
+## Default retention policy options. All retention options are in days.
+#  elastic_logstash_retention: 1
+#  elastic_apm_retention: 1
+#  elastic_auditbeat_retention: 1
+#  elastic_filebeat_retention: 1
+#  elastic_heartbeat_retention: 1
+#  elastic_journalbeat_retention: 1
+#  elastic_metricbeat_retention: 1
+#  elastic_packetbeat_retention: 1
+# This is used to calculate the storage a beat could generate per node, per day.
+# This constant is used as a multiplier. If the expected storage is larger than
+# the actual available storage after the buffer is calculated the multiplier
+# will be doubled there-by cutting the potential storage days in half.
+elastic_beat_storage_constant: 512
+## If any retention policy option is undefined a dynamic fact will be generated.
+## Fact will be generated for the general retention using the storage constant
+## per node, per index, where a given collector is expected to be deployed. The
+## equation used will take the total available storage from the ES data nodes
+## subtract 25% divided by the total number of data nodes. That is then divided
+## by number of hosts assumed to be a beat target which is multiplied by the
+## storage constant.
+  logstash: "{{ groups['elastic-logstash'] | default([null]) | length }}"
+  apm: "{{ groups['apm-server'] | default([null]) | length }}"
+  auditbeat: "{{ (groups['hosts'] | default([null]) | length) * 2 }}"
+  filebeat: "{{ (groups['hosts'] | default([null]) | length) * 2 }}"
+  heartbeat: "{{ groups['kibana'][:3] | default([null]) | length }}"
+  journalbeat: "{{ (groups['all'] | default([null]) | length) * 1.5 }}"
+  metricbeat: "{{ (groups['all'] | default([null]) | length) * 1.5 }}"
+  packetbeat: "{{ (groups['hosts'] | default([null]) | length) * 5 }}"
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/tasks/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/tasks/main.yml
index 3b7a52d3..277a6f31 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_retention/tasks/main.yml
@@ -33,3 +33,7 @@
     - hostvars[inventory_hostname]["elastic_" + item.key + "_retention"] is undefined
   with_dict: "{{ elastic_beat_retention_policy_hosts }}"
+- name: Set retention keys fact
+  set_fact:
+    elastic_beat_retention_policy_keys: "{{ elastic_beat_retention_policy_hosts.keys() }}"
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elasticsearch/defaults/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elasticsearch/defaults/main.yml
index aedbb705..259e0ac3 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elasticsearch/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elasticsearch/defaults/main.yml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+cluster_name: openstack_elk
 elastic_log_rotate_path: "/var/log/elasticsearch"
 temp_dir: /var/lib/elasticsearch/tmp
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/vars/variables.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/vars/variables.yml
index 536003b5..2fe2f95d 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/vars/variables.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/vars/variables.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,12 @@
-# elk apt repo
-  repo: 'deb stable main'
-  state: "{{ ((elk_package_state | default('present')) == 'absent') | ternary('absent', 'present') }}"
-#metricbeats monitoring endpoints
-elastic_metricbeat_rabbitmq_monitoring_hosts: '"localhost:15672"'
-elastic_metricbeat_haproxy_monitoring_hosts: '"unix:///var/run/haproxy.stat"'
-# elastic search vars
+apm_port: 8200
 elastic_port: 9200
 elastic_hap_port: 9201
-cluster_name: openstack_elk
-node_name: ${HOSTNAME}
-elastic_data_interface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4['alias'] }}"
-### Elastic curator variables
-## Default retention policy options. All retention options are in days.
-#  elastic_logstash_retention: 1
-#  elastic_apm_retention: 1
-#  elastic_auditbeat_retention: 1
-#  elastic_filebeat_retention: 1
-#  elastic_heartbeat_retention: 1
-#  elastic_journalbeat_retention: 1
-#  elastic_metricbeat_retention: 1
-#  elastic_packetbeat_retention: 1
-# This is used to calculate the storage a beat could generate per node, per day.
-# This constant is used as a multiplier. If the expected storage is larger than
-# the actual available storage after the buffer is calculated the multiplier
-# will be doubled there-by cutting the potential storage days in half.
-elastic_beat_storage_constant: 512
-## If any retention policy option is undefined a dynamic fact will be generated.
-## Fact will be generated for the general retention using the storage constant
-## per node, per index, where a given collector is expected to be deployed. The
-## equation used will take the total available storage from the ES data nodes
-## subtract 25% divided by the total number of data nodes. That is then divided
-## by number of hosts assumed to be a beat target which is multiplied by the
-## storage constant.
-  logstash: "{{ groups['elastic-logstash'] | default([null]) | length }}"
-  apm: "{{ groups['apm-server'] | default([null]) | length }}"
-  auditbeat: "{{ (groups['hosts'] | default([null]) | length) * 2 }}"
-  filebeat: "{{ (groups['hosts'] | default([null]) | length) * 2 }}"
-  heartbeat: "{{ groups['kibana'][:3] | default([null]) | length }}"
-  journalbeat: "{{ (groups['all'] | default([null]) | length) * 1.5 }}"
-  metricbeat: "{{ (groups['all'] | default([null]) | length) * 1.5 }}"
-  packetbeat: "{{ (groups['hosts'] | default([null]) | length) * 5 }}"
+logstash_beat_input_port: 5044
+logstash_syslog_input_port: 1514
+kibana_port: 5601
+kibana_nginx_port: 81
 # This is the URL external services can use to communicate with the
 # elasticsearch cluster.
@@ -58,80 +17,6 @@ elastic_vip_url: >-
   http://{{ hostvars[groups['kibana'][0]]['ansible_host'] ~ ':' ~ elastic_port }}
   {% endif %}
-#define this in host/group vars as needed to mount remote filesystems
-#set the client address as appropriate, eth1 assumes osa container mgmt network
-#mountpoints and server paths are just examples
-#  - fstype: nfs4
-#    src: "<nfs-server-ip>:/esbackup"
-#    opts: clientaddr="{{ ansible_eth1['ipv4']['address'] }}"
-#    path: "/elastic-backup"
-#    state: mounted
-# EXPERIMENTAL - When the heap size for a given elastic node is graeter than
-#                4GiB the G1 garbage collector can be enabled. This is an
-#                experimental feature and may be removed later.
-elastic_g1gc_enabled: false
-# kibana vars
-kibana_port: 5601
-kibana_username: admin
-kibana_password: admin
-kibana_nginx_port: 81
-kibana_server_name: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
-kibana_index_on_elasticsearch: "http://{{ hostvars[groups['elastic-logstash'][0]]['ansible_host'] }}:{{ elastic_port}}/.kibana"
-kibana_elastic_request_timeout: 600000
-# logstash vars
-logstash_beat_input_port: 5044
-logstash_deploy_filters: true
-## Logstash config showing a complete kafka setup using SSL for authentication.
-# logstash_kafka_options:
-#   codec: json
-#   topic_id: "elk_kafka"
-#   ssl_key_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_key_password }}"
-#   ssl_keystore_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_password }}"
-#   ssl_keystore_location: "/var/lib/logstash/{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_location | basename }}"
-#   ssl_truststore_location: "/var/lib/logstash/{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_location | basename }}"
-#   ssl_truststore_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_password }}"
-#   bootstrap_servers:
-#     - server1.local:9092
-#     - server2.local:9092
-#     - server3.local:9092
-#   client_id: "elk_metrics_6x"
-#   compression_type: "gzip"
-#   security_protocol: "SSL"
-## The following variables are options that correspond to the
-## `logstash_kafka_options` variable.
-# logstash_kafka_ssl_key_password: "secrete"
-# logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_password: "secrete"
-# logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_password: "secrete"
-# logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_location: "/root/kafka/keystore.jks"
-# logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_location: "/root/kafka/truststore.jks"
-## Setup servers that read events from the Smart Connector directly. This
-## supports multiple entries in list format using the "host" and "port" for the
-## smart connector.
-# logstash_arcsight_smart_connectors:
-#   - host:
-#     port: 5000
-logstash_arcsight_smart_connectors: []
-## Setup servers to read events from the Eevnt Broker Stream. This
-## multiple entries in list format using the "host" and "port" for the
-## for the event brokers.
-# logstash_arcsight_event_brokers:
-#   - host:
-#     port: 5000
-logstash_arcsight_event_brokers: []
-# APM vars
-apm_port: 8200
 # Beat options
   - group: "{{ groups['galera_all'] | default([]) }}"
@@ -362,11 +247,6 @@ heartbeat_services:
     method: HEAD
     path: "/"
-# apm
-apm_token: SuperSecrete
 # Grafana
   - dashboard_id: 5566