diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_dependencies/tasks/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_dependencies/tasks/main.yml
index a8bb1e9b..85158bee 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_dependencies/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_dependencies/tasks/main.yml
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@
           [[ ! -d "/var/lib/{{ service_name }}" ]] && mkdir -p "/var/lib/{{ service_name }}"
           - "lxc.mount.entry=/openstack/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ service_name }} var/lib/{{ service_name }} none bind 0 0"
+          - "lxc.aa_profile=unconfined"
       delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}"
         - container_tech | default('lxc') == 'lxc'
diff --git a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_logstash/tasks/main.yml b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_logstash/tasks/main.yml
index 2a726279..41bf570c 100644
--- a/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_logstash/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/elk_metrics_6x/roles/elastic_logstash/tasks/main.yml
@@ -69,9 +69,17 @@
       changed_when: false
       register: _logstash_block_device
+    - name: Set device fact
+      set_fact:
+        _logstash_device: "{{ _logstash_block_device.stdout.split('/')[-1] | regex_replace('[0-9]$','') }}"
+    - name: Set device info fact
+      set_fact:
+        _logstash_device_info: "{{ ansible_devices[_logstash_device] }}"
     - name: Set persisted queue fact
-        logstash_queue_type: "{{ ((ansible_devices[_logstash_block_device.stdout.split('/')[-1] | regex_replace('[0-9]$','')]['rotational'] | int) != 1) | ternary('persisted', 'memory') }}"
+        logstash_queue_type: "{{ ((_logstash_device_info['rotational'] | int) != 1) | ternary('persisted', 'memory') }}"
     - name: Set persisted queue fact (fallback)
diff --git a/multi-node-aio/playbooks/deploy-elk.yml b/multi-node-aio/playbooks/deploy-elk.yml
index 24a70233..bbae173b 100644
--- a/multi-node-aio/playbooks/deploy-elk.yml
+++ b/multi-node-aio/playbooks/deploy-elk.yml
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
         - tmux attach -t build-osa
         - tmux select-pane -t 0
-        - tmux send-keys "openstack-ansible playbooks/lxc-containers-create --limit elk_all" C-m
         - tmux send-keys "cd /opt/openstack-ansible-ops/elk_metrics_6x" C-m
         - tmux send-keys "openstack-ansible site.yml" C-m
diff --git a/multi-node-aio/playbooks/osa/user_mnaio_variables.yml b/multi-node-aio/playbooks/osa/user_mnaio_variables.yml
index 44afc2d2..6a8fe03d 100644
--- a/multi-node-aio/playbooks/osa/user_mnaio_variables.yml
+++ b/multi-node-aio/playbooks/osa/user_mnaio_variables.yml
@@ -46,36 +46,40 @@ galera_innodb_buffer_pool_size: 1024M
 galera_gcache_size: 128M
 {% if osa_enable_elk_metrics | bool %}
+{% raw %}
   - service:
       haproxy_service_name: elastic-logstash
-      haproxy_ssl: False
-      haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ '{{' }} groups['Kibana'] | default([]) {{ '}}' }}"  # Kibana nodes are also Elasticsearch coordination nodes
+      haproxy_ssl: True
+      haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ groups['Kibana'] | default([]) }}"  # Kibana nodes are also Elasticsearch coordination nodes
       haproxy_port: 9201  # This is set using the "elastic_hap_port" variable
       haproxy_check_port: 9200  # This is set using the "elastic_port" variable
       haproxy_backend_port: 9200  # This is set using the "elastic_port" variable
       haproxy_balance_type: tcp
   - service:
       haproxy_service_name: Kibana
-      haproxy_ssl: False
-      haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ '{{' }} groups['Kibana'] | default([]) {{ '}}' }}"
-      haproxy_port: 81  # This is set using the "Kibana_nginx_port" variable
+      haproxy_ssl: True
+      haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ groups['Kibana'] | default([]) }}"
+      haproxy_port: 8443
+      haproxy_backend_port: 81
       haproxy_balance_type: tcp
   - service:
       haproxy_service_name: apm-server
-      haproxy_ssl: False
-      haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ '{{' }} groups['apm-server'] | default([]) {{ '}}' }}"
-      haproxy_port: 8200 # this is set using the "apm_port" variable
+      haproxy_ssl: True
+      haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ groups['apm-server'] | default([]) }}"
+      haproxy_port: 8200
       haproxy_balance_type: tcp
+{% endraw %}
 {% endif %}
 {% if osa_enable_os_profiler | bool %}
+{% raw %}
 profiler_overrides: &os_profiler
     enabled: true
     trace_sqlalchemy: true
-    hmac_keys: '{{ '{{' }} os_profiler_hmac_token {{ '}}' }}'
-    connection_string: "Elasticsearch://'{{ '{{' }} internal_lb_vip_address {{ '}}' }}':9201"
+    hmac_keys: '{{ os_profiler_hmac_token }}'
+    connection_string: "Elasticsearch://'{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}':9201"
     es_doc_type: "notification"
     es_scroll_time: "2m"
     es_scroll_size: "10000"
@@ -101,6 +105,7 @@ sahara_conf_overrides: *os_profiler
 swift_swift_conf_overrides: *os_profiler
 tacker_tacker_conf_overrides: *os_profiler
 trove_config_overrides: *os_profiler
+{% endraw %}
 {% endif %}
 {% if osa_enable_uwsgi_stats | bool %}