--- # Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. - name: Check for service_name var fail: msg: >- The required variable [ service_name ] is undefined. when: - service_name is undefined - name: Check for service_owner var fail: msg: >- The required variable [ service_owner ] is undefined. when: - service_owner is undefined - name: Check for service_group var fail: msg: >- The required variable [ service_group ] is undefined. when: - service_group is undefined - name: Load service variables include_vars: "vars_{{ service_name }}.yml" - name: Gather variables for each operating system include_vars: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}" vars: params: files: - "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'] | lower }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] | lower }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] | lower }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'].split('.')[0] }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower }}.yml" paths: - "{{ role_path }}/vars" tags: - always - name: Set elastic log rotate path set_fact: elastic_log_rotate_path: "/var/log/{{ service_name }}" - name: Configure systcl vm.max_map_count=524288 on elastic hosts sysctl: name: "vm.max_map_count" value: "524288" state: "present" reload: "yes" sysctl_file: /etc/sysctl.d/99-elasticsearch.conf delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}" tags: - sysctl - name: Configure systcl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1048576 on elastic hosts sysctl: name: "fs.inotify.max_user_watches" value: "1048576" state: "present" reload: "yes" sysctl_file: /etc/sysctl.d/99-elasticsearch.conf delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}" tags: - sysctl - name: Create the system group group: name: "{{ service_group }}" gid: "{{ service_group_gid | default(omit) }}" state: "present" system: "yes" - name: Create the system user block: - name: Create the system user user: name: "{{ service_owner }}" uid: "{{ service_owner_uid | default(omit) }}" group: "{{ service_group }}" shell: "/bin/false" system: "yes" createhome: "no" home: "/var/lib/{{ service_name }}" rescue: - name: Check for system user debug: msg: >- The general user creation task failed. This typically means that the user already exists and something in the user configuration provided is changing the system user in way that is simply not possible at this time. The playbooks will now simply ensure the user exists and before carrying on to the next task. While it's not required, it may be benificial to schedule a maintenance where the elastic services are stopped. - name: Ensure the system user exists user: name: "{{ service_owner }}" group: "{{ service_group }}" - name: Physical host block block: - name: Check for directory stat: path: "/var/lib/{{ service_name }}" register: service_dir - name: Check for data directory debug: msg: >- The service data directory [ /var/lib/{{ service_name }} ] already exists. To ensure no data is lost, the linked directory path to [ /openstack/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ service_name }} ] will not be created for this host. when: - service_dir.stat.isdir is defined and service_dir.stat.isdir - name: Ensure service directories data-path exists file: path: "/openstack/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ service_name }}" state: "directory" owner: "{{ service_owner }}" group: "{{ service_group }}" when: - not (service_dir.stat.exists | bool) - name: Ensure data link exists file: src: "/openstack/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ service_name }}" dest: "/var/lib/{{ service_name }}" owner: "{{ service_owner }}" group: "{{ service_group }}" state: link when: - not (service_dir.stat.exists | bool) when: - physical_host == inventory_hostname - name: Container block block: - name: Ensure service directories data-path exists file: path: "/openstack/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ service_name }}" state: "directory" delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}" - name: Pull lxc version command: "lxc-ls --version" delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}" changed_when: false register: lxc_version tags: - skip_ansible_lint - name: Enable or Disable lxc three syntax set_fact: lxc_major_version: "{{ lxc_version.stdout.split('.')[0] }}" - name: elasticsearch datapath bind mount lxc_container: name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" container_command: | [[ ! -d "/var/lib/{{ service_name }}" ]] && mkdir -p "/var/lib/{{ service_name }}" container_config: - "lxc.mount.entry=/openstack/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ service_name }} var/lib/{{ service_name }} none bind 0 0" - "lxc.apparmor.profile=unconfined" delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}" when: - container_tech | default('lxc') == 'lxc' - physical_host != inventory_hostname - name: Ensure Java is installed package: name: "{{ elastic_distro_packages }}" state: "{{ elk_package_state | default('present') }}" install_recommends: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary('yes', omit) }}" update_cache: "{{ (ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt') | ternary('yes', omit) }}" register: _package_task until: _package_task is success retries: 3 delay: 2 tags: - package_install - name: Set java alternatives block: - name: Get java version alternantive shell: >- update-alternatives --query java | awk -F':' '/{{ elastic_java_version }}/ && /Alternative/ {print $2}' register: java_alternatives changed_when: false - name: Set java version alternantive alternatives: name: java path: "{{ java_alternatives.stdout.strip() }}" when: - (ansible_facts['os_family'] | lower) == 'debian' - name: Ensure service directories exists file: path: "/etc/{{ service_name }}" state: "directory" owner: "{{ service_owner }}" group: "{{ service_group }}" - name: Drop logrotate conf file(s) template: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" with_items: - src: "templates/logrotate.j2" dest: "/etc/logrotate.d/{{ service_name }}" - name: Ensure host can resolve itself lineinfile: path: /etc/hosts regexp: '^{{ item }}' line: '{{ item }} {{ ansible_facts["hostname"] }} {{ ansible_facts["fqdn"] }}' owner: root group: root mode: 0644 with_items: - "" - "{{ ansible_host }}"