#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright [2016] [Kevin Carter] # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. MAX_RETRIES=${MAX_RETRIES:-5} # Load all functions source functions.rc # Reset the ssh-agent service to remove potential key issues ssh_agent_reset # Install git and tmux for use within the OSA deploy apt-get install -y git tmux # Clone the OSA source code git clone https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ansible /opt/openstack-ansible || true # Ensure the "/etc/openstack_deploy" exists mkdir_check "/etc/openstack_deploy" pushd /opt/openstack-ansible/ # Fetch all current refs git fetch --all # Checkout the OpenStack-Ansible branch git checkout "${OSA_BRANCH:-master}" # Copy the etc files into place cp -vR etc/openstack_deploy/* /etc/openstack_deploy/ popd # Create a secondary static inventory for hosts ansible_static_inventory "/opt/ansible-static-inventory.ini" # Create the OpenStack User Config HOSTIP="$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}')" sed "s/__HOSTIP__/${HOSTIP}/g" templates/openstack_user_config.yml > /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml # Create the swift config: function group_name host_type cp -v templates/osa-swift.yml /etc/openstack_deploy/conf.d/swift.yml ### =========== WRITE OF conf.d FILES =========== ### # Setup cinder hosts: function group_name host_type write_osa_general_confd storage-infra_hosts cinder write_osa_cinder_confd storage_hosts cinder # Setup nova hosts: function group_name host_type write_osa_general_confd compute_hosts nova_compute # Setup infra hosts: function group_name host_type write_osa_general_confd identity_hosts infra write_osa_general_confd repo-infra_hosts infra write_osa_general_confd os-infra_hosts infra write_osa_general_confd shared-infra_hosts infra # Setup logging hosts: function group_name host_type write_osa_general_confd log_hosts logging # Setup network hosts: function group_name host_type write_osa_general_confd network_hosts infra # Setup swift hosts: function group_name host_type write_osa_swift_proxy_confd swift-proxy_hosts swift write_osa_swift_storage_confd swift_hosts swift ### =========== END WRITE OF conf.d FILES =========== ### pushd /opt/openstack-ansible/ # Bootstrap ansible into the environment bash ./scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh # Generate the passwords for the environment python ./scripts/pw-token-gen.py --file /etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml # This is happening so the VMs running the infra use less storage osa_user_var_add lxc_container_backing_store 'lxc_container_backing_store: dir' # Tempest is being configured to use a known network osa_user_var_add tempest_public_subnet_cidr 'tempest_public_subnet_cidr:' # This makes running neutron in a distributed system easier and a lot less noisy osa_user_var_add neutron_l2_population 'neutron_l2_population: True' # This makes the glance image store use swift instead of the file backend osa_user_var_add glance_default_store 'glance_default_store: swift' popd # Set the number of forks for the ansible client calls export ANSIBLE_FORKS=${ANSIBLE_FORKS:-15} pushd /opt/openstack-ansible export DEPLOY_AIO=true bash ./scripts/run-playbooks.sh popd EXEC_DIR="$(pwd)" pushd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks if [[ -f "/usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc" ]]; then source /usr/local/bin/openstack-ansible.rc fi ansible -m script -a "${EXEC_DIR}/openstack-service-setup.sh" 'utility_all[0]' popd