################################## ALL HOSTS ################################## [all] # Local host localhost ansible_connection=local # MNAIO host mnaio1 ansible_host= ansible_connection=local # MNAIO VMs infra1 ansible_host= infra2 ansible_host= infra3 ansible_host= cinder1 ansible_host= cinder2 ansible_host= compute1 ansible_host= compute2 ansible_host= loadbalancer1 ansible_host= logging1 ansible_host= swift1 ansible_host= swift2 ansible_host= swift3 ansible_host= ################################# MNAIO HOSTS ################################# # The group "vm_hosts" is used to define all host machines that will be running # traditional virtualization using KVM. [vm_hosts] mnaio1 # The group "pxe_hosts" is used to setup all systems that will be responsible # for PXE boot. This will install all of the needed capabilities to TFTP serve # system images. [pxe_hosts] mnaio1 # The group "dhcp_hosts" is used to setup all systems that will be responsible # for DHCP. This is not required as external DHCP could be used. [dhcp_hosts] mnaio1 # The group "pxe_servers" is used to create PXE specific configurations for # each host machines. [pxe_servers] cinder1 cinder2 compute1 compute2 infra1 infra2 infra3 loadbalancer1 logging1 swift1 swift2 swift3 ################################## OSA HOSTS ################################## # The group "deploy_hosts" is used to define where an OSA deployment will # originate from. [deploy_hosts] infra1 [loadbalancer_hosts] loadbalancer1 [log_hosts] logging1 ############################### OSA MNAIO HOSTS ############################### # The group "infra_hosts" is used in the MNAIO setup to create the basic host # layout for nova compute. [infra_hosts] infra1 infra2 infra3 # The group "swift_hosts" is used in the MNAIO setup to create the basic drive # setup needed for a swift deployment. [swift_hosts] swift1 swift2 swift3 # The group "cinder_hosts" is used in the MNAIO setup to create the basic drive # setup needed for a cinder LVM deployment. [cinder_hosts] cinder1 cinder2 # The group "compute_hosts" is used in the MNAIO setup to create the basic host # layout for nova compute. [compute_hosts] compute1 compute2