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# Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
temp_dir: /var/lib/logstash/tmp
logstash_pipelines: "{{lookup('template', 'logstash-pipelines.yml.j2') }}"
- "{{ elastic_port }}"
# Set processor cores fact
q_storage: 1
# Set logstash facts
logstash_queue_size: "{{ ((((q_storage | int) >= 2) | ternary(q_storage, 2) | int) * 1024) // ((logstash_pipelines | from_yaml) | length) }}"
elastic_log_rotate_path: "/var/log/logstash"
# Enable direct syslog input into logstash. When this is enabled syslog messages
# can be sent directly to logstash via TCP or UDP.
logstash_syslog_input_enabled: false
# The typical syslog port is 514 however that is not available to logstash
# because it's a "privledged" port. For this reason 5140 is used as the default.
# Changing this port to 514 will require overrides to the service files making
# logstash run as root (not recommended).
logstash_syslog_input_port: 5140
# Protocol used when the syslog input is enabled. Modes are "tcp" or "udp".
logstash_syslog_input_mode: udp
logstash_beat_input_port: 5044
logstash_deploy_filters: true
## Logstash config showing a complete kafka setup using SSL for authentication.
# logstash_kafka_options:
# codec: json
# topic_id: "elk_kafka"
# ssl_key_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_key_password }}"
# ssl_keystore_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_password }}"
# ssl_keystore_location: "/var/lib/logstash/{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_location | basename }}"
# ssl_truststore_location: "/var/lib/logstash/{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_location | basename }}"
# ssl_truststore_password: "{{ logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_password }}"
# bootstrap_servers:
# - server1.local:9092
# - server2.local:9092
# - server3.local:9092
# client_id: "elk_metrics_7x"
# compression_type: "gzip"
# security_protocol: "SSL"
## The following variables are options that correspond to the
## `logstash_kafka_options` variable.
# logstash_kafka_ssl_key_password: "secrete"
# logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_password: "secrete"
# logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_password: "secrete"
# logstash_kafka_ssl_keystore_location: "/root/kafka/keystore.jks"
# logstash_kafka_ssl_truststore_location: "/root/kafka/truststore.jks"
## Setup servers that read events from the Smart Connector directly. This
## supports multiple entries in list format using the "host" and "port" for the
## smart connector.
# logstash_arcsight_smart_connectors:
# - host:
# port: 5000
logstash_arcsight_smart_connectors: []
## Setup servers to read events from the Eevnt Broker Stream. This
## multiple entries in list format using the "host" and "port" for the
## for the event brokers.
# logstash_arcsight_event_brokers:
# - host:
# port: 5000
logstash_arcsight_event_brokers: []
## The logstash queue type can be set to "memory" or "persisted". If the queue
## type is set to memory a ramdisk will be created limiting the in memory queue
## to 50% of the JVM heap size. When this option is undefined the playbook will
## detect the media type where the queue will exist. If the media type is
## "rotational" in memory queues will be used.
# logstash_queue_type:
# Set the logstash search heap size. If this option is undefined the value will
# be derived automatically using 1/4 of the available RAM for logstash and 1/2
# of the available RAM for elasticsearch. The value is expected to be in MiB.
# logstash_heap_size: 10240 # type `int`
# Collectd ingestion options
logstash_collectd_input_enabled: false
logstash_collectd_port: 25826
logstash_collectd_buffer_size: 1452
# Security level can be ["Sign", "Encrypt"].
logstash_collectd_security_level: Sign
# To enable security the auth file is required.
#logstash_collectd_authfile: /etc/collectd/passwd
# Set the descriptive name by which Logstash is identified
logstash_node_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
# Username and password for XPack monitoring when security
# is enabled
# logstash_system_username: ""
# logstash_system_password: ""
# Username and password for Elasticsearch writes when security
# is enabled
# logstash_internal_username: ""
# logstash_internal_password: ""