Kevin Carter 3f17e2b5db
add acng to the host system and preseeds
This change ensures that the VMs and host systems cache apt packges
locally which will speed up the boot and deployment process.

Change-Id: I234e338b9f1b9f11ff1e81ede8c5717e033fdad8
Signed-off-by: Kevin Carter <>
2017-07-28 18:53:57 -05:00

34 lines
1.6 KiB

# {{ ansible_managed }}
CacheDir: /var/www/pkg-cache
LogDir: /var/log/apt-cacher-ng
Port: 3142
Remap-debrep: file:deb_mirror*.gz /debian ; file:backends_debian # Debian Archives
Remap-uburep: file:ubuntu_mirrors /ubuntu ; file:backends_ubuntu # Ubuntu Archives
Remap-debvol: file:debvol_mirror*.gz /debian-volatile ; file:backends_debvol # Debian Volatile Archives
Remap-cygwin: file:cygwin_mirrors /cygwin # ; file:backends_cygwin # incomplete, please create this file or specify preferred mirrors here
Remap-sfnet: file:sfnet_mirrors # ; file:backends_sfnet # incomplete, please create this file or specify preferred mirrors here
Remap-alxrep: file:archlx_mirrors /archlinux # ; file:backend_archlx # Arch Linux
Remap-fedora: file:fedora_mirrors # Fedora Linux
Remap-epel: file:epel_mirrors # Fedora EPEL
Remap-slrep: file:sl_mirrors # Scientific Linux
Remap-centos: file:centos_mirrors /centos #centos
ReportPage: acng-report.html
PidFile: /var/run/apt-cacher-ng
ExTreshold: 4
LocalDirs: acng-doc /usr/share/doc/apt-cacher-ng
PassThroughPattern: .*
{% if http_proxy is defined and http_proxy %}
Proxy: {{ http_proxy }}
{% endif %}
{% if ansible_distribution_release | lower != 'trusty' %}
VfilePatternEx: ^/\?release=[0-9]+&arch=
{% endif %}
# NOTE(mhayden): Caching the CentOS mirror list causes yum to throw
# 503 errors intermittently since the remote file is dynamic. Also,
# yum has issues with retrieving the repodata bz2 and
# that causes more intermittent 503 errors. This DontCache line
# tells apt-cacher-ng to allow requests for these to pass through
# without being cached.
DontCache: (mirrorlist\.centos\.org)|(mariadb\.org.*\.bz2$)