This change allows the MNAIO to really be used as a stand alone kick system which has the potential to be developed into a stand alone project. At the very least this change improves playbook performance by scoping variables. The inventory has been converted into a typical Ansible inventory and the "servers" used in the MNAIO are now simply host_vars which will trigger specific VM builds when instructed to do so. This gives the MNAIO the ability to serve as a stand alone kick system which could be used for physical hosts as well as MNAIO testing all through the same basic set of playbooks. Should a deployer want to use this with physical servers they'd need to do nothing more than define their basic inventory and where the the required pieces of infrastructure needed to PXE boot their machines. Change-Id: I6c47e02ecfbe8ee7533e77b11041785db485a1a9 Signed-off-by: Kevin Carter <kevin.carter@rackspace.com>
Team and repository tags
OpenStack-Ansible Operator Tooling
This repository is a collecting point for various scripts and tools which OpenStack-Ansible Developers and Operators have found to be useful and want to share and collaboratively improve.
The contents of this repository are not strictly quality managed and are only tested by hand by the contributors and consumers. Anyone using the tooling is advised to very clearly understand what it is doing before using it on a production environment.
Galaxy roles
OpenStack Ansible backup
This role will perform backups for OpenStack-Ansible deployments and it needs to run on the deploy node. It will backup data on container and then synchronize backup files to the deploy node.