Kevin Carter f69d391325 Further tune the playbooks, configs, and thread pool
* Implements G1 GC optionally. The variable `elastic_g1gc_enabled` has
  been added with a default of false. If this option is set true and the
  system has more than 4GiB of RAM G1GC will be enabled.
* Adds new thread options
* Better constraints coordination nodes
* Interface recover speed has been limited
* Buffer size is now set correctly
* Serialize elk deployment so that upgrades are non-impacting

Change-Id: I89224eeaf4ed29c3bb1d7f8010b69503dbc74e11
Signed-off-by: Kevin Carter <>
2018-07-26 18:43:13 +00:00

131 lines
5.1 KiB

- name: Refresh minimal facts
gather_subset: '!all,!any,network,virtual'
# storage node count is equal to the cluster size
- name: Node count fact
storage_node_count: "{{ groups['elastic-logstash'] | length }}"
- always
# the elasticserch cluster elects one master from all those which are marked as master-eligible
# 1 node cluster can only have one master
# 2 node clusters have 1 master-eligable nodes to avoid split-brain
# 3 node clusters have 3 master-eligable nodes
# >3 node clusters have (nodes // 2) eligable masters rounded up to the next odd number
- name: Master node count fact
master_node_count: |-
{% set masters = 0 %}
{% if (storage_node_count | int) < 3 %}
{% set masters = 1 %}
{% elif (storage_node_count | int) == 3 %}
{% set masters = 3 %}
{% else %}
{% set masters = (storage_node_count | int ) // 2 %}
{% if ((masters | int) % 2 == 0) %}
{% set masters = (masters | int) + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ masters }}
- always
# assign node roles
# the first 'master_node_count' hosts in groups['elastic-logstash'] become master-eligible nodes
# the first 'master_node_count' and subsequent alternate hosts in groups['elastic-logstash'] becomes data nodes
- name: Data nodes fact
data_nodes: "{{ (groups['elastic-logstash'][:master_node_count | int] + groups['elastic-logstash'][master_node_count | int::2]) }}"
master_nodes: "{{ groups['elastic-logstash'][:master_node_count | int] }}"
coordination_nodes: >-
(groups['kibana'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list)
| map('regex_replace', '(.*)' ,'\1:' ~ elastic_port)
| list
zen_nodes: >-
(groups['elastic-logstash'] | union(groups['kibana'])) | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list
elasticserch_interface_speed: |-
{% set default_interface_fact = hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + (elastic_data_interface | replace('-', '_'))] %}
{% set speeds = [] %}
{% if default_interface_fact['type'] == 'bridge' %}
{% for interface in default_interface_fact['interfaces'] %}
{% set interface_fact = hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + (interface | replace('-', '_'))] %}
{% if 'speed' in interface_fact %}
{% set speed = (interface_fact['speed'] | default(1000)) | string %}
{% if speed == "-1" %}
{% set _ = speeds.append(1000) %}
{% else %}
{% set _ = speeds.append(speed | int) %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'module' in interface_fact %}
{% set _ = speeds.append((interface_fact['speed'] | default(1000)) | int) %}
{% else %}
{% set _ = speeds.append(1000) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% if ('module' in default_interface_fact) or (default_interface_fact['type'] == 'bond') %}
{% set speed = (default_interface_fact['speed'] | default(1000)) | string %}
{% if speed == "-1" %}
{% set _ = speeds.append(1000) %}
{% else %}
{% set _ = speeds.append(speed | int) %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set _ = speeds.append(1000) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set interface_speed = ((speeds | min) * 0.20) | int %}
{{ ((interface_speed | int) > 750) | ternary(750, interface_speed) }}
- always
- name: Set data node details
elasticsearch_data_node_details: >-
(data_nodes | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list) | map('regex_replace', '(.*)' ,'\1:' ~ elastic_port) | list
logstash_data_node_details: >-
(data_nodes | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host') | list) | map('regex_replace', '(.*)' ,'\1:' ~ logstash_beat_input_port) | list
# based on the assignment of roles to hosts, set per host booleans
- name: Node enablement
master_node: "{{ (inventory_hostname in master_nodes) | ternary(true, false) }}"
data_node: "{{ (inventory_hostname in data_nodes) | ternary(true, false) }}"
elastic_thread_pool_size: "{{ ((ansible_processor_cores | int) >= 24) | ternary(24, ansible_processor_cores) }}"
- always
# Set a data node facts. The data nodes, in the case of elasticsearch are also
# ingest nodes.
- name: Set data nodes
elasticsearch_data_hosts: |-
{% set nodes = elasticsearch_data_node_details %}
{% if inventory_hostname in data_nodes %}
{% set _ = nodes.insert(0, '' ~ elastic_port) %}
{% endif %}
{% set data_hosts = nodes | shuffle(seed=inventory_hostname) %}
{{ data_hosts }}
logstash_data_hosts: |-
{% set nodes = logstash_data_node_details %}
{% if inventory_hostname in data_nodes %}
{% set _ = nodes.insert(0, '' ~ logstash_beat_input_port) %}
{% endif %}
{% set data_hosts = nodes | shuffle(seed=inventory_hostname) %}
{{ data_hosts }}
- always