diff --git a/defaults/main.yml b/defaults/main.yml
index cc60b684..225fe0e7 100644
--- a/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/defaults/main.yml
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ glance_policy_dirs: policy.d
 ## Define nfs information for glance. When the glance_nfs_client dictionary is
 ## defined it will enable nfs shares as mounted directories. The
-## ``glance_nfs_mounts`` value is a list of dictionaries that must be filled
+## ``glance_nfs_client`` value is a list of dictionaries that must be filled
 ## out completely to enable the persistent NFS mounts.
-# glance_nfs_mounts:
+# glance_nfs_client:
 #   - server: ""                   ## Hostname or IP address of NFS Server
 #     remote_path: "/images"                ## Remote path from the NFS server's export
 #     local_path: "/var/lib/glance/images"  ## Local path on machine
diff --git a/handlers/main.yml b/handlers/main.yml
index 94c28780..51a586ef 100644
--- a/handlers/main.yml
+++ b/handlers/main.yml
@@ -31,12 +31,3 @@
     state: "restarted"
     pattern: "{{ item }}"
   with_items: glance_service_names
-- name: Glance mount nfs
-  mount:
-    name: "{{ item.server }}:{{ item.remote_path }}"
-    src: "{{ item.local_path }}"
-    fstype: "{{ item.type }}"
-    opts: "{{ item.options }}"
-    state: "present"
-  with_items: glance_nfs_client
diff --git a/tasks/glance_post_install.yml b/tasks/glance_post_install.yml
index afc350d8..6b48ceea 100644
--- a/tasks/glance_post_install.yml
+++ b/tasks/glance_post_install.yml
@@ -94,15 +94,16 @@
     - glance-nfs
     - glance-nfs-local-path
-- name: Create nfs mounts
-  lineinfile:
-    dest: "/etc/fstab"
-    line: "{{ item.server }}:{{ item.remote_path }}  {{ item.local_path }}  {{ item.type }}  {{ item.options }}  0  0"
-    backup: "true"
+- name: Glance mount nfs
+  mount:
+    name: "{{ item.local_path }}"
+    src: "{{ item.server }}:{{ item.remote_path }}"
+    fstype: "{{ item.type }}"
+    opts: "{{ item.options }}"
+    state: "mounted"
   with_items: glance_nfs_client
   when: >
     glance_nfs_client is defined
-  notify: Glance mount nfs
     - glance-nfs
-    - glance-nfs-fstab
+    - glance-nfs-local-path