Dmitriy Rabotyagov cf448d95c5 Fix linters and metadata
With update of ansible-lint to version >=6.0.0 a lot of new
linters were added, that enabled by default. In order to comply
with linter rules we're applying changes to the role.

With that we also update metdata to reflect current state.

Change-Id: Ifb3711157e77d5c917d05e4a384dead2abe72a7c
2023-07-14 14:56:14 +02:00

376 lines
15 KiB

# Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## Verbosity Options
debug: False
# Set installation method
glance_install_method: "{{ service_install_method | default('source') }}"
glance_venv_python_executable: "{{ openstack_venv_python_executable | default('python3') }}"
# Set the host which will execute the shade modules
# for the service setup. The host must already have
# clouds.yaml properly configured.
glance_service_setup_host: "{{ openstack_service_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
glance_service_setup_host_python_interpreter: >-
openstack_service_setup_host_python_interpreter | default(
(glance_service_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_facts['python']['executable']))
# Set the package install state for distribution packages
# Options are 'present' and 'latest'
glance_package_state: "{{ package_state | default('latest') }}"
glance_git_install_branch: master
glance_upper_constraints_url: >-
{{ requirements_git_url | default('' ~ requirements_git_install_branch | default('master')) }}
- "--constraint {{ glance_upper_constraints_url }}"
glance_pip_install_args: "{{ pip_install_options | default('') }}"
# Name of the virtual env to deploy into
glance_venv_tag: "{{ venv_tag | default('untagged') }}"
glance_bin: "{{ _glance_bin }}"
# Set the etc dir path where glance is installed.
# This is used for role access to the db migrations.
# Example:
# glance_etc_dir: "/usr/local/etc/glance"
glance_etc_dir: "/etc/glance"
# Enable/Disable Ceilometer
glance_ceilometer_enabled: "{{ (groups['ceilometer_all'] is defined) and (groups['ceilometer_all'] | length > 0) }}"
glance_profiler_enabled: False
glance_fatal_deprecations: False
## System info
glance_system_user_name: glance
glance_system_group_name: glance
glance_system_shell: /bin/false
glance_system_comment: glance system user
glance_system_user_home: "/var/lib/{{ glance_system_user_name }}"
## Manually specified nova UID/GID
# Deployers can specify a UID for the glance user as well as the GID for the
# glance group if needed. This is commonly used in environments where shared
# storage is used, such as NFS or GlusterFS, and glance UID/GID values must be
# in sync between multiple servers.
# WARNING: Changing these values on an existing deployment can lead to
# failures, errors, and instability.
# glance_system_user_uid: <UID>
# glance_system_group_gid: <GID>
glance_default_store: file
# For support of multiple backends provide `glance_additional_stores` in the format:
# glance_additional_stores:
# - name: private_store
# type: http
- http
- cinder
glance_available_stores: "{{ [glance_default_store] + glance_additional_stores }}"
glance_flavor: "{% if glance_default_store == 'rbd' %}keystone{% else %}keystone+cachemanagement{% endif %}"
glance_show_image_direct_url: "{{ glance_default_store == 'rbd' }}"
glance_show_multiple_locations: "{{ glance_default_store == 'rbd' }}"
glance_memcached_servers: "{{ memcached_servers }}"
## API options
glance_enable_v2_api: True
## Oslo Messaging Info
glance_oslomsg_rpc_host_group: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_host_group | default('rabbitmq_all') }}"
glance_oslomsg_rpc_setup_host: "{{ (glance_oslomsg_rpc_host_group in groups) | ternary(groups[glance_oslomsg_rpc_host_group][0], 'localhost') }}"
glance_oslomsg_rpc_transport: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_transport | default('rabbit') }}"
glance_oslomsg_rpc_servers: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_servers | default('') }}"
glance_oslomsg_rpc_port: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_port | default('5672') }}"
glance_oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_use_ssl | default(False) }}"
glance_oslomsg_rpc_userid: glance
glance_oslomsg_rpc_vhost: /glance
glance_oslomsg_rpc_ssl_version: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_ssl_version | default('TLSv1_2') }}"
glance_oslomsg_rpc_ssl_ca_file: "{{ oslomsg_rpc_ssl_ca_file | default('') }}"
# Notify
glance_oslomsg_notify_host_group: "{{ oslomsg_notify_host_group | default('rabbitmq_all') }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_setup_host: "{{ (glance_oslomsg_notify_host_group in groups) | ternary(groups[glance_oslomsg_notify_host_group][0], 'localhost') }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_transport: "{{ oslomsg_notify_transport | default('rabbit') }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_servers: "{{ oslomsg_notify_servers | default('') }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_port: "{{ oslomsg_notify_port | default('5672') }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_use_ssl: "{{ oslomsg_notify_use_ssl | default(False) }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_userid: "{{ glance_oslomsg_rpc_userid }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_password: "{{ glance_oslomsg_rpc_password }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_vhost: "{{ glance_oslomsg_rpc_vhost }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_ssl_version: "{{ oslomsg_notify_ssl_version | default('TLSv1_2') }}"
glance_oslomsg_notify_ssl_ca_file: "{{ oslomsg_notify_ssl_ca_file | default('') }}"
## (Qdrouterd) integration
# TODO(ansmith): Change structure when more backends will be supported
glance_oslomsg_amqp1_enabled: "{{ glance_oslomsg_rpc_transport == 'amqp' }}"
## Database info
glance_db_setup_host: "{{ openstack_db_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
glance_db_setup_python_interpreter: >-
openstack_db_setup_python_interpreter | default(
(glance_db_setup_host == 'localhost') | ternary(ansible_playbook_python, ansible_facts['python']['executable']))
glance_galera_address: "{{ galera_address | default('') }}"
glance_galera_database: glance
glance_galera_user: glance
glance_galera_use_ssl: "{{ galera_use_ssl | default(False) }}"
glance_galera_ssl_ca_cert: "{{ galera_ssl_ca_cert | default('') }}"
glance_galera_port: "{{ galera_port | default('3306') }}"
glance_db_max_overflow: "{{ openstack_db_max_overflow | default('50') }}"
glance_db_max_pool_size: "{{ openstack_db_max_pool_size | default('5') }}"
glance_db_pool_timeout: "{{ openstack_db_pool_timeout | default('30') }}"
glance_db_connection_recycle_time: "{{ openstack_db_connection_recycle_time | default('600') }}"
glance_api_bind_address: "{{ openstack_service_bind_address | default('') }}"
glance_api_service_port: 9292
## Service Type and Data
glance_service_region: "{{ service_region | default('RegionOne') }}"
glance_service_name: glance
glance_service_port: 9292
glance_service_proto: http
glance_service_publicuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_publicuri_proto | default(glance_service_proto) }}"
glance_service_adminuri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_adminuri_proto | default(glance_service_proto) }}"
glance_service_internaluri_proto: "{{ openstack_service_internaluri_proto | default(glance_service_proto) }}"
glance_service_type: image
glance_service_description: "Glance Image Service"
glance_service_project_name: service
glance_service_project_domain_id: default
# List of roles assigned to glance_service_user_name
- admin
- service
# List of roles for which service tokens will be accepted
- service
glance_service_token_roles_required: "{{ openstack_service_token_roles_required | default(True) }}"
glance_service_user_domain_id: default
glance_service_user_name: glance
glance_service_publicuri: "{{ glance_service_publicuri_proto }}://{{ external_lb_vip_address }}:{{ glance_service_port }}"
glance_service_publicurl: "{{ glance_service_publicuri }}"
glance_service_internaluri: "{{ glance_service_internaluri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ glance_service_port }}"
glance_service_internalurl: "{{ glance_service_internaluri }}"
glance_service_adminuri: "{{ glance_service_adminuri_proto }}://{{ internal_lb_vip_address }}:{{ glance_service_port }}"
glance_service_adminurl: "{{ glance_service_adminuri }}"
## Enable automatic parsing of X-Forwarded-Proto, etc. headers passed by the
## load balancer.
glance_proxy_headers_parsing: True
## Swift Options
glance_swift_store_auth_address: "{{ keystone_service_internalurl }}"
glance_swift_store_auth_insecure: "{{ keystone_service_internaluri_insecure }}"
glance_swift_store_auth_version: 3
glance_swift_store_user_domain: default
glance_swift_store_project_domain: default
glance_swift_store_user: "service:{{ glance_service_user_name }}"
glance_swift_store_key: "{{ glance_service_password }}"
glance_swift_store_region: "{{ glance_service_region }}"
glance_swift_store_container: glance_images
glance_swift_store_endpoint_type: internalURL
# Set the swift_store_large_objects variables in MB
glance_swift_store_large_object_size: 5120
glance_swift_store_large_object_chunk_size: 200
## Keystone authentication middleware
glance_keystone_auth_plugin: password
## Glance config
glance_image_cache_max_size: 10737418240
glance_image_cache_stall_time: 86400
# CORS options
glance_cors_allowed_origin: "{{ openstack_service_publicuri_proto | default('http') + '://' + external_lb_vip_address }}"
# If ``glance_api_workers`` is unset the system will use half the number of available VCPUS to
# compute the number of api workers to use.
# glance_api_workers: 16
## Cap the maximum number of threads / workers when a user value is unspecified.
glance_api_threads_max: 16
glance_api_threads: >-
{{ [[(ansible_facts['processor_vcpus'] // ansible_facts['processor_threads_per_core']) | default(1), 1] | max, glance_api_threads_max] | min }}
glance_task_executor: taskflow
glance_digest_algorithm: sha256
glance_http_keepalive: True
## Glance policy
glance_policy_file: policy.yaml
glance_policy_default_rule: default
glance_policy_dirs: policy.d
# Define nfs information to enable nfs shares as mounted directories for
# glance. The ``glance_remote_client`` value is a list of dictionaries that must
# be filled out completely to enable the persistent remote FS mounts (like NFS).
glance_images_local_directory: "{{ glance_nfs_local_directory | default('images') }}"
glance_remote_client: "{{ glance_nfs_client | default([]) }}"
# Example of the expected dict structure:
# glance_remote_client:
# - what: "" ## Hostname or IP address of Server and path on it
# where: "/var/lib/glance/images" ## Local path on machine
# type: "nfs" ## This can be nfs or nfs4
# options: "_netdev,auto" ## Mount options
# config_overrides: "{}" ## Override dictionary for unit file
## Policy vars
# Provide a list of access controls to update the default policy.json with. These changes will be merged
# with the access controls in the default policy.json. E.g.
# glance_policy_overrides:
# "add_image": ""
# "delete_image": ""
## Ceph rbd Options
glance_ceph_client: glance
glance_rbd_store_pool: images
glance_rbd_store_user: '{{ glance_ceph_client }}'
glance_rbd_store_chunk_size: 8
glance_service_in_ldap: "{{ service_ldap_backend_enabled | default(False) }}"
# Common pip packages
- "git+{{ glance_git_repo }}@{{ glance_git_install_branch }}#egg=glance"
- cryptography
- keystonemiddleware
- os-brick
- oslo.rootwrap
- osprofiler
- pymemcache
- python-cinderclient
- python-glanceclient
- python-keystoneclient
- python-memcached
- python-swiftclient
- systemd-python
- warlock
- "{{ ('s3' in glance_available_stores) | ternary('boto3', '') }}"
# Specific pip packages provided by the user
glance_user_pip_packages: []
- oslo.messaging[amqp1]
glance_api_init_overrides: {}
# With enabled uwsgi glance has broken functionality of
# the interoperable import feature (and maybe smth else)
# We don't use uwsgi if ceph is used to prevent chunking issues
glance_use_uwsgi: "{{ ('ceph' not in glance_available_stores) }}"
## Service Names
group: glance_api
service_name: glance-api
init_config_overrides: "{{ glance_api_init_overrides }}"
start_order: 1
execstarts: "{{ glance_bin }}/glance-api"
wsgi_app: "{{ glance_use_uwsgi }}"
wsgi_name: glance-wsgi-api
uwsgi_overrides: "{{ glance_api_uwsgi_ini_overrides }}"
uwsgi_bind_address: "{{ glance_api_bind_address }}"
uwsgi_port: "{{ glance_api_service_port }}"
uwsgi_tls: "{{ glance_backend_ssl | ternary(glance_uwsgi_tls, {}) }}"
# Glance uWSGI settings
glance_wsgi_processes_max: 16
glance_wsgi_processes: >-
{{ [[(ansible_facts['processor_vcpus'] // ansible_facts['processor_threads_per_core']) | default(1), 1] | max * 2, glance_wsgi_processes_max] | min }}
glance_wsgi_threads: 1
crt: "{{ glance_ssl_cert }}"
key: "{{ glance_ssl_key }}"
## Tunable overrides
glance_glance_api_paste_ini_overrides: {}
glance_glance_api_conf_overrides: {}
glance_glance_cache_conf_overrides: {}
glance_glance_manage_conf_overrides: {}
glance_glance_scrubber_conf_overrides: {}
glance_glance_scheme_json_overrides: {}
glance_glance_swift_store_conf_overrides: {}
glance_policy_overrides: {}
glance_policy_content: {}
glance_api_uwsgi_ini_overrides: {}
# Specify path on the local filesystem for glance-image-import.conf
# glance_glance_image_import_conf_location: /path/to/local/glance-image-import.conf
### Backend TLS
# Define if communication between haproxy and service backends should be
# encrypted with TLS(works only with uWSGI).
glance_backend_ssl: "{{ glance_use_uwsgi | ternary(openstack_service_backend_ssl | default(False), False) }}"
# Storage location for SSL certificate authority
glance_pki_dir: "{{ openstack_pki_dir | default('/etc/openstack_deploy/pki') }}"
# Delegated host for operating the certificate authority
glance_pki_setup_host: "{{ openstack_pki_setup_host | default('localhost') }}"
# Glance server certificate
glance_pki_keys_path: "{{ glance_pki_dir ~ '/certs/private/' }}"
glance_pki_certs_path: "{{ glance_pki_dir ~ '/certs/certs/' }}"
glance_pki_intermediate_cert_name: "{{ openstack_pki_service_intermediate_cert_name | default('ExampleCorpIntermediate') }}"
glance_pki_regen_cert: ''
glance_pki_san: "{{ openstack_pki_san | default('DNS:' ~ ansible_facts['hostname'] ~ ',IP:' ~ management_address) }}"
- name: "glance_{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
provider: ownca
cn: "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}"
san: "{{ glance_pki_san }}"
signed_by: "{{ glance_pki_intermediate_cert_name }}"
# Glance destination files for SSL certificates
glance_ssl_cert: /etc/glance/glance.pem
glance_ssl_key: /etc/glance/glance.key
# Installation details for SSL certificates
- src: "{{ glance_user_ssl_cert | default(glance_pki_certs_path ~ 'glance_' ~ ansible_facts['hostname'] ~ '-chain.crt') }}"
dest: "{{ glance_ssl_cert }}"
owner: "{{ glance_system_user_name }}"
group: "{{ glance_system_user_name }}"
mode: "0644"
- src: "{{ glance_user_ssl_key | default(glance_pki_keys_path ~ 'glance_' ~ ansible_facts['hostname'] ~ '.key.pem') }}"
dest: "{{ glance_ssl_key }}"
owner: "{{ glance_system_user_name }}"
group: "{{ glance_system_user_name }}"
mode: "0600"
# Define user-provided SSL certificates
# glance_user_ssl_cert: <path to cert on ansible deployment host>
# glance_user_ssl_key: <path to cert on ansible deployment host>