With ansible-core 2.16 a breaking changes landed [1] to some filters making their result returned in arbitrary order. With that, we were relying on them to always return exactly same ordered lists. With that we need to ensure that we still have determenistic behaviour where this is important. [1] https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/82554 Change-Id: I16efdde91dc0fa2666ff27e5d34dd0f745958551
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# Copyright 2017, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
_glance_is_first_play_host: >-
(glance_services['glance-api']['group'] in group_names and
inventory_hostname == (groups[glance_services['glance-api']['group']] | select('in', ansible_play_hosts)) | first) | bool
_glance_oslomsg_rpc_vhost_conf: >-
(glance_oslomsg_rpc_vhost is string) | ternary(glance_oslomsg_rpc_vhost, glance_oslomsg_rpc_vhost | selectattr(
'state', 'eq', 'present') | map(attribute='name') | first)
_glance_oslomsg_notify_vhost_conf: >-
(glance_oslomsg_notify_vhost is string) | ternary(glance_oslomsg_notify_vhost, glance_oslomsg_notify_vhost | selectattr(
'state', 'eq', 'present') | map(attribute='name') | first)
# Compile a list of the services on a host based on whether
# the host is in the host group and the service is enabled.
# The service list is provided in the defined start order.
filtered_glance_services: |-
{% set services = [] %}
{% for key, value in glance_services.items() %}
{% if (value['group'] in group_names) and
(('condition' not in value) or
('condition' in value and value['condition'])) and
not ('wsgi_app' in value and value['wsgi_app']) %}
{% set _ = value.update({'service_key': key}) %}
{% set _ = services.append(value) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ services | sort(attribute='start_order') }}
uwsgi_glance_services: |-
{% set services = {} %}
{% for key, value in glance_services.items() %}
{% if (value['group'] in group_names) and
(('condition' not in value) or ('condition' in value and value['condition']))
and ('wsgi_app' in value and value['wsgi_app']) %}
{% set _ = value.update(
'wsgi_path': glance_bin ~ '/' ~ value.wsgi_name,
'wsgi_venv': ((glance_install_method == 'source') | ternary(glance_bin | dirname, None)),
'uwsgi_uid': glance_system_user_name,
'uwsgi_guid': glance_system_group_name,
'uwsgi_processes': glance_wsgi_processes,
'uwsgi_threads': glance_wsgi_threads,
) %}
{% set _ = services.update({key: value}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ services }}
# Define all glance mountpoints when using NFS. If defined
# the corresponding directory will only be created by the
# mount point task.
glance_mount_points: |-
{% set mps = [] %}
{% for mp in glance_remote_client %}
{% set _ = mps.append(mp.where | default(mp.local_path)) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ mps }}
exec_dirs: "{{ _glance_bin }},/sbin,/usr/sbin,/bin,/usr/bin,/usr/local/bin,/usr/local/sbin"
- tmp_f: "/tmp/glance-api-paste.ini"
target_f: "{{ glance_etc_dir }}/glance-api-paste.ini"
config_overrides: "{{ glance_glance_api_paste_ini_overrides }}"
config_type: "ini"
- tmp_f: "/tmp/rootwrap.conf"
target_f: "{{ glance_etc_dir }}/rootwrap.conf"
config_overrides: "{{ _glance_rootwrap_conf_overrides | combine(glance_rootwrap_conf_overrides, recursive=True) }}"
config_type: "ini"
owner: "root"
group: "{{ glance_system_group_name }}"
mode: "0640"
_glance_available_stores: |-
{% set stores = [] %}
{% for store in ([glance_default_store] + glance_additional_stores) | unique %}
{% if store is string %}
{% set _ = stores.append({'name': store, 'type': store}) %}
{% else %}
{% set _ = stores.append(store) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ stores }}