====================== Contributor guidelines ====================== Filing bugs ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bugs should be filed on Launchpad, not GitHub: "https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible" When submitting a bug, or working on a bug, please ensure the following criteria are met: * The description clearly states or describes the original problem or root cause of the problem. * Include historical information on how the problem was identified. * Any relevant logs are included. * The provided information should be totally self-contained. External access to web services/sites should not be needed. * Steps to reproduce the problem if possible. Submitting code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changes to the project should be submitted for review via the Gerrit tool, following the workflow documented at: "http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#development-workflow" Pull requests submitted through GitHub will be ignored and closed without regard. Extra ~~~~~ Tags: If it's a bug that needs fixing in a branch in addition to Master, add a '\<release\>-backport-potential' tag (for example ``juno-backport-potential``). There are predefined tags that will autocomplete. Status: Please leave this alone. It should be New till someone triages the issue. Importance: Should only be touched if it is a Blocker/Gating issue. If it is, please set to High, and only use Critical if you have found a bug that can take down whole infrastructures. Style guide ~~~~~~~~~~~ When creating tasks and other roles for use in Ansible, create them using the YAML dictionary format. Example YAML dictionary format: .. code-block:: yaml - name: The name of the tasks module_name: thing1: "some-stuff" thing2: "some-other-stuff" tags: - some-tag - some-other-tag Example **NOT** in YAML dictionary format: .. code-block:: yaml - name: The name of the tasks module_name: thing1="some-stuff" thing2="some-other-stuff" tags: - some-tag - some-other-tag Usage of the ">" and "|" operators should be limited to Ansible conditionals and command modules such as the ansible ``shell`` module. Issues ~~~~~~ When submitting an issue, or working on an issue, ensure the following criteria are met: * The description clearly states or describes the original problem or root cause of the problem. * Include historical information on how the problem was identified. * Any relevant logs are included. * If the issue is a bug that needs fixing in a branch other than Master, add the ‘backport potential’ tag TO THE ISSUE (not the PR). * The provided information should be totally self-contained. External access to web services/sites should not be needed. * If the issue is needed for a hotfix release, add the 'expedite' label. * Steps to reproduce the problem if possible.