* A concrete example for an LXC based deployment * How to deploy multiple CPU architectures * Debugging tips Change-Id: Ic68cfc1116dd408c31948abbba92ac564f254b2b
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Debugging the Bare Metal (ironic) inspector service
Ironic Python Agent debug logs
If IPA fails, a log file will be written to
on the conductor node responsible for the
Ironic node being deployed.
A lot of useful information is collected including a copy of the journal log from the host.
Pausing during a deployment
To pause the deployment, possibly to log into an Ironic node running
the IPA to do diagnostic work, the node can have
switched on either through the OpenStack CLI
or Horizon web interface.
The ironic state machine will not change state again until maintainance mode is switched off, triggered by a heartbeat from IPA. Note that you will have to wait for up to one heartbeat period for the deployment to resume after switching off maintainance mode.
Logging into IPA
To perform diagnostic steps on an ironic node during deployment or cleaning it might be helpful to be able to log into the node from the controller after the deploy image has booted.
To build a version of the deploy image which has the
element enabled, in this case building on a
Rocky Linux host:
dnf install python3-virtualenv git qemu-img
virtualenv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install ironic-python-agent-builder
export DIB_REPOREF_ironic_python_agent=origin/stable/zed
export DIB_REPOREF_requirements=origin/stable/zed
ironic-python-agent-builder -e dynamic-login -o my-login-ipa --extra-args=--no-tmpfs --release 8-stream centos
Once the IPA kernel and initramfs are built, upload them to glance and set them as the deploy kernel/initramfs for the Ironic node to log into during deployment.
Create a password to log into the Ironic node:
openssl passwd -1 -stdin <<< YOUR_PASSWORD | sed 's/\$/\$\$/g'
Set debugging options on the IPA kernel parameters in
, substituing the
encrypted password just generated into the rootpwd
Ensure that the encrypted password is enclosed in double quotation
# Set a password on the root user in IPA for debug purposes
kernel_append_params: 'ipa-debug=1 systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes rootpwd="<password-string>"'
You must combine this override with any existing definition of
Deploy the configuration file changes to the Ironic control plane.
The node can now be cleaned or provisioned, possibly pausing the deployment by enabling maintainance on the node and then logging into the node with SSH as the root user with the password previously encrypted.