From 3fa17717799f1e20d8dd96b97fa6461907f6ccaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenStack Proposal Bot <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 09:47:12 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Imported Translations from Zanata

For more information about this automatic import see:

Change-Id: Iac98fdac67987eb1a21df31160476d1561def738
 .../locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/doc-install.po      | 183 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 181 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/source/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/doc-install.po b/doc/source/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/doc-install.po
index 86533363fc..e75a610cd1 100644
--- a/doc/source/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/doc-install.po
+++ b/doc/source/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/doc-install.po
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: openstack-helm\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-24 07:14+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-10-22 16:53+0000\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-24 02:02+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-20 03:04+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: suhartono <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
 "Language: id\n"
@@ -76,6 +76,15 @@ msgstr "8 Cores"
 msgid "8GB of RAM"
 msgstr "RAM 8GB"
+msgid ""
+"A correct DPDK configuration depends heavily on the specific hardware "
+"resources and its configuration. Before deploying Openvswitch with DPDK, "
+"check the amount and type of available hugepages on the host OS."
+msgstr ""
+"Konfigurasi DPDK yang benar sangat bergantung pada sumber daya perangkat "
+"keras spesifik dan konfigurasinya. Sebelum menggunakan Openvswitch dengan "
+"DPDK, periksa jumlah dan jenis hugepage yang tersedia di OS host."
 msgid "Activate the OpenStack namespace to be able to use Ceph"
 msgstr "Aktifkan namespace OpenStack untuk dapat menggunakan Ceph"
@@ -122,6 +131,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tambahkan ke langkah Instal flags ini - juga menambahkan variabel lingkungan "
 "shell untuk menghemat kode ulang."
+msgid "Adding a DPDK port to Openvswitch fails"
+msgstr "Menambahkan port DPDK ke Openvswitch gagal"
 msgid ""
 "Additional configuration variables can be found `here <"
@@ -154,6 +166,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/blob/master/nfs/>`_ "
+msgid ""
+"Additionally, the default configuration of the neutron chart must be adapted "
+"according to the underlying hardware. The corresponding configuration "
+"parameter is labeled with \"CHANGE-ME\" in the script \"values_overrides/"
+"dpdk.yaml\". Specifically, the \"ovs_dpdk\" configuration section should "
+"list all NICs which should be bound to DPDK with their corresponding PCI-"
+"IDs. Moreover, the name of each NIC needs to be unique, e.g., dpdk0, dpdk1, "
+msgstr ""
+"Selain itu, konfigurasi default grafik neutron harus disesuaikan sesuai "
+"dengan perangkat keras yang mendasarinya. Parameter konfigurasi yang sesuai "
+"diberi label dengan \"CHANGE-ME\" dalam skrip \"values_overrides/dpdk.yaml"
+"\".  Khususnya, bagian konfigurasi \"ovs_dpdk\" harus mencantumkan semua NIC "
+"yang harus terikat ke DPDK dengan PCI-ID yang sesuai. Selain itu, nama "
+"setiap NIC harus unik, mis., dpdk0, dpdk1, dll."
 msgid ""
 "After making the configuration changes, run a ``make`` and then install as "
 "you would from AIO or MultiNode instructions."
@@ -344,6 +372,9 @@ msgstr "Terapkan Memcached"
 msgid "Deploy NFS Provisioner"
 msgstr "Menerapkan NFS Provisioner"
+msgid "Deploy OVS-DPDK"
+msgstr "Menyebarkan OVS-DPDK"
 msgid "Deploy OpenStack-Helm"
 msgstr "Gunakan OpenStack-Helm"
@@ -368,6 +399,9 @@ msgstr "Penyebaran plugin Tap-as-a-service (TaaS) Neutron/Dashboard"
 msgid "Deploy the ingress controller"
 msgstr "Pasang ingress controller"
+msgid "Deployment"
+msgstr "Penyebaran"
 msgid "Deployment With Ceph"
 msgstr "Deployment Dengan Ceph"
@@ -491,6 +525,20 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Host Configuration"
 msgstr "Konfigurasi Host"
+msgid ""
+"If OVS fails to start up because of no hugepages are available, check the "
+"configuration of the OVS daemonset. Older versions of helm-toolkit were not "
+"able to render hugepage configuration into the Kubernetes manifest and just "
+"removed the hugepage attributes. If no hugepage configuration is defined for "
+"the OVS daemonset, consider using a newer version of helm-toolkit."
+msgstr ""
+"Jika OVS gagal untuk memulai karena tidak ada hugepage yang tersedia, "
+"periksa konfigurasi daemonset OVS. Versi helm-toolkit yang lebih lama tidak "
+"dapat merender konfigurasi hugepage ke manifes Kubernetes dan hanya "
+"menghapus atribut hugepage. Jika tidak ada konfigurasi hugepage yang "
+"ditentukan untuk daemonset OVS, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan versi helm-"
+"toolkit yang lebih baru."
 msgid ""
 "If doing an `AIO install <"
 "install/developer/index.html>`__, all the ``--set`` flags"
@@ -522,6 +570,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "syarat nama domain lengkap (FQDN) menimpa, pemasangan, contoh, dan pemecahan "
 "masalah akan dibahas di sini ."
+msgid ""
+"In order to allow OVS inside a pod to make use of hugepages, the "
+"corresponding type and amount of hugepages must be specified in the resource "
+"section of the OVS chart's values.yaml:"
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk memungkinkan OVS di dalam pod menggunakan hugepage, jenis dan jumlah "
+"hugepage yang sesuai harus ditentukan di bagian sumber daya dari OVS chart's "
 msgid ""
 "In order to deploy OpenStack-Helm behind corporate proxy servers, add the "
 "following entries to ``openstack-helm-infra/tools/gate/devel/local-vars."
@@ -557,6 +614,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "project/886>`_ untuk melacak apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan "
 "dokumentasi kami."
+msgid ""
+"In the example above, bonding isn't used and hence an empty list is passed "
+"in the \"bonds\" section."
+msgstr ""
+"Dalam contoh di atas, ikatan tidak digunakan dan karenanya daftar kosong "
+"dilewatkan di bagian \"bonds\"."
+msgid ""
+"In this example, 8 hugepages of 1G size have been allocated. 2 of those are "
+"being used and 6 are still available."
+msgstr ""
+"Dalam contoh ini, 8 hugepage ukuran 1G telah dialokasikan. 2 dari mereka "
+"sedang digunakan dan 6 masih tersedia."
+msgid ""
+"In this example, the NIC with PCI-ID 0000:00:04.0 is connected to NUMA "
+"socket 1. As a result, this NIC can only be used by OVS if"
+msgstr ""
+"Dalam contoh ini, NIC dengan PCI-ID 0000:00:04.0  terhubung ke soket NUMA 1. "
+"Akibatnya, NIC ini hanya dapat digunakan oleh OVS jika"
 msgid "Ingress"
 msgstr "Ingress"
@@ -617,6 +695,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "khusus, atau minimal cache satu set image yang dikenal, dan menggabungkannya "
 "ke OpenStack-Helm melalui penggantian nilai."
+msgid ""
+"More information can be found in the `Openvswitch documentation <http://docs."
+msgstr ""
+"Informasi lebih lanjut dapat ditemukan di `Openvswitch documentation <http://"
+msgid ""
+"More information on how to allocate and configure hugepages on the host OS "
+"can be found in the `Openvswitch documentation <"
+msgstr ""
+"Informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara mengalokasikan dan mengonfigurasi "
+"hugepage pada OS host dapat ditemukan di `Openvswitch documentation <http://"
 msgid "Multinode"
 msgstr "Multinode"
@@ -633,6 +727,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Catatan jika Anda perlu membuat perubahan DNS, Anda harus melakukan "
 "uninstall (``helm delete <chart>``) dan instal lagi."
+msgid ""
+"Note that OVS-DPDK deployment has been tested with Openstack Rocky release "
+"and Ubuntu Bionic container distributions. If the above variables aren't "
+"set, the defaults (currently Openstack Ocata and Ubuntu Xenial) will be used."
+msgstr ""
+"Perhatikan bahwa penyebaran OVS-DPDK telah diuji dengan rilis Openstack "
+"Rocky dan distribusi kontainer Ubuntu Bionic. Jika variabel di atas tidak "
+"disetel, defaultnya (saat ini Openstack Ocata dan Ubuntu Xenial) akan "
 msgid ""
 "Note that this command will only enable you to auth successfully using the "
 "``python-openstackclient`` CLI. To use legacy clients like the ``python-"
@@ -644,6 +748,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "legacy seperti ``python-novaclient`` dari CLI, referensi nilai auth di  ``/"
 "etc/openstack/clouds.yaml`` dan jalankan ::"
+msgid "OVS startup failure"
+msgstr "Kegagalan startup OVS"
 msgid ""
 "On the host or master node, install the latest versions of Git, CA Certs & "
 "Make if necessary"
@@ -675,6 +782,14 @@ msgid ""
 "Once installed, access the API's or Dashboard at ``"
 msgstr "Setelah dipasang, akses API atau Dasbor di ``"
+msgid ""
+"Once the above requirements are met, start deploying Openstack Helm using "
+"the deployment scripts under the dpdk directory in an increasing order"
+msgstr ""
+"Setelah persyaratan di atas terpenuhi, mulailah menggunakan Openstack Helm "
+"menggunakan skrip deployment di bawah direktori dpdk dalam urutan yang "
 msgid ""
 "Once the host has been configured the repos containing the OpenStack-Helm "
 "charts should be cloned onto each node in the cluster:"
@@ -689,6 +804,14 @@ msgstr ""
 "Setelah host dikonfigurasi, repositori yang berisi chart OpenStack-Helm "
 "harus dikloning:"
+msgid ""
+"One can also specify the name of Openstack release and container OS "
+"distribution as overrides before running the deployment scripts, for "
+msgstr ""
+"Seseorang juga dapat menentukan nama rilis Openstack dan distribusi OS "
+"kontainer sebagai penggantian sebelum menjalankan skrip penyebaran, misalnya,"
 msgid ""
 "OpenStack-Helm uses the hosts networking namespace for many pods including, "
 "Ceph, Neutron and Nova components. For this, to function, as expected pods "
@@ -738,6 +861,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Overview"
 msgstr "Ikhtisar"
+msgid "PMD threads have been assigned to NUMA socket 1."
+msgstr "Threads PMD telah ditetapkan ke soket NUMA 1."
 msgid "Passwordless Sudo"
 msgstr "Passwordless Sudo"
@@ -855,6 +981,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Uji ini dengan ssh'ing ke node dan kemudian jalankan perintah dengan 'sudo'. "
 "Operasi tidak harus menggunakan kata sandi."
+msgid ""
+"The NUMA socket a given NIC is connected to can be found in the ovs-vswitchd "
+msgstr ""
+"Soket NUMA yang terhubung dengan NIC dapat ditemukan di log ovs-vswitchd:"
 msgid ""
 "The OpenStack clients and Kubernetes RBAC rules, along with assembly of the "
 "charts can be performed by running the following commands:"
@@ -912,6 +1044,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosedur instalasi di bawah ini, akan mengambil administrator dari instalasi "
 "``kubeadm`` baru ke penyebaran OpenStack-Helm."
+msgid ""
+"The mapping of CPU cores to NUMA sockets can be determined by means of "
+"``lspci``, for instance:"
+msgstr ""
+"Pemetaan cores CPU ke soket NUMA dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan "
+"``lspci``, misalnya:"
 msgid "The recommended minimum system requirements for a full deployment are:"
 msgstr ""
 "Persyaratan sistem minimum yang disarankan untuk penyebaran lengkap adalah:"
@@ -1045,6 +1184,28 @@ msgstr ""
 "ke node lain, disarankan untuk menambahkan baris berikut ke ``/etc/sudoers`` "
 "untuk setiap node:"
+msgid ""
+"To allocate PMD threads to NUMA sockets in OVS, ensure that the "
+"``pmd_cpu_mask`` attribute in values.yaml includes CPU sockets on the "
+"corresponding NUMA socket. In the example below, the mask of 0xf covers the "
+"first 4 CPU cores which are dsitributed across NUMA sockets 0 and 1."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengalokasikan threads PMD ke soket NUMA di OVS, pastikan bahwa "
+"atribut ``pmd_cpu_mask`` dalam values.yaml termasuk soket CPU pada soket "
+"NUMA yang sesuai. Pada contoh di bawah ini, mask 0xf mencakup 4 core CPU "
+"pertama yang didistribusikan di seluruh soket NUMA 0 dan 1."
+msgid ""
+"To allocate hugepages to NUMA sockets in OVS, ensure that the "
+"``socket_memory`` attribute in values.yaml specifies a value for the "
+"corresponding NUMA socket. In the following example, OVS will use one 1G "
+"hugepage for NUMA socket 0 and socket 1."
+msgstr ""
+"Untuk mengalokasikan hugepage ke soket NUMA di OVS, pastikan bahwa atribut "
+"``socket_memory`` dalam values.yaml menentukan nilai untuk soket NUMA yang "
+"sesuai. Dalam contoh berikut, OVS akan menggunakan satu hugepage 1G untuk "
+"NUMA socket 0 dan socket 1."
 msgid ""
 "To copy the ssh key to each node, this can be accomplished with the ``ssh-"
 "copy-id`` command, for example: *ssh-copy-id ubuntu@*"
@@ -1175,6 +1336,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "pada endpoint http Ingress, Anda tidak perlu mengekspos registri untuk "
 "layanan eksternal."
+msgid ""
+"When adding a DPDK port (a NIC bound to DPDK) to OVS fails, one source of "
+"error is related to an incorrect configuration with regards to the NUMA "
+"topology of the underlying hardware. Every NIC is connected to one specific "
+"NUMA socket. In order to use a NIC as DPDK port in OVS, the OVS "
+"configuration regarding hugepages and PMD threas needs to match the NUMA "
+msgstr ""
+"Ketika menambahkan port DPDK (NIC terikat ke DPDK) ke OVS gagal, satu sumber "
+"kesalahan terkait dengan konfigurasi yang salah berkaitan dengan topologi "
+"NUMA dari perangkat keras yang mendasarinya. Setiap NIC terhubung ke satu "
+"soket NUMA tertentu. Untuk menggunakan NIC sebagai port DPDK di OVS, "
+"konfigurasi OVS tentang hugepage dan PMD threas harus sesuai dengan topologi "
 msgid ""
 "While deploying neutron-server and L2 agents, TaaS should be enabled in "
 "``conf: neutron`` section to add TaaS as a service plugin; in ``conf: "
@@ -1246,6 +1422,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
+msgid "hugepages have been allocated on NUMA socket 1 by OVS, and"
+msgstr "hugepage telah dialokasikan pada NUMA socket 1 oleh OVS, dan"
 msgid ""
 "node_one, node_two and node_three below are all worker nodes, children of "
 "the master node that the commands below are executed on."