From 66e2f55dae8056fa392b32812210e0e4c490d6b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gardlt <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 17:48:10 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Docs: removing depricated minikube use

* we are now using the vagrant kubeadm-aio as main development env

Change-Id: I0561216a6a363de7df284d45da58d538f39735bf
 doc/source/install/developer/index.rst        |   1 -
 doc/source/install/developer/minikube.rst     | 352 ------------------
 .../operator/troubleshooting/development.rst  |   8 -
 3 files changed, 361 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 doc/source/install/developer/minikube.rst

diff --git a/doc/source/install/developer/index.rst b/doc/source/install/developer/index.rst
index 99aade7ba5..0c3f1eee43 100644
--- a/doc/source/install/developer/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/install/developer/index.rst
@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ Contents:
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
-   minikube
diff --git a/doc/source/install/developer/minikube.rst b/doc/source/install/developer/minikube.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b89ca01dcd..0000000000
--- a/doc/source/install/developer/minikube.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-Minikube Deployment
-Community development is extremely important to us. As an open source
-development team, we want the development of Openstack-Helm to be an
-easy experience. Please evaluate, and make recommendations. We want
-developers to feel welcome to contribute to this project. Below are some
-instructions and suggestions to help you get started.
-We've tried to minimize the number of prerequisites required in order to
-get started. For most users, the main prerequisites are to install the
-most recent versions of Minikube and Helm. For fresh installations, you
-may also need to install a Hypervisor that works for your system (that
-is supported by
-`Minikube <>`__).
-**Kubectl:** Download and install the version of
-`kubectl <>`__
-that matches your Kubernetes deployment.
-**Kubernetes Minikube:** Ensure that you have installed a recent version
-`Kubernetes/Minikube <>`__.
-**Kubernetes Helm:** Install a recent version of
-`Kubernetes/Helm <>`__:
-Helm Installation Quickstart:
-    curl >
-    chmod 700
-    ./
-If your environment meets all of the prerequisites above, you can simply
-use the following commands:
-    # Clone the project:
-    git clone && cd openstack-helm
-    # Get a list of the current tags:
-    git tag -l
-    # Checkout the tag you want to work with (use master for development):
-    # For stability and testing, checkout the latest stable branch.
-    # Start a local Helm Server:
-    helm serve &
-    helm repo add local http://localhost:8879/charts
-    # You may need to change these params for your environment. Look up use of --iso-url if needed:
-    minikube start \
-            --network-plugin=cni \
-            --kubernetes-version v1.6.5 \
-            --disk-size 40g \
-            --memory 16384 \
-            --cpus 4 \
-            --vm-driver kvm \
-            --iso-url=
-    # Deploy a CNI/SDN:
-    kubectl create -f
-    # Initialize Helm/Deploy Tiller:
-    helm init
-    # Package the Openstack-Helm Charts, and push them to your local Helm repository:
-    make
-    # Setup RBAC rules
-    kubectl update -f
-    # Label the Minikube as an Openstack Control Plane node:
-    kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all --namespace=openstack
-    # Deploy each chart:
-    helm install --name mariadb local/mariadb --namespace=openstack --set volume.enabled=false
-    helm install --name=memcached local/memcached --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=etcd-rabbitmq local/etcd --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=rabbitmq local/rabbitmq --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=keystone local/keystone --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=cinder local/cinder --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=glance local/glance --namespace=openstack --values=./glance/_values-mvp.yaml
-    helm install --name=heat local/heat --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=nova local/nova --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=neutron local/neutron --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=horizon local/horizon --namespace=openstack
-Getting Started
-After installation, start Minikube with the flags listed below. Ensure
-that you have supplied enough disk, memory, and the current version flag
-for Kubernetes during ``minikube start``. More information can be found
-`here <>`__.
-    minikube start \
-        --network-plugin=cni \
-        --kubernetes-version v1.6.5 \
-        --disk-size 40g \
-        --memory 4048
-Next, deploy the `Calico
-manifest. This is not a requirement in cases where you want to use your
-own CNI-enabled SDN, however you are doing so at your own experience.
-Note which versions of Calico are recommended for the project in our
-`Installation Guide <../multinode.html#overview>`__.
-    kubectl create -f
-Wait for the environment to come up without error (like shown below).
-    kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces -w
-    # NAMESPACE     NAME                                        READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE       IP               NODE
-    # kube-system   calico-node-r9b9s                           2/2       Running     0          3m   minikube
-    # kube-system   calico-policy-controller-2974666449-hm0zr   1/1       Running     0          3m   minikube
-    # kube-system   configure-calico-r6lnw                      0/1       Completed   0          3m   minikube
-    # kube-system   kube-addon-manager-minikube                 1/1       Running     0          7m   minikube
-    # kube-system   kube-dns-v20-sh5gp                          3/3       Running     0          7m   minikube
-    # kube-system   kubernetes-dashboard-m24s8                  1/1       Running     0          7m   minikube
-Next, initialize
-`Helm <>`__
-(which includes deploying tiller).
-    helm init
-    # Creating /Users/admin/.helm
-    # Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository
-    # Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository/cache
-    # Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository/local
-    # Creating /Users/admin/.helm/plugins
-    # Creating /Users/admin/.helm/starters
-    # Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml
-    # Creating /Users/admin/.helm/repository/local/index.yaml
-    # $HELM_HOME has been configured at $HOME/.helm.
-    # Tiller (the helm server side component) has been installed into your Kubernetes Cluster.
-    # Happy Helming!
-Ensure that Tiller is deployed successfully:
-    kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces | grep tiller
-    # kube-system   tiller-deploy-3299276078-n98ct              1/1       Running   0          39s   minikube
-With Helm installed, you will need to start a local `Helm
-server <>`__
-(in the background), and point to a locally configured Helm
-`repository <>`__:
-    helm serve &
-    helm repo add local http://localhost:8879/charts
-    # "local" has been added to your repositories
-Verify that the local repository is configured correctly:
-    helm repo list
-    # NAME      URL
-    # stable
-    # local     http://localhost:8879/charts
-Download the latest release of the project, preferably from ``master``
-since you are following the "developer" instructions.
-    git clone
-Run ``make`` against the newly cloned project, which will automatically
-build secrets for the deployment and push the charts to your new local
-Helm repository:
-    cd openstack-helm
-    make
-Perfect! You’re ready to install, develop, deploy, destroy, and repeat
-(when necessary)!
-Installation and Testing
-After following the instructions above your environment is in a state
-where you can enhance the current charts, or develop new charts for the
-project. If you need to make changes to a chart, simply re-run ``make``
-against the project in the top-tier directory. The charts will be
-updated and automatically re-pushed to your local repository.
-Consider the following when using Minikube and development mode:
-- Persistent Storage used for Minikube development mode is ``hostPath``.
-  The Ceph PVC's included with this project are not intended to work with
-  Minikube.
-- There is *no need* to install the ``helm-toolkit`` ``ceph``
-  or ``bootstrap`` charts. These charts are required for deploying Ceph
-  PVC's.
-- Familiarize yourself with ``values.yaml`` included with the
-  MariaDB chart. You will want to have the ``storage_path`` directory
-  created prior to deploying MariaDB. This value will be used as the
-  deployment's ``hostPath``.
-- If Ceph development is required, you will
-  need to follow the `getting started guide <../multinode.html>`__
-  rather than this development mode documentation.
-To deploy Openstack-Helm in development mode, ensure you've created a
-minikube-approved ``hostPath`` volume. Minikube is very specific about
-what is expected for ``hostPath`` volumes. The following volumes are
-acceptable for minikube deployments:
-    /data
-    /var/lib/localkube
-    /var/lib/docker
-    /tmp/hostpath_pv
-    /tmp/hostpath-provisioner
-Label Minikube Node
-Be sure to label your minikube node according to the documentation in
-our installation guide (this remains exactly the same).
-    kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all --namespace=openstack
-.. note::
-  You do not need to label your minikube cluster for ``ceph-storage``,
-  since development mode uses hostPath.
-Deploy MariaDB
-Now you can deploy the MariaDB chart, which is required by all other
-child charts.
-    helm install --name mariadb --set volume.enabled=false local/mariadb --namespace=openstack
-.. note::
-  MariaDB seeding tasks run for quite a while. This is expected
-  behavior, as several checks are completed prior to completion.
-  Please wait for a few minutes for these jobs to finish.
-Deploy Remaining Charts
-Once MariaDB is deployed complete, deploy the other charts as needed.
-    helm install --name=memcached local/memcached --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=etcd-rabbitmq local/etcd --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=rabbitmq local/rabbitmq --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=keystone local/keystone --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=horizon local/horizon --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=cinder local/cinder --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=glance local/glance --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=nova local/nova --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=neutron local/neutron --namespace=openstack
-    helm install --name=heat local/heat --namespace=openstack
-Horizon Management
-After each chart is deployed, you may wish to change the typical service
-endpoint for Horizon to a ``nodePort`` service endpoint (this is unique
-to Minikube deployments). Use the ``kubectl edit`` command to edit this
-service manually.
-    sudo kubectl edit svc horizon -n openstack
-With the deployed manifest in edit mode, you can enable ``nodePort`` by
-replicating some of the fields below (specifically, the ``nodePort``
-    apiVersion: v1
-    kind: Service
-    metadata:
-      creationTimestamp: 2016-12-30T03:05:55Z
-      name: horizon
-      namespace: openstack
-      resourceVersion: "2458"
-      selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/openstack/services/horizon
-      uid: e18011bb-ce3c-11e6-8cd6-6249d6214f72
-    spec:
-      clusterIP:
-      ports:
-      - nodePort: 31537
-        port: 80
-        protocol: TCP
-        targetPort: 80
-      selector:
-        app: horizon
-      sessionAffinity: None
-      type: NodePort
-    status:
-      loadBalancer: {}
-Accessing Horizon
-Now you're ready to manage OpenStack! Point your browser to the following:
-* **URL:** **
-* **User:** *admin*
-* **Pass:** *password*
-If you have any questions, comments, or find any bugs, please submit an
-issue so we can quickly address them.
--  `Openstack-Helm Minikube
-   Troubleshooting <../../operator/troubleshooting/development.html>`__
diff --git a/doc/source/operator/troubleshooting/development.rst b/doc/source/operator/troubleshooting/development.rst
index 2a1ea987ba..6585bab466 100644
--- a/doc/source/operator/troubleshooting/development.rst
+++ b/doc/source/operator/troubleshooting/development.rst
@@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-This troubleshooting guide is intended to assist users who are
-developing charts within this repository when using minikube. If you
-discover any issues with Minikube itself, submit an issue to the
-Minikube repository.
 Diagnosing the problem