Clarified a couple documentation points.

Conditionals:  since the developer flag is no longer used by the
glance chart, it's no longer a good example.  However, we want to
keep the flag around for future use if needed.  So, replaced with
a foo/bar example.

gen-oslo-openstack-helm README:  it referred to "this directory",
which doesn't make sense when the README is sourced into the
overall ops guide.  Specified the directory explicitly.

Change-Id: I2ba02bd3efd87e58fcb701c8b7c2bb6af05994ba
This commit is contained in:
mattmceuen 2017-06-12 21:38:49 -05:00
parent 0a8dfeb517
commit cf4c6d50de
2 changed files with 9 additions and 14 deletions

@ -11,26 +11,20 @@ Developer Mode
helm install local/chart --set development.enabled=true
The development mode flag should be available on all charts. Enabling
this reduces dependencies that the chart may have on persistent volume
claims (which are difficult to support in a laptop minikube environment)
as well as reducing replica counts or resiliency features to support a
minimal environment.
The development mode flag should be used by any charts that should
behave differently on a developer's laptop than in a production-like deployment,
or have resources that would be difficult to spin up in a small environment.
The glance chart for instance defines the following ``development:``
A chart could for instance define the following ``development:``
override to set ``foo`` to ``bar`` in a dev environment, which
would be triggered by setting the ``enabled`` flag to ``true``.
enabled: false
storage_path: /var/lib/localkube/openstack-helm/glance/images
foo: bar
The ``enabled`` flag allows the developer to enable development mode.
The storage path allows the operator to store glance images in a
hostPath instead of leveraging a ceph backend, which again, is difficult
to spin up in a small laptop minikube environment. The host path can be
overriden by the operator if desired.

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Oslo Config Generator Hack to Generate Helm Configs
From this directory run the following commands, adjusting for the
From the tools/gen-oslo-openstack-helm directory
run the following commands, adjusting for the
OpenStack project and/or branch desired as necessary.
.. code:: bash