diff --git a/docs/developer/minikube.md b/docs/developer/minikube.md
index 0e6ece1851..7833ceb7a0 100644
--- a/docs/developer/minikube.md
+++ b/docs/developer/minikube.md
@@ -27,20 +27,19 @@ If your environment meets all of the prerequisites above, you can simply use the
 # Clone the project:
-$ git clone https://github.com/att-comdev/openstack-helm.git && cd openstack-helm
+git clone https://github.com/att-comdev/openstack-helm.git && cd openstack-helm
 # Get a list of the current tags:
-$ git tag -l
+git tag -l
 # Checkout the tag you want to work with (if desired, or use master for development):
-$ git checkout 0.1.0
+git checkout 0.1.0
 # Start a local Helm Server:
-$ helm serve &
+helm serve &
 # You may need to change these params for your environment. Look up use of --iso-url if needed:
-$ minikube start \
+minikube start \
         --network-plugin=cni \
         --kubernetes-version v1.5.1 \
         --disk-size 40g \
@@ -53,25 +52,25 @@ $ minikube start \
 kubectl create -f http://docs.projectcalico.org/v2.0/getting-started/kubernetes/installation/hosted/calico.yaml
 # Initialize Helm/Deploy Tiller:
-$ helm init
+helm init
 # Package the Openstack-Helm Charts, and push them to your local Helm repository:
-$ make
 # Label the Minikube as an Openstack Control Plane node:
-$ kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all --namespace=openstack
+kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all --namespace=openstack
 # Deploy each chart:
-$ helm install --name mariadb --set development.enabled=true local/mariadb --namespace=openstack
-$ helm install --name=memcached local/memcached --namespace=openstack
-$ helm install --name=rabbitmq local/rabbitmq --namespace=openstack
-$ helm install --name=keystone local/keystone --namespace=openstack
-$ helm install --name=cinder local/cinder --namespace=openstack
-$ helm install --name=glance local/glance --namespace=openstack
-$ helm install --name=heat local/heat --namespace=openstack
-$ helm install --name=nova local/nova --namespace=openstack
-$ helm install --name=neutron local/neutron --namespace=openstack
-$ helm install --name=horizon local/horizon --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name mariadb --set development.enabled=true local/mariadb --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name=memcached local/memcached --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name=rabbitmq local/rabbitmq --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name=keystone local/keystone --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name=cinder local/cinder --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name=glance local/glance --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name=heat local/heat --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name=nova local/nova --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name=neutron local/neutron --namespace=openstack
+helm install --name=horizon local/horizon --namespace=openstack
 # Getting Started
diff --git a/docs/installation/getting-started.md b/docs/installation/getting-started.md
index 230fad3e3c..7ee83f80f5 100644
--- a/docs/installation/getting-started.md
+++ b/docs/installation/getting-started.md
@@ -190,11 +190,17 @@ Please ensure that you have verified and completed the steps above to prevent is
 Although Ceph is mentioned throughout this guide, our deployment is flexible to allow you the option of bringing any type of persistent storage. Although most of these verification steps are the same, if not very similar, we will use Ceph as our example throughout this guide.
 ## Node Labels
-First, we must label our nodes according to their role. Although we are labeling `all` nodes, you are free to label only the nodes you wish. You must have at least one, although a minimum of three are recommended.
+First, we must label our nodes according to their role. Although we are labeling `all` nodes, you are free to label only the nodes you wish. You must have at least one, although a minimum of three are recommended. Nodes are labeled according to their Openstack roles:
+**Storage Nodes:** `ceph-storage`
+**Control Plane:** `openstack-control-plane`
+**Compute Nodes:** `openvswitch`, `openstack-compute-node`
 admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl label nodes openstack-control-plane=enabled --all
 admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl label nodes ceph-storage=enabled --all
+admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl label nodes openvswitch=enabled --all
+admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl label nodes openstack-compute-node=enabled --all
 ## Obtaining the Project