Update Neutron TaaS Rootwrap Filter

Need to adjust taas rootwrap filter for i40e_sysfs_command.
Add code to allow sriov agent init script to run best effort.
Update way to set nic promisc mode.

Change-Id: Id1e22ea4b636ae7e05b880739a88c410a4da587c
This commit is contained in:
Roy Tang 2018-10-02 19:05:54 +00:00
parent f97e644aa6
commit fed088d84b
2 changed files with 26 additions and 4 deletions

@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#NOTE: Please limit "besteffort" to dev env with mixed hardware computes only
# For prod env, the target nic should be there, if not, script should error out.
set -ex
{{- if ( has "besteffort" .Values.conf.sriov_init ) }}
set +e
{{- end }}
{{- range $k, $sriov := .Values.network.interface.sriov }}
if [ "x{{ $sriov.num_vfs }}" != "x" ]; then
@ -37,18 +42,28 @@ else
echo "${NUM_VFS}" > /sys/class/net/{{ $sriov.device }}/device/sriov_numvfs
{{- if $sriov.mtu }}
ip link set dev {{ $sriov.device }} mtu {{ $sriov.mtu }}
{{- end }}
ip link set {{ $sriov.device }} up
ip link show {{ $sriov.device }}
{{- if $sriov.promisc }}
ip link set {{ $sriov.device }} promisc on
{{- else }}
{{- end }}
ip link set {{ $sriov.device }} promisc ${promisc_mode}
#NOTE(portdirect): get the bus that the port is on
NIC_BUS=$(lshw -c network -businfo | awk '/{{ $sriov.device }}/ {print $1}')
#NOTE(portdirect): get first port on the nic
NIC_FIRST_PORT=$(lshw -c network -businfo | awk "/${NIC_BUS%%.*}/ { print \$2; exit }"
#NOTE(portdirect): Enable promisc mode on the nic, by setting it for the 1st port
ethtool --set-priv-flags ${NIC_FIRST_PORT} vf-true-promisc-support on
{{- end }}
ethtool --set-priv-flags ${NIC_FIRST_PORT} vf-true-promisc-support ${promisc_mode}
{{- end }}
{{- if ( has "besteffort" .Values.conf.sriov_init ) }}
exit 0
{{ end }}

@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@ conf:
# This is needed to allow taas to insert/remove vlan id to the
# target vf under /sys/class/net/[device-name]/device/sriov/[vf-index]/[mirror]
i40e_sysfs_command: RegExpFilter, /opt/i40e_sysfs_command, root, /opt/i40e_sysfs_command, \w+, .+, .+
i40e_sysfs_command: RegExpFilter, i40e_sysfs_command, root, i40e_sysfs_command, \w+, .+, .+
log_config_append: /etc/neutron/logging.conf
@ -1649,6 +1649,13 @@ conf:
priority: 0
apply-to: all
pattern: '(notifications)\.'
## NOTE: "besteffort" is meant for dev env with mixed compute type only.
## This helps prevent sriov init script from failing due to mis-matched NIC
## For prod env, target NIC should match and init script should fail otherwise.
## sriov_init:
## - besteffort
# Names of secrets used by bootstrap and environmental checks