This patch sets fixes the make clean target as it currently attempts
to delete the generated */charts up the parents, where the directory
is guaranteed to be non-empty.
Change-Id: I6575cb9e1e7da8b6c690e433418d1115130e0eff
init osd: Ceph luminous release init osd differently. This fix detects
ceph releases and use the right process to init osd directory
mgr: Set mgr daemonset that is in Luminous
Change-Id: I99a102f24c4a8ba18a0bba873e9f752368bea594
Signed-off-by: Huamin Chen <>
Depends-On: I17359df62a720cbd0b3ff79b1d642f99b3e81b3f
This PS updates the developer documentation to make use
of the openstack-helm-infra repo and new developer
Implements: blueprint developer-environment
Change-Id: I45b627f78b9504dc0abfbe7d0061ea3475ee4748
When there are any defunct charts either because they were removed or
perhaps existed when testing another branch (commonly happens when
testing with git review -d ...) the build process breaks.
This should remove them.
Change-Id: I850d6ad820148f657f253bfdf1a765c673af7099
This patchset updates the Makefile to process all subfolders except an
explicitly specified EXCLUDES-list. This would avoid developers adding
new charts from needing to modify the Makefile, except for needing it
be excluded. Also, this would eases the process of later migrating and
integrating charts across OSH, OSH-infra, OSH-addons, etc.
Change-Id: I5385f38be1ee4ae6f89fb9d4df6edec97ba8176a
Signed-off-by: Tin Lam <>
This PS refactors the ceph chart and secret generation process.
The updated chart replaces the existing "bootstrap" chart.
Additionally, Ceph manifests and deployment guides were modified
Change-Id: I6f5bb88fc0f40cfee8865d9dab83859d765e7537
Co-Authored-By: Larry Rensing <>
This patch set refactors the Makefile to leverage make
constructs and variabls for streamlining dependencies.
This should reduce the number of modifications needed when
a new chart is added to the project.
Change-Id: I5f66c5761e27791fb7743c646a96c968abc6b594
This patch set is setting up initial lint gate job for the
OpenStack-Helm project.
Co-Authored-By: Alexis Rivera <>
Change-Id: I6ebf2d22467f1c56f474c437abd94e5cc4055ee1
Currently, the Makefile's output prints without newlines between
running helm * commands against our charts. This can make it
difficult to parse output at a glance. This adds newlines before
and after the helm commands against charts, making output more
Change-Id: I8977f3ab69322bab8924ff09fcb3c5fa84b9b13b
* Rename common chart to helm-toolkit
* Update useage of helpers to include reference to chart they come from.
* Update helm-toolkit function naming
Also catches several functions missed in previous PS
* Update remaining requirements.yaml to use helm-toolbox
* Dep Check container fix for common -> helm-toolbox renaming
This is a functioning neutron chart that leverages a flat network
but supports vxlan and gre networks in values.yaml. We were unable
to test the vxlan functionality as it tickles the bnx2x cards in our
HP blade lab.
For now, this leverages daemonsets which make sense. It does require
a new label, namely openvswitch=enabled as we need a label that can be
applied both to the control plane and tenant compute hosts as both
require neutron agents and openvswitch. The interfaces today match
our labs, namely enp11s0f0 for the flat network on physnet1 and
enp12s0f0 for the external network. These can be overriden in
values.yaml via set or a global environmental file.
It depends on the keystone endpoint work.
This chart was tested against a working nova chart not commited as
DTadrzak has one open in PR#45
* imagePullPolicy requirements for init-containers in 1.5
* dependency tree specified mariadb-init, when there is only a
mariadb-seed job to depend on
* the requirements.yaml should not include any chart in this
repository other then common as that severely complicates
removing charts as all dependent elements are removed with it
* the has HOME set to /tmp which will not read
/home/ansible configuration. It was unclear if this was by
design, but /home/ansible seems like an important part of the
kolla toolbox
* the file had quoting typos, but even when they are
fixed the job/glance-post will not run to completion, complaining
of a missing kolla_keystone_service module
* As of helm 2.0.0, it no longer seems necessary to
copy a "globals.tpl" into each child chart, defines in
child charts now seem to be reliably rendered in the
parent. This was not working correctly in 2.0.0rc2
and so after a lot of testing, the globals define
insertion has been removed from the Makefiles. Also,
includes piped to b64encode are working now, meaning
we no longer have to do Makefile magic to base64
encode successfully. That has been removed. Once
.Files.Get works properly in a child chart context
we can remove all Make help.
* The openstack-base chart has been renamed to common
to better reflect that it is common to everything in
aic-helm, even non-openstack projects like ceph. All
charts now include it as a requirement.
* A first pass at a "cleaner" template directory approach
has been applied to rabbitmq as a test chart. This allows
files such as _start_rabbit to live in their raw form
and organizes files by config vs script in 'etc' or 'bin'
directories. If accepted, will apply to all other charts
for consistency.
* Made values.yaml consistent throughout charts. Removed any globals
references in subcharts as these are difficult to override. Only
ports should be in globals to build URLs which can come as part
of a future commit. The hostname endpoint aspect of a service
will come from openstack-base/_hosts.tpl and the port
would come from the chart itself as a global so other charts
can reference the port to build a complete URL. Putting the
hostnames themselves as globals in individual charts makes it
difficult to make a sweeping top level FQDN change.
* Cleaned up yaml requirements and incorporated a new _common.tpl
that is distributed to all charts to allow common endpoint naming
while still retaining the ability to install individual charts.
* Fixed keystone URL generation during bootstrap as a correct
URL is critical given keystone uses this to construct all
subsequent URLs in the request. Also allow controlling the
default endpoint version and scheme.
* Added missing NAMESPACE declaration to keystone deployment
as this is required for entrypoint to discover resources
not in the 'default' namespace.
* Refactored all nodeSelector values to be consistent throughout
all charts
This large commit refactors mariadb and creates a utils and
openstack chart to facilitate installing all openstack
elemenets and supporting infrastructure.