Rename ml2.ovs.auto_bridge_add to network.auto_bridge_add
Change-Id: Idf0e746df8b91cbbf89373d1516108ce2163083c
Co-Authored-By: Artur Korzeniewski <>
This PS updates the way helm-toolkit functions are named to
reference the full path they are loacted at. This should make
development and debugging easier. Addtionally unused functions
have been pruned as well.
Change-Id: I03c553f1d01bccc70c86768b416b147c90d9b2f0
This PS moves the container start commands to scripts, which makes
debugging and overriding of container launch params easier.
Change-Id: If75087456e42a5214e428107ee5bd53778a1b822
* Rename common chart to helm-toolkit
* Update useage of helpers to include reference to chart they come from.
* Update helm-toolkit function naming
Also catches several functions missed in previous PS
* Update remaining requirements.yaml to use helm-toolbox
* Dep Check container fix for common -> helm-toolbox renaming
This is a functioning neutron chart that leverages a flat network
but supports vxlan and gre networks in values.yaml. We were unable
to test the vxlan functionality as it tickles the bnx2x cards in our
HP blade lab.
For now, this leverages daemonsets which make sense. It does require
a new label, namely openvswitch=enabled as we need a label that can be
applied both to the control plane and tenant compute hosts as both
require neutron agents and openvswitch. The interfaces today match
our labs, namely enp11s0f0 for the flat network on physnet1 and
enp12s0f0 for the external network. These can be overriden in
values.yaml via set or a global environmental file.
It depends on the keystone endpoint work.
This chart was tested against a working nova chart not commited as
DTadrzak has one open in PR#45