* Add resources limits and requests for each chart
* Refactor the resources limits and requests to follow a patern
* Fix some coding issues
* fix issues resulting from feedback on the resources PR
* Reset some variables to a static value in the neutron chart.
* Substituting variable entrypoint by dependency_check in the concerned files
* Few adjustments
* Update deploy-region.yaml
* Update deployment.yaml
* Add resources limits and requests for each chart
Squah all commits in one.
* Add resources limits and requests for some charts
* cleaning
* Fix indendation issue
* Update deployment.yaml
* Update daemonset-ovs-vswitchd.yaml
This PS loads all the required keystone configuration files into a container for an apache based deployment.
It allows OpenStack-Helm to be image agnosic, meaning operators can use any Apache based Keystone image they want.
two templates, because i don't how to pass two variables to template.
PR also adjust layout of configuration files in Nova.
Signed-off-by: DTadrzak <daniel.tadrzak@intel.com>
The new default for mitaka+ is fernet tokens which not all
container images support. This allows the operator to
specify the token provider, allowing uuid token usage in
images which is required until the infrastructure to setup
and distribute fernet keys is created.
The configuration of ``worker`` can be removed for two reasons:
* In Mitaka (and onward), it is two separate parameters:
``public_workers`` and ``admin_workers`` under section
[eventlet_server], as shown in [1]. In master (Ocata),
these options were removed.
* In the preferred keystone deployment of using u/wsgi, and not
eventlet server, this setting does not really take effect - as
Apache will manage this instead of keystone.
These options can be removed. Also, removed extra EOL spaces.
[1] https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/stable/mitaka/etc/keystone.conf.sample#L678-L696
This introduces changes across several charts, for consistent
endpoint lookup routines. Today, only the internal endpoints
are defined (and copied to admin and public). This can later
be expanded to handle unique public and admin endpoints.
This ensures the catalog is populated with consistent URLs
for all services.
* start.sh was added back, which had requiring sourcing
* the naming convention for charts is finalized with this example
landing on configmap-*.yaml to satisfy those of us with OCD
* imagePullPolicies added for init-containers, required by
helm 2.1.0 which does not supply them by default
* Made values.yaml consistent throughout charts. Removed any globals
references in subcharts as these are difficult to override. Only
ports should be in globals to build URLs which can come as part
of a future commit. The hostname endpoint aspect of a service
will come from openstack-base/_hosts.tpl and the port
would come from the chart itself as a global so other charts
can reference the port to build a complete URL. Putting the
hostnames themselves as globals in individual charts makes it
difficult to make a sweeping top level FQDN change.
* Cleaned up yaml requirements and incorporated a new _common.tpl
that is distributed to all charts to allow common endpoint naming
while still retaining the ability to install individual charts.
* Fixed keystone URL generation during bootstrap as a correct
URL is critical given keystone uses this to construct all
subsequent URLs in the request. Also allow controlling the
default endpoint version and scheme.
* Added missing NAMESPACE declaration to keystone deployment
as this is required for entrypoint to discover resources
not in the 'default' namespace.
* Refactored all nodeSelector values to be consistent throughout
all charts