This PS fixes the .gitignore file to not include the logs dir
created by development operation of OpenStack-Helm.
Change-Id: I67a71157b62afc76877285d1a90e191988df8afe
This PS adds a dry-run to all the charts in OpenStack-Helm as part
of the Checking process. The output is logged to a ./log dir by
default so the results are caught and handled by the devstack-logs
Change-Id: I8f82e371b5098c97311d51071ebb60e8734c2900
This commit introduces initial infrastructure for building documentation
using the OpenStack's sphinx extension and tox. To demonstrate that is rewritten into README.rst and should appear in
documentation built by `tox -e docs`.
Partial-Implements: blueprint docs-to-rst
Change-Id: I08ebad1c572e248a8f474e785d3bf7a19dbc4340
* As of helm 2.0.0, it no longer seems necessary to
copy a "globals.tpl" into each child chart, defines in
child charts now seem to be reliably rendered in the
parent. This was not working correctly in 2.0.0rc2
and so after a lot of testing, the globals define
insertion has been removed from the Makefiles. Also,
includes piped to b64encode are working now, meaning
we no longer have to do Makefile magic to base64
encode successfully. That has been removed. Once
.Files.Get works properly in a child chart context
we can remove all Make help.
* The openstack-base chart has been renamed to common
to better reflect that it is common to everything in
aic-helm, even non-openstack projects like ceph. All
charts now include it as a requirement.
* A first pass at a "cleaner" template directory approach
has been applied to rabbitmq as a test chart. This allows
files such as _start_rabbit to live in their raw form
and organizes files by config vs script in 'etc' or 'bin'
directories. If accepted, will apply to all other charts
for consistency.
* Made values.yaml consistent throughout charts. Removed any globals
references in subcharts as these are difficult to override. Only
ports should be in globals to build URLs which can come as part
of a future commit. The hostname endpoint aspect of a service
will come from openstack-base/_hosts.tpl and the port
would come from the chart itself as a global so other charts
can reference the port to build a complete URL. Putting the
hostnames themselves as globals in individual charts makes it
difficult to make a sweeping top level FQDN change.
* Cleaned up yaml requirements and incorporated a new _common.tpl
that is distributed to all charts to allow common endpoint naming
while still retaining the ability to install individual charts.
* Fixed keystone URL generation during bootstrap as a correct
URL is critical given keystone uses this to construct all
subsequent URLs in the request. Also allow controlling the
default endpoint version and scheme.
* Added missing NAMESPACE declaration to keystone deployment
as this is required for entrypoint to discover resources
not in the 'default' namespace.
* Refactored all nodeSelector values to be consistent throughout
all charts