# Default values for ceph. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare name/value pairs to be passed into your templates. # name: value # # alanmeadows(NOTE): this is merely a sample of the potential # tunables available - parameterizing more of the elements # in the manifests is a work in progress replicas: mon: 3 rgw: 3 mon_check: 1 service: mon: name: ceph-mon images: daemon: docker.io/library/ceph/daemon:tag-build-master-jewel-ubuntu-16.04 pull_policy: IfNotPresent labels: node_selector_key: ceph-storage node_selector_value: enabled network: port: mon: 6789 rgw_ingress: 80 rgw_target: 8088 storage: osd_directory: /var/lib/openstack-helm/ceph/osd var_directory: /var/lib/openstack-helm/ceph/ceph mon_directory: /var/lib/openstack-helm/ceph/mon # rgw is optionall disabled rgw: enabled: false rgw: enabled: false resources: osd: requests: memory: "512Mi" cpu: "1000m" limits: memory: "1024Mi" cpu: "2000m" mds: requests: memory: "10Mi" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "50Mi" cpu: "500m" mon: requests: memory: "50Mi" cpu: "1000m" limits: memory: "100Mi" cpu: "2000m" mon_check: requests: memory: "5Mi" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "50Mi" cpu: "500m" rgw: requests: memory: "5Mi" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "50Mi" cpu: "500m" # Setting this to false will assume you will # setup and orchestrate your own secrets and # configmaps outside of this helm chart # # The list below is in the format of # # configMapName: # elementKeyName # # ceph.conf: # ceph.conf # ceph.client.admin.keyring # ceph.client.admin.keyring # ceph.mon.keyring: # ceph.mon.keyring # ceph-bootstrap-rgw-keyring: # ceph.keyring # ceph.rgw.keyring # ceph-bootstrap-mds-keyring: # ceph.keyring # ceph.mds.keyring # ceph-bootstrap-osd-keyring: # ceph.keyring # ceph.osd.keyring # ceph-client-key: # ceph-client-key secrets: use_common_secrets: true # if you change provision_storage_class to false # it is presumed you manage your own storage # class definition externally storageclass: provision_storage_class: true name: general monitors: null pool: rbd admin_id: admin admin_secret_name: pvc-ceph-conf-combined-storageclass admin_secret_namespace: null user_id: admin user_secret_name: pvc-ceph-client-key