Openstack-Helm Gate Scripts =========================== These scripts are used in the OpenStack-Helm Gates and can also be run locally to aid development and for demonstration purposes. Please note that they assume full control of a machine, and may be destructive in nature, so should only be run on a dedicated host. Supported Platforms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently supported host platforms are: * Ubuntu 16.04 * CentOS 7 * Fedora 25 Usage (Single Node) ------------------- The Gate scripts use the ```` as an entrypoint and are controlled by environment variables, an example of use to run the basic integration test is below: .. code:: bash export INTEGRATION=aio export INTEGRATION_TYPE=basic export PVC_BACKEND=ceph ./tools/gate/ Usage (Multi Node) ------------------ To use for a multinode deployment you simply need to set a few extra environment variables: .. code:: bash export INTEGRATION=multi export INTEGRATION_TYPE=basic export PVC_BACKEND=ceph #IP of primary node: export PRIMARY_NODE_IP= #IP's of subnodes: export SUB_NODE_IPS="" #Location of SSH private key to use with subnodes: export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=/etc/nodepool/id_rsa ./tools/gate/ Options ------- You can also export some additional environment variables prior to running the ``./tools/gate/`` that tweak aspects of the deployment. Rather than ceph, you may use a nfs based backend. This option is especially useful on old or low spec machines, though is not currently supported with Linux Kernels >=4.10: .. code:: bash export PVC_BACKEND=nfs It is also possible to customise the CNI used in the deployment: .. code:: bash export KUBE_CNI=calico # or "canal" "weave" "flannel" export CNI_POD_CIDR=