# suhartono , 2019. #zanata msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: openstack-helm 0.1.1.dev3685\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-06 21:47+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-27 04:14+0000\n" "Last-Translator: suhartono \n" "Language-Team: Indonesian\n" "Language: id\n" "X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" msgid "**Charts in the appropriate project**" msgstr "**Charts in the appropriate project**" msgid "**Combined helm-toolkit**" msgstr "**Combined helm-toolkit**" msgid "**Document Kubernetes requirements**" msgstr "**Document Kubernetes requirements**" msgid "**Document version requirements**" msgstr "**Document version requirements**" msgid "**Helm test for all charts**" msgstr "**Helm test for all charts**" msgid "**Inclusion of all core services**" msgstr "**Inclusion of all core services**" msgid "**LMA Operations Guide**" msgstr "**LMA Operations Guide**" msgid "**OpenStack-Helm release process**" msgstr "**OpenStack-Helm release process**" msgid "**Release notes**" msgstr "**Release notes**" msgid "**Resiliency across reboots**" msgstr "**Resiliency across reboots**" msgid "**Split Ceph chart**" msgstr "**Split Ceph chart**" msgid "**Standardization of manifests**" msgstr "**Standardization of manifests**" msgid "**Standardization of values**" msgstr "**Standardization of values**" msgid "**Upgrades**" msgstr "**Upgrades**" msgid "**Values-driven config files**" msgstr "**Values-driven config files**" msgid "1) Prepare scripts:" msgstr "1) Siapkan skrip:" msgid "" "1. For each chart, add a new entry ``oci_image_registry:`` under ``endpoints:" "`` in ``values.yaml``. The entry ``oci_image_registry:`` has the ``auth:`` " "section which provides the credentials for accessing registry images and an " "option ``enabled:`` to determine whether images authentication is required " "or not. The registry basic information would also be included for generating " "the registry URL by the endpoint lookup functions. Also add a new entry " "``oci_image_registry:`` under ``secrets:`` to indicate the secret name. In " "order to create the secret that holds the provided credentials, add a new " "component ``secret_registry`` in ``manifests:`` section. For example:" msgstr "" "1. Untuk setiap chart, tambahkan entri baru ``oci_image_registry:`` di bawah " "``endpoints:`` di ``values.yaml``. Entri ``oci_image_registry:`` memiliki " "bagian ``auth:`` yang menyediakan kredensial untuk mengakses image registri " "dan opsi ``enabled:`` untuk menentukan apakah otentikasi image diperlukan " "atau tidak. Informasi dasar registri juga akan dimasukkan untuk menghasilkan " "URL registri oleh fungsi pencarian endpoint. Juga tambahkan entri baru " "``oci_image_registry:`` di bawah ``secrets:`` untuk menunjukkan nama " "rahasia. Untuk membuat rahasia yang memegang kredensial yang disediakan, " "tambahkan komponen baru ``secret_registry`` di bagian ``manifes:``. Sebagai " "contoh:" msgid "2 Replace occurrence of ``ceph.yaml`` with ``tenant-ceph.yaml``" msgstr "2 Ganti kemunculan ``ceph.yaml`` dengan ``tenant-ceph.yaml``" msgid "2) Deploy ingress chart:" msgstr "2) Menyebarkan ingress chart:" msgid "" "3 For tenant Ceph, no need to deploy ceph-provisioners. Update script to " "``for CHART in ceph-mon ceph-osd ceph-client; do``" msgstr "" "3 untuk tenant Ceph, tidak perlu menggunakan ceph-provisioners. Update skrip " "ke ``for CHART in ceph-mon ceph-osd ceph-client; do``" msgid "3) Deploy Ceph for RBD:" msgstr "3) Menyebarkan Ceph untuk RBD:" msgid "4) Deploy MariaDB, RabbitMQ, Memcached and Keystone:" msgstr "4) Menyebarkan MariaDB, RabbitMQ, Memcached dan Keystone:" msgid "5) Deploy Ceph for Tenant:" msgstr "5) Menyebarkan Ceph untuk Tenant:" msgid "6 VM based hosts (node1, node2, node3, node4, node5, node6)" msgstr "6 VM based hosts (node1, node2, node3, node4, node5, node6)" msgid "6) Enable Openstack namespace to use Tenant Ceph:" msgstr "6) Aktifkan Openstack namespace untuk menggunakan Tenant Ceph:" msgid "7) Tenant Ceph: Deploy Rados Gateway:" msgstr "7) Tenant Ceph: Deploy Rados Gateway:" msgid "8) Deploy Glance:" msgstr "8) Menyebarkan Glance:" msgid "9) Deploy Cinder:" msgstr "9) Menyebarkan Cinder:" msgid "" "A basic Logging, Monitoring, and Alerting-oriented operations guide must be " "in place, illustrating for operators (and developers) how to set up and use " "an example LMA setup for OpenStack and supporting services. It will include " "instructions on how to perform basic configuration and how to access and use " "the user interfaces at a high level. It will also link out to more detailed " "documentation for the LMA tooling itself." msgstr "" "Panduan operasi Logging, Monitoring, dan Alerting-oriented dasar harus ada, " "menggambarkan bagi operator (dan pengembang) bagaimana mengatur dan " "menggunakan contoh pengaturan LMA untuk OpenStack dan layanan pendukung. Ini " "akan mencakup instruksi tentang cara melakukan konfigurasi dasar dan cara " "mengakses dan menggunakan antarmuka pengguna di tingkat tinggi. Ini juga " "akan menghubungkan ke dokumentasi yang lebih rinci untuk perkakas LMA itu " "sendiri." msgid "" "A few areas have been identified on changes required. Each of them will be a " "work item." msgstr "" "Beberapa area telah diidentifikasi pada perubahan yang diperlukan. Masing-" "masing akan menjadi work item." msgid "" "A foundational requirement of 1.0 readiness is the presence of robust gating " "that will ensure functionality, backward compatibility, and upgradeability. " "This will allow development to continue and for support for new versions of " "OpenStack to be added post-1.0. The following gating requirements must be " "met:" msgstr "" "Persyaratan mendasar dari kesiapan 1.0 adalah keberadaan gating yang kuat " "yang akan memastikan fungsionalitas, kompatibilitas mundur (backward " "compatibility), dan peningkatan kemampuan. Ini akan memungkinkan " "pengembangan untuk melanjutkan dan untuk dukungan untuk versi baru OpenStack " "ditambahkan post-1.0. Persyaratan gating berikut harus dipenuhi:" msgid "" "A gate will be added to OpenStack-Helm that runs through the developer " "environment deployment process." msgstr "" "Gate akan ditambahkan ke OpenStack-Helm yang dijalankan melalui proses " "penyebaran lingkungan pengembang." msgid "" "A number of in-progress and planned development efforts must be completed " "prior to 1.0, to ensure a stable OpenStack-Helm interface thereafter." msgstr "" "Sejumlah upaya pengembangan yang sedang berlangsung dan yang direncanakan " "harus diselesaikan sebelum 1.0, untuk memastikan antarmuka OpenStack-Helm " "yang stabil sesudahnya." msgid "" "A set of scripts will be provided to exercise the deployed environment that " "checks the basic functionality of the deployed cloud, driven where possible " "via OpenStack heat:" msgstr "" "Seperangkat skrip akan disediakan untuk menjalankan lingkungan yang " "digunakan yang memeriksa fungsi dasar cloud yang digunakan, didorong jika " "memungkinkan melalui OpenStack heat:" msgid "" "A specification should precede any broad-reaching technical changes or " "proposals to OpenStack-Helm. Examples of changes requiring a specification " "include: a standard format to the values.yaml files, multiple backend " "support for neutron, and the approach for logging and monitoring in " "OpenStack-Helm. Some additional features will not need an accompanying " "specification, but may be tied back to an existing specification. An " "example of this would be introducing a service in OpenStack-Helm that could " "be included under the scope of a specification already drafted and approved." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi harus mendahului setiap perubahan teknis yang luas atau proposal " "ke OpenStack-Helm. Contoh perubahan yang memerlukan spesifikasi meliputi: " "format standar untuk file values.yaml, dukungan backend berganda untuk " "neutron, dan pendekatan untuk logging dan pemantauan di OpenStack-Helm. " "Beberapa fitur tambahan tidak memerlukan spesifikasi yang menyertainya, " "tetapi mungkin terikat kembali ke spesifikasi yang ada. Contohnya adalah " "memperkenalkan layanan di OpenStack-Helm yang dapat dimasukkan dalam lingkup " "spesifikasi yang telah disusun dan disetujui." msgid "API Deployments" msgstr "API Deployments" msgid "Ability to apply custom metadata and uniform format to logs" msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk menerapkan metadata kustom dan format seragam untuk log" msgid "Ability to perform custom queries against metrics collected" msgstr "" "Kemampuan untuk melakukan kueri kustom terhadap metrik yang dikumpulkan" msgid "Ability to perform custom queries against stored logs" msgstr "Kemampuan untuk melakukan kueri kustom terhadap log yang tersimpan" msgid "" "Above output shows ``http://ceph-rgw.openstack.svc.cluster.local`` which " "shows that swift is pointing to tenant-ceph." msgstr "" "Output di atas menunjukkan ``http://ceph-rgw.openstack.svc.cluster.local`` " "yang menunjukkan bahwa swift menunjuk ke tenant-ceph." msgid "" "Above output shows that tenant ceph now has 19 pools including one for " "Cinder." msgstr "" "Output di atas menunjukkan bahwa tenant ceph sekarang memiliki 19 pool " "termasuk satu untuk Cinder." msgid "Add Linux Bridge as first alternative for OVS - separate spec needed." msgstr "" "Tambahkan Linux Bridge sebagai alternatif pertama untuk OVS - spesifikasi " "terpisah diperlukan." msgid "Add LinuxBridge daemonset" msgstr "Tambahkan daemonset LinuxBridge" msgid "" "Add a helm-toolkit function ``helm-toolkit.manifests.secret_registry`` to " "create a manifest for secret generation. For example:" msgstr "" "Tambahkan fungsi helm-toolkit ``helm-toolkit.manifests.secret_registry`` " "untuk membuat manifes untuk pembuatan rahasia. Sebagai contoh:" msgid "" "Add a template highlighting the updated values ordering for use in chart " "development" msgstr "" "Tambahkan template highlighting urutan nilai yang diperbarui untuk digunakan " "dalam pengembangan chart" msgid "Add documentation on how to use LinuxBridge" msgstr "Tambahkan dokumentasi tentang cara menggunakan LinuxBridge" msgid "Add gate for developer environment" msgstr "Tambahkan gate untuk lingkungan pengembang" msgid "Add gate job testing VM network connectivity" msgstr "Tambahkan gate job testing konektivitas jaringan VM" msgid "" "Add one SDN to see if proposed change is working OK - separate spec needed." msgstr "" "Tambahkan satu SDN untuk melihat apakah perubahan yang diajukan berfungsi " "dengan baik - pisahkan spesifikasi yang diperlukan." msgid "Add or remove nodes depending on utilization" msgstr "Tambah atau hapus node tergantung pada pemanfaatan" msgid "Additional assignees TBD" msgstr "Additional assignees TBD" msgid "" "Aggregator also send aggregated logs to Kafka for external tools to consume" msgstr "" "Aggregator juga mengirim log agregat ke Kafka untuk dikonsumsi oleh alat " "eksternal" msgid "Alerting capabilities to notify operators when thresholds exceeded" msgstr "" "Memperingatkan kemampuan untuk memberi tahu operator ketika ambang melebihi" msgid "Alertmanager chart" msgstr "Alertmanager chart" msgid "" "All charts must include sensible configuration values to make the monitoring " "platform usable by default. These include: static Prometheus " "configurations for the included exporters, static dashboards for Grafana " "mounted via configMaps and configurations for Alertmanager out of the box." msgstr "" "Semua chart harus menyertakan nilai konfigurasi yang masuk akal untuk " "membuat platform pemantauan dapat digunakan secara default. Ini termasuk: " "konfigurasi statis Prometheus untuk eksportir yang disertakan, dasbor statis " "untuk Grafana yang dipasang melalui configMaps dan konfigurasi untuk " "Alertmanager di luar kotak." msgid "" "All charts require valid and sensible default values to provide operational " "value out of the box." msgstr "" "Semua chart memerlukan nilai default yang valid dan masuk akal untuk " "memberikan nilai operasional di luar kotak." msgid "" "All charts should follow design approaches applied to all other OpenStack-" "Helm charts, including the use of helm-toolkit." msgstr "" "Semua chart harus mengikuti pendekatan desain yang diterapkan pada semua " "chart OpenStack-Helm lainnya, termasuk penggunaan helm-toolkit." msgid "All charts should migrate to their appropriate home project as follows:" msgstr "" "Semua chart harus bermigrasi ke home project yang sesuai sebagai berikut:" msgid "" "All keys under top-level keys are listed in alphabetical order, with the " "exception of the conf key. As some configuration files require a strict " "ordering of their content, excluding this key from any alphabetical " "organization is required." msgstr "" "Semua kunci di bawah top-level keys terdaftar dalam urutan abjad, dengan " "pengecualian kunci conf. Karena beberapa file konfigurasi memerlukan urutan " "konten yang ketat, tidak termasuk kunci ini dari organisasi alfabet apa pun " "diperlukan." msgid "All services in OpenStack-Helm log to stdout and stderr by default" msgstr "" "Semua layanan di OpenStack-Helm log ke stdout dan stderr secara default" msgid "" "All services running within the platform should be subject to the security " "practices applied to the other OpenStack-Helm charts." msgstr "" "Semua layanan yang berjalan dalam platform harus tunduk pada praktik " "keamanan yang diterapkan pada grafik OpenStack-Helm lainnya." msgid "" "All services should survive node reboots, and their functionality validated " "following a reboot by a gate." msgstr "" "Semua layanan harus selamat dari reboot node, dan fungsinya divalidasi " "setelah reboot oleh gate." msgid "" "All three charts must include sensible configuration values to make the " "logging platform usable by default. These include: proper input " "configurations for Fluentd, proper metadata and formats applied to the logs " "via Fluentd, sensible indexes created for Elasticsearch, and proper " "configuration values for Kibana to query the Elasticsearch indexes " "previously created." msgstr "" "Ketiga grafik harus menyertakan nilai konfigurasi yang masuk akal untuk " "membuat platform logging dapat digunakan secara default. Ini termasuk: " "konfigurasi input yang tepat untuk Fluentd, metadata yang tepat dan format " "yang diterapkan pada log melalui Fluentd, indeks yang masuk akal yang dibuat " "untuk Elasticsearch, dan nilai konfigurasi yang tepat untuk Kibana untuk " "menanyakan indeks Elasticsearch yang sebelumnya dibuat." msgid "Allow the usage of multiple base images in OSH." msgstr "Izinkan penggunaan beberapa image dasar dalam OSH." msgid "" "Allows different profiles of apache, should some charts require different " "args for example for the same kind of images, by using yaml dict merges " "features." msgstr "" "Mengizinkan profil apache yang berbeda, jika beberapa bagan memerlukan " "argumen yang berbeda misalnya untuk jenis image yang sama, dengan " "menggunakan fitur penggabungan dict yaml." msgid "" "Alter webserver configuration per distro. Different distros have different " "expectations in terms of path (including a different series of files " "required), and it would make the operators' life easier by using their " "expected distro paths." msgstr "" "Ubah konfigurasi server web per distro. Distro yang berbeda memiliki harapan " "yang berbeda dalam hal path (termasuk serangkaian file yang berbeda " "diperlukan), dan itu akan membuat hidup para operator lebih mudah dengan " "menggunakan path distro yang mereka harapkan." msgid "Alternatives" msgstr "Alternatif" msgid "" "Alternatives to decomposable Neutron chart would be to copy whole Neutron " "chart and create spin-offs with new SDN enabled. This approach has drawbacks " "of maintaining the whole neutron chart in many places, and copies of " "standard services may be out of sync with OSH improvements. This implies " "constant maintenance effort to up to date." msgstr "" "Alternatif untuk chart Neutron terurai (decomposable) adalah menyalin " "seluruh chart Neutron dan membuat spin-off dengan SDN baru diaktifkan. " "Pendekatan ini memiliki kelemahan dalam mempertahankan bagan neutron " "keseluruhan di banyak tempat, dan salinan layanan standar mungkin tidak " "selaras dengan perbaikan OSH. Ini menyiratkan upaya pemeliharaan yang " "konstan hingga terbaru." msgid "Angie Wang (angiewang)" msgstr "Angie Wang (angiewang)" msgid "" "Another place where Neutron L2 agent should be pointed is dependencies list " "in other OpenStack projects. Currently, :code:`nova-compute` has dependency " "for :code:`ovs-agent` in :code:`nova/values.yaml`, it should be changed to:" msgstr "" "Tempat lain di mana agen L2 Neutron harus ditunjuk adalah daftar dependensi " "dalam proyek OpenStack lainnya. Saat ini, :code:`nova-compute` memiliki " "ketergantungan untuk :code:`ovs-agent` dalam :code:`nova/values.yaml`, " "harus diubah menjadi:" msgid "Any other changes to the external interface of OpenStack-Helm" msgstr "Perubahan lain apa pun pada antarmuka eksternal OpenStack-Helm" msgid "" "As mentioned before, configuration of L3/DHCP/metadata agent should be " "adjusted to use LinuxBridge, sample configuration override:" msgstr "" "Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, konfigurasi agen L3/DHCP/metadata harus " "disesuaikan untuk menggunakan LinuxBridge, konfigurasi sampel diganti:" msgid "Assign Floating IP to VM" msgstr "Tetapkan IP Mengambang (Floating IP) ke VM" msgid "Assignee(s)" msgstr "Assignee(s)" msgid "" "At this point, curated scripts will be used to deploy OpenStack-Helm " "services on demand as desired, with documentation provided to allow a new " "developer to quickly set up either a single or multimode deployment of a " "reference `OpenStack Compute Kit `_ environment with the addition of:" msgstr "" "Pada titik ini, skrip yang dikurasi (curated) akan digunakan untuk " "menggunakan layanan OpenStack-Helm sesuai permintaan seperti yang " "diinginkan, dengan dokumentasi yang disediakan untuk memungkinkan pengembang " "baru dengan cepat mengatur penyebaran tunggal atau multimode dari referensi " "`OpenStack Compute Kit `_ lingkungan dengan penambahan:" msgid "" "Authentication should be enabled for normal users to access Kube API server " "via either kubectl command or kube REST API call." msgstr "" "Otentikasi harus diaktifkan untuk pengguna normal untuk mengakses server API " "Kube melalui perintah kubectl atau panggilan API REST kube." msgid "Backed by highly available storage" msgstr "Didukung oleh penyimpanan yang sangat tersedia" msgid "" "Before drafting a specification, a blueprint should be filed in Storyboard_ " "along with any dependencies the blueprint requires. Once the blueprint has " "been registered, submit the specification as a patch set to the specs/ " "directory using the supplied template." msgstr "" "Sebelum menyusun spesifikasi, blueprint harus diajukan di Storyboard_ " "bersama dengan setiap dependensi yang diperlukan blueprint. Setelah " "blueprint terdaftar, kirimkan spesifikasi sebagai patch yang disetel ke " "direktori spesifikasi menggunakan templat yang disediakan." msgid "Before using Openstack-Helm to deploy openstack services," msgstr "" "Sebelum menggunakan Openstack-Helm untuk menggunakan layanan openstack," msgid "Bin ConfigMaps" msgstr "Bin ConfigMaps" msgid "" "Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-helm/+spec/nginx-" "sidecar" msgstr "" "Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-helm/+spec/nginx-" "sidecar" msgid "Blueprint: neutron-multiple-sdns_" msgstr "Blueprint: neutron-multiple-sdns_" msgid "Blueprint: support-linux-bridge-on-neutron_" msgstr "Blueprint: support-linux-bridge-on-neutron_" msgid "Blueprint: support-oci-image-registry-with-authentication-turned-on_" msgstr "Blueprint: support-oci-image-registry-with-authentication-turned-on_" msgid "Blueprints: 1. osh-logging-framework_" msgstr "Cetak Biru: 1. osh-logging-framework_" msgid "Blueprints: 1. osh-monitoring_ 2. osh-logging-framework_" msgstr "Blueprints: 1. osh-monitoring_ 2. osh-logging-framework_" msgid "" "But above alternatives have limitations and security impact. i.e...require " "root access to configure on all nodes, all pods can read any configured " "private registries, all pods can use any images cached on a node [1]_" msgstr "" "Tetapi alternatif di atas memiliki keterbatasan dan dampak keamanan. i.e ... " "memerlukan akses root untuk mengkonfigurasi pada semua node, semua pod dapat " "membaca register pribadi yang dikonfigurasi, semua pod dapat menggunakan " "image apa pun yang di-cache pada sebuah node [1] _" msgid "" "By default, :code:`daemonset_lb_agent` will be set to false to remain " "default behaviour of installing OVS as networking agent." msgstr "" "Secara default, :code:`daemonset_lb_agent` akan disetel ke false untuk tetap " "menjadi perilaku default menginstal OVS sebagai agen jaringan." msgid "Ceph Clusters:" msgstr "Ceph Clusters:" msgid "Ceph backed Block Storage (cinder)" msgstr "Object Storage (cinder) yang didukung Ceph" msgid "Ceph backed Object Storage" msgstr "Object Storage yang didukung Ceph" msgid "Ceph for RBD:" msgstr "Ceph for RBD:" msgid "Ceph for Tenant:" msgstr "Ceph untuk Tenant:" msgid "Ceph metrics: total pool usage, latency, health, etc" msgstr "Metrik Ceph: total penggunaan pool, latensi, kesehatan, dll" msgid "" "Change ordering of keys across all charts in openstack-helm, openstack-helm-" "infra, and openstack-helm-addons" msgstr "" "Ubah urutan kunci di semua chart di openstack-helm, openstack-helm-infra, " "dan openstack-helm-addons" msgid "" "Charts for all core OpenStack services must be present to achieve 1.0 " "releasability. The only core service outstanding at this time is Swift." msgstr "" "Chart untuk semua layanan OpenStack inti harus ada untuk mencapai 1.0 " "releasability. Satu-satunya layanan inti yang beredar saat ini adalah Swift." msgid "" "Charts for exporters: kube-state-metrics, ceph-exporter, openstack-exporter?" msgstr "" "Chart untuk eksportir: kube-state-metrics, ceph-exporter, openstack-exporter?" msgid "Code Completion and Refactoring" msgstr "Code Completion dan Refactoring" msgid "Collect logs from the node by Fluentbit" msgstr "Kumpulkan log dari node dengan Fluentbit" msgid "Common method to configure all monitoring targets" msgstr "Metode umum untuk mengonfigurasi semua target pemantauan" msgid "" "Comprehensive documentation is key to the ability for real-world operators " "to benefit from OpenStack-Helm, and so it is a requirement for 1.0 " "releasability. The following outstanding items must be completed from a " "documentation perspective:" msgstr "" "Dokumentasi yang komprehensif adalah kunci kemampuan operator real-world " "untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari OpenStack-Helm, dan karenanya merupakan " "persyaratan untuk 1.0 releasability. Barang luar biasa (outstanding) berikut " "harus diselesaikan dari perspektif dokumentasi:" msgid "Configurable log rotation mechanism" msgstr "Mekanisme rotasi log yang dapat dikonfigurasi" msgid "Configuration in :code:`neutron.conf` and :code:`ml2_conf.ini`" msgstr "Konfigurasi dalam :code:`neutron.conf` and :code:`ml2_conf.ini`" msgid "" "Cover the following logging use cases https://review.openstack.org/#/" "c/482687/" msgstr "" "Cover kasus penggunaan logging berikut https://review.openstack.org/#/" "c/482687/" msgid "Create SSH Key in nova" msgstr "Buat SSH Key di nova" msgid "Create VM on tenant network" msgstr "Buat VM di jaringan tenant" msgid "" "Create conditionals in the helm charts. This is problematic, as the amount " "of conditionals will increase and will be harder to maintain. Overrides " "files are easy to sync between charts." msgstr "" "Buat persyaratan di helm chart. Ini bermasalah, karena jumlah persyaratan " "akan meningkat dan akan lebih sulit untuk dipertahankan. File yang di-" "overrided mudah disinkronkan di antara chart." msgid "Create external network" msgstr "Buat jaringan eksternal" msgid "Create tenant network" msgstr " Buat jaringan penyewa (tenant)" msgid "Create tenant router to link tenant network and external" msgstr "Buat router tenant untuk menghubungkan jaringan tenant dan eksternal" msgid "CronJobs" msgstr "CronJobs" msgid "" "Currently OpenStack-Helm supports OpenVSwitch as a network virtualization " "engine. In order to support many possible backends (SDNs), changes are " "required in neutron chart and in deployment techniques. OpenStack-Helm can " "support every SDN solution that has Neutron plugin, either core_plugin or " "mechanism_driver." msgstr "" "Saat ini OpenStack-Helm mendukung OpenVSwitch sebagai mesin virtualisasi " "jaringan. Untuk mendukung banyak kemungkinan backend (SDNs), perubahan " "diperlukan dalam chart neutron dan teknik penyebaran. OpenStack-Helm dapat " "mendukung setiap solusi SDN yang memiliki plugin Neutron, baik core_plugin " "atau mechanism_driver" msgid "" "Currently both OpenStack-Helm and OpenStack-Helm-Infra have their own " "parallel versions of the Helm-Toolkit library chart. They must be combined " "into a single chart in OpenStack-Helm-Infra prior to 1.0." msgstr "" "Saat ini baik OpenStack-Helm dan OpenStack-Helm-Infra memiliki versi paralel " "mereka sendiri dari chart pustaka Helm-Toolkit. Mereka harus digabungkan " "menjadi satu chart tunggal di OpenStack-Helm-Infra sebelum 1.0." msgid "DHCP - auto-assign IP address and DNS info" msgstr "DHCP - auto-assign IP address dan DNS info" msgid "Database drop Job" msgstr "Database drop Job" msgid "Deploy Kubernetes via KubeADM, with charts for CNI and DNS services" msgstr "" "Menyebarkan Kubernet melalui KubeADM, dengan grafik untuk layanan CNI dan DNS" msgid "Deploying multuple Ceph clusters" msgstr "Menyebarkan multiple cluster Ceph" msgid "" "Develop scripts for bringing up OpenStack-Helm Charts and perform basic " "interactive tests" msgstr "" "Kembangkan skrip untuk memunculkan OpenStack-Helm Charts dan melakukan tes " "interaktif dasar" msgid "Developer Environment" msgstr "Lingkungan Pengembang" msgid "" "Developers require a simple way of instantiating a working environment for " "OpenStack-Helm, that allows them to quickly begin development of the " "project. This is more complex to achieve than many OpenStack Projects that " "can simply rely upon a devstack plugin to achieve this. This is as OpenStack-" "Helm is focused on the deployment of OpenStack (and associated) Projects, " "rather than the development of the projects themselves, and also requires " "additional supporting infrastructure, e.g. Kubernetes and a CNI." msgstr "" "Pengembang membutuhkan cara sederhana untuk membuat contoh lingkungan kerja " "OpenStack-Helm, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk dengan cepat memulai " "pengembangan proyek. Ini lebih kompleks untuk dicapai daripada banyak " "OpenStack Project yang hanya dapat mengandalkan plugin devstack untuk " "mencapai ini. Ini karena OpenStack-Helm berfokus pada penyebaran OpenStack " "Project (dan yang terkait), daripada pengembangan proyek itu sendiri, dan " "juga membutuhkan infrastruktur pendukung tambahan, misal Kubernetes dan CNI." msgid "Development of OpenStack-Helm" msgstr "Perkembangan OpenStack-Helm" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentasi" msgid "Documentation Impact" msgstr "Dampak Dokumentasi" msgid "" "Documentation of how new SDN can be enabled, how Neutron should be " "configured. Also, for each new SDN that would be incorporated, the " "architecture overview should be provided." msgstr "" "Dokumentasi tentang bagaimana SDN baru dapat diaktifkan, bagaimana Neutron " "harus dikonfigurasi. Juga, untuk setiap SDN baru yang akan dimasukkan, " "tinjauan arsitektur harus disediakan." msgid "Documentation of how to enable the registry secret generation" msgstr "Dokumentasi cara mengaktifkan pembuatan rahasia registri" msgid "Documentation on how to use LinuxBridge with Neutron chart." msgstr "Dokumentasi tentang cara menggunakan LinuxBridge dengan chart Neutron." msgid "" "Documentation should be included for each of the included charts as well as " "documentation detailing the requirements for a usable monitoring platform, " "preferably with sane default values out of the box." msgstr "" "Dokumentasi harus disertakan untuk masing-masing grafik termasuk juga " "dokumentasi yang merinci persyaratan untuk platform pemantauan yang dapat " "digunakan, lebih disukai dengan default values out of the box yang masuk " "akal." msgid "Duplicate scripts as shows below for later use." msgstr "" "Duplikat skrip seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini untuk digunakan nanti." msgid "" "Dynamically alter webserver environment conditionally in the helm chart. For " "example, for apache, ensure the necessary modules to run openstack are " "available and loaded at helm chart deploy time. This will leverage the " "binaries listed in ``values.yaml``. These series of commands are " "distribution/image dependent, as commands to list modules to load might " "differ. However with a few parameters, we can get a very distro independent " "process which would allow us to load all the required apache modules." msgstr "" "Secara dinamis mengubah lingkungan server web secara kondisional di helm " "chart. Sebagai contoh, untuk apache, pastikan modul yang diperlukan untuk " "menjalankan openstack tersedia dan dimuat pada waktu penggelaran helm chart. " "Ini akan memanfaatkan binari yang terdaftar di ``values.yaml``. Rangkaian " "perintah ini bergantung pada distribution/image, karena perintah untuk " "mendaftar modul yang akan dimuat mungkin berbeda. Namun dengan beberapa " "parameter, kita bisa mendapatkan proses independen distro yang memungkinkan " "kita memuat semua modul apache yang diperlukan." msgid "" "Each chart's values.yaml file contains various settings such as docker image " "definition, chart structure setting, form of the resources being " "distributed, and process configuration. Currently, the structure of the " "yaml file is complicated, and finding keys between charts proves difficult " "due to the lack of uniform values organization across charts." msgstr "" "Setiap file values.yaml chart berisi berbagai pengaturan seperti definisi " "docker image, pengaturan struktur chart, bentuk sumber daya yang " "didistribusikan, dan konfigurasi proses. Saat ini, struktur file yaml rumit, " "dan menemukan kunci di antara chart terbukti sulit karena kurangnya nilai " "seragam organisasi di seluruh chart." msgid "" "Edit all helm charts to remove possible references to image specific " "elements, replacing them with values overrides or conditionals." msgstr "" "Edit semua bagan helm untuk menghapus referensi yang mungkin untuk elemen " "spesifik image, override dengan nilai yang menimpa atau kondisional." msgid "Elasticsearch chart" msgstr "Elasticsearch chart" msgid "" "Elasticsearch configured in a highly available manner with sane defaults" msgstr "" "Elasticsearch dikonfigurasi dengan cara yang sangat tersedia dengan standar " "yang masuk akal" msgid "Elasticsearch configured to prevent memory swapping to disk" msgstr "Elasticsearch dikonfigurasi untuk mencegah pertukaran memori ke disk" msgid "Env Setup:" msgstr "Env Setup:" msgid "Etc ConfigMaps" msgstr "Etc ConfigMaps" msgid "Every Fluentbit send logs to Fluentd with Kubernetes metadata attached" msgstr "" "Setiap Fluentbit mengirim log ke Fluentd dengan metadata Kubernetes terlampir" msgid "" "Every Kubernetes manifest inside Neutron chart can be enabled or disabled. " "That would provide flexibility to the operator, to choose which Neutron " "components are reusable with different type of SDNs. For example, neutron-" "server which is serving the API and configuring the database can be used " "with different types of SDN plugin, and provider of that SDN chart would not " "need to copy all logic from Neutron base chart to manage the API and " "database." msgstr "" "Setiap manifes Kubernet dalam chart Neutron dapat diaktifkan atau " "dinonaktifkan. Itu akan memberikan fleksibilitas kepada operator, untuk " "memilih komponen Neutron mana yang dapat digunakan kembali dengan berbagai " "jenis SDN. Misalnya, server neutron yang melayani API dan mengonfigurasi " "basis data dapat digunakan dengan berbagai jenis plugin SDN, dan penyedia " "chart SDN itu tidak perlu menyalin semua logika dari chart dasar Neutron " "untuk mengelola API dan basis data." msgid "Example OpenStack-Helm metrics requiring monitoring include:" msgstr "Contoh metrik OpenStack-Helm yang membutuhkan pemantauan meliputi:" msgid "Example uses for centralized logging include:" msgstr "Contoh penggunaan untuk logging terpusat meliputi:" msgid "" "Example uses for centralized logging with Fluentbit and Fluentd include:" msgstr "" "Contoh penggunaan untuk logging terpusat dengan Fluentbit dan Fluentd " "meliputi:" msgid "Examples of how these metrics can be used include:" msgstr "Contoh bagaimana metrik ini dapat digunakan meliputi:" msgid "" "Examples of how to set up the above under KubeADM and KubeSpray-based " "clusters must be documented as well." msgstr "" "Contoh cara mengatur di atas di bawah KubeADM dan cluster berbasis KubeSpray " "harus didokumentasikan juga." msgid "Execute script" msgstr "Jalankan skrip" msgid "Execute script." msgstr "Jalankan skrip." msgid "" "Exposes security/configuration features of software, allowing deployers to " "configure software to their needs." msgstr "" "Mengekspos fitur security/configuration perangkat lunak, memungkinkan " "penyebar untuk mengkonfigurasi perangkat lunak sesuai kebutuhan mereka." msgid "External charts (Calico)" msgstr "External charts (Calico)" msgid "Find all backtraces for a tenant id's uuid" msgstr "Temukan semua backtraces untuk uuid id penyewa" msgid "" "Find all logged events that match a pattern (service, pod, behavior, etc)" msgstr "" "Temukan semua peristiwa yang dicatat yang cocok dengan pola (layanan, pod, " "perilaku, dll)" msgid "" "First reasonable testing in gates would be to setup Linux Bridge and check " "if VM network connectivity is working." msgstr "" "Pengujian masuk akal pertama di gate adalah untuk mengatur Linux Bridge dan " "memeriksa apakah konektivitas jaringan VM berfungsi." msgid "" "Fluentbit, Fluentd meet OpenStack-Helm's logging requirements for gathering, " "aggregating, and delivering of logged events. Fluntbit runs as a daemonset " "on each node and mounts the /var/lib/docker/containers directory. The Docker " "container runtime engine directs events posted to stdout and stderr to this " "directory on the host. Fluentbit then forward the contents of that directory " "to Fluentd. Fluentd runs as deployment at the designated nodes and expose " "service for Fluentbit to forward logs. Fluentd should then apply the " "Logstash format to the logs. Fluentd can also write Kubernetes and OpenStack " "metadata to the logs. Fluentd will then forward the results to Elasticsearch " "and to optionally Kafka. Elasticsearch indexes the logs in a logstash-* " "index by default. Kafka stores the logs in a 'logs' topic by default. Any " "external tool can then consume the 'logs' topic." msgstr "" "Fluentbit, Fluentd memenuhi persyaratan logging OpenStack-Helm untuk " "mengumpulkan, mengagregasi, dan mengirimkan peristiwa yang dicatat. Fluntbit " "berjalan sebagai daemonset pada setiap node dan me-mount direktori /var/lib/" "docker/containers. Mesin runtime kontainer Docker mengarahkan event yang " "diposting ke stdout dan stderr ke direktori ini di host. Fluentbit kemudian " "meneruskan isi direktori itu ke Fluentd. Fluentd berjalan sebagai penyebaran " "di node yang ditunjuk dan mengekspos layanan untuk Fluentbit untuk " "meneruskan log. Fluentd kemudian harus menerapkan format Logstash ke log. " "Fluentd juga dapat menulis metadata Kubernetes dan OpenStack ke log. Fluentd " "kemudian akan meneruskan hasilnya ke Elasticsearch dan ke opsional Kafka. " "Elasticsearch mengindeks log dalam logstash-* index secara default. Kafka " "menyimpan log dalam topik 'log' secara default. Alat eksternal apa pun " "kemudian dapat menggunakan topik 'log'." msgid "Fluentbit-Fluentd logging chart" msgstr "Fluentbit-Fluentd logging chart" msgid "Fluentd chart" msgstr "Fluentd chart" msgid "Fluentd properly filters and categorizes logs" msgstr "Fluentd memfilter dan mengkategorikan log dengan benar" msgid "" "Fluentd send aggregated logs to Elasticsearch for the internal use cases" msgstr "" "Fluentd mengirim log agregat ke Elasticsearch untuk kasus penggunaan internal" msgid "Fluentd then attaches Kubernetes and/or OpenStack metadata" msgstr "Fluentd kemudian melampirkan Kubernetes dan/atau metadata OpenStack" msgid "" "Fluentd, Elasticsearch, and Kibana meet OpenStack-Helm's logging " "requirements for capture, storage and visualization of logged events. " "Fluentd runs as a daemonset on each node and mounts the /var/lib/docker/" "containers directory. The Docker container runtime engine directs events " "posted to stdout and stderr to this directory on the host. Fluentd should " "then declare the contents of that directory as an input stream, and use the " "fluent-plugin-elasticsearch plugin to apply the Logstash format to the " "logs. Fluentd will also use the fluentd-plugin-kubernetes-metadata plugin " "to write Kubernetes metadata to the log record. Fluentd will then forward " "the results to Elasticsearch, which indexes the logs in a logstash-* index " "by default. The resulting logs can then be queried directly through " "Elasticsearch, or they can be viewed via Kibana. Kibana offers a dashboard " "that can create custom views on logged events, and Kibana integrates well " "with Elasticsearch by default." msgstr "" "Fluentd, Elasticsearch, dan Kibana memenuhi persyaratan logging OpenStack-" "Helm untuk menangkap, menyimpan, dan memvisualisasikan event yang dicatat. " "Fluentd berjalan sebagai daemonset pada setiap node dan me-mount direktori /" "var/lib/docker/containers. Mesin runtime kontainer Docker mengarahkan event " "yang diposting ke stdout dan stderr ke direktori ini di host. Fluentd " "kemudian harus mendeklarasikan isi direktori itu sebagai aliran input, dan " "menggunakan plugin fluent-plugin-elasticsearch untuk menerapkan format " "Logstash ke log. Fluentd juga akan menggunakan plugin fluentd-plugin-" "kubernetes-metadata untuk menulis metadata Kubernetes ke catatan log. " "Fluentd kemudian akan meneruskan hasilnya ke Elasticsearch, yang secara " "default mengindeks log dalam indeks logstash-*. Log yang dihasilkan kemudian " "dapat ditanyakan langsung melalui Elasticsearch, atau mereka dapat dilihat " "melalui Kibana. Kibana menawarkan dasbor yang dapat membuat tampilan kustom " "pada event yang dicatat, dan Kibana terintegrasi dengan baik dengan " "Elasticsearch secara default." msgid "" "For Tenant Ceph, we will not be provisioning storage classes therefor, " "update script to not install ceph-provisioners chart as following." msgstr "" "Untuk Tenant Ceph, kami tidak akan menyediakan kelas penyimpanan karenanya, " "update skrip untuk tidak memasang chart ceph-provisioners sebagai berikut." msgid "" "For the ``Category B`` helm charts, an informal testing has been done in the " "past to ensure image independence. However, there is nothing exercising this " "independence in gates. Due to that, code of the helm charts might or might " "not require adapting." msgstr "" "Untuk ``Category B`` helm chart, pengujian informal telah dilakukan di masa " "lalu untuk memastikan independensi image. Namun, tidak ada yang melaksanakan " "independensi ini di gate. Karena itu, kode helm chart mungkin perlu atau " "tidak perlu diadaptasi." msgid "" "For this spec, we assume ``imagename1`` and ``imagename2`` are similarly " "built. This means we do not require any override per image. Instead we " "require a generic kind of override, per application, usable by all charts." msgstr "" "Untuk spek ini, kami mengasumsikan ``imagename1`` dan ``imagename2`` " "dibangun dengan cara yang sama. Ini berarti kami tidak memerlukan " "penggantian apa pun per image. Sebagai gantinya, kami memerlukan jenis " "override umum, per aplikasi, dapat digunakan oleh semua chart." msgid "Gate job testing VM network connectivity." msgstr "Gate job testing konektivitas jaringan VM" msgid "Gating" msgstr "Gating" msgid "" "Gating must prove that upgrades from each supported OpenStack version to the " "next operate flawlessly, using the default image set (LOCI). Specifically, " "each OpenStack chart should be upgraded from one release to the next, and " "each infrastructure service from one minor version to the next. Both the " "container image and configuration must be modified as part of this upgrade. " "At minimum, Newton to Ocata upgrade must be validated for the 1.0 release." msgstr "" "Gating harus membuktikan bahwa upgrade dari setiap versi OpenStack yang " "didukung ke operasi selanjutnya dengan sempurna, menggunakan set image " "default (LOCI). Secara khusus, setiap bagan OpenStack harus ditingkatkan " "dari satu rilis ke yang berikutnya, dan setiap layanan infrastruktur dari " "satu versi minor ke yang berikutnya. Baik image kontainer maupun konfigurasi " "harus dimodifikasi sebagai bagian dari upgrade ini. Minimal, upgrade Newton " "ke Ocata harus divalidasi untuk rilis 1.0." msgid "Grafana chart" msgstr "Grafana chart" msgid "" "Having services configured, also the services pod dependencies should be " "updated to reflect the new kind on L2 agent:" msgstr "" "Setelah layanan dikonfigurasi, dependensi pod layanan juga harus diperbarui " "untuk mencerminkan jenis baru pada agen L2:" msgid "Helm" msgstr "Helm" msgid "Helm chart for Alertmanager" msgstr "Helm chart untuk Alertmanager" msgid "Helm chart for Elasticsearch" msgstr "Helm chart untuk Elasticsearch" msgid "Helm chart for Fluentbit-Fluentd Combination" msgstr "Helm chart untuk Fluentbit-Fluentd Combination" msgid "Helm chart for Fluentd" msgstr "Helm chart untuk Fluentd" msgid "Helm chart for Grafana" msgstr "Helm chart untuk Grafana" msgid "Helm chart for Kibana" msgstr "Helm chart untuk Kibana" msgid "Helm chart for Prometheus" msgstr "Helm chart untuk Prometheus" msgid "Helm charts for any appropriate Prometheus exporters" msgstr "Helm chart untuk eksportir Prometheus yang tepat" msgid "" "Helm charts for which we are building images in osh-images. (Called further " "``Category B`` helm charts)" msgstr "" "helm chart dimana kami sedang membangun gambar dalam gambar-osh. (Disebut " "lebih lanjut ``Category B`` helm chart)" msgid "" "Helm charts for which we use official upstream images. (Called further " "``Category A`` helm charts)" msgstr "" "Helm chart yang kami gunakan menggunakan image hulu resmi. (Disebut lebih " "lanjut ``Category A`` helm chart)" msgid "Helm must be installed" msgstr "Helm harus dipasang" msgid "" "Helm test is the building block for all gating. Each chart must integrate a " "helm-test script which validates proper functionality. This is already a " "merge criterion for new charts, but a handful of older charts still need for " "helm test functionality to be added. No additional charts will be merged " "prior to 1.0 unless they meet this requirement (and others in this document)." msgstr "" "Tes helm adalah blok bangunan untuk semua gating. Setiap chart harus " "mengintegrasikan skrip uji coba yang memvalidasi fungsi yang tepat. Ini " "sudah menjadi kriteria penggabungan untuk chart baru, tetapi beberapa chart " "lama masih perlu ditambahkan fungsionalitas uji helm. Tidak ada grafik " "tambahan yang akan digabung sebelum 1.0 kecuali mereka memenuhi persyaratan " "ini (dan yang lainnya dalam dokumen ini)." msgid "Here is a list of the current specs:" msgstr "Berikut adalah daftar spesifikasi saat ini:" msgid "Host utilization: memory usage, CPU usage, disk I/O, network I/O, etc" msgstr "" "Pemanfaatan host: penggunaan memori, penggunaan CPU, disk I / O, I / O " "jaringan, dll" msgid "Hosts must use KubeDNS / CoreDNS for resolution" msgstr "Host harus menggunakan KubeDNS / CoreDNS untuk resolusi" msgid "" "I propose to extend the conf schema with generic software information. For " "example, for apache2:" msgstr "" "Saya mengusulkan untuk memperluas skema conf dengan informasi perangkat " "lunak umum. Misalnya, untuk apache2:" msgid "Identify etcd performance that could lead to cluster instability" msgstr "" "Identifikasi kinerja etcd yang dapat menyebabkan ketidakstabilan cluster" msgid "" "Identify issues with Kubernetes components, such as: etcd, CNI, scheduler, " "etc" msgstr "" "Identifikasi masalah dengan komponen Kubernetes, seperti: etcd, CNI, " "scheduler, dll" msgid "" "Identify issues with infrastructure components, such as RabbitMQ, mariadb, " "etc" msgstr "" "Identifikasi masalah dengan komponen infrastruktur, seperti RabbitMQ, " "mariadb, dll" msgid "Identify opportunities for improving Prometheus's operation over time" msgstr "" "Identifikasi peluang untuk meningkatkan operasi Prometheus dari waktu ke " "waktu" msgid "" "If .Values.endpoints.oci_image_registry.auth.enabled will be set to true, " "then any containers created with the current service account will have the " "``imagePullSecrets`` automatically added to their spec and the secret will " "be passed to kubelet to be used for pulling images." msgstr "" "Jika .Values.endpoints.oci_image_registry.auth.enabled akan disetel ke true, " "maka setiap kontainer yang dibuat dengan akun layanan saat ini akan memiliki " "``imagePullSecrets`` secara otomatis ditambahkan ke spesifikasi mereka dan " "rahasia akan diteruskan ke kubelet untuk digunakan untuk menarik image." msgid "" "If :code:`.Values.manifests.daemonset_ovs_agent` will be set to false, " "neutron ovs agent would not be launched. In that matter, other type of L2 or " "L3 agent on compute node can be run." msgstr "" "If :code:`.Values.manifests.daemonset_ovs_agent` akan disetel ke false, agen " "neutron ovs tidak akan diluncurkan. Dalam hal ini, agen L2 atau L3 jenis " "lain pada node komputasi dapat dijalankan." msgid "Implement decomposable Neutron chart" msgstr "Terapkan chart Neutron terurai (decomposable)" msgid "Implementation" msgstr "Pelaksanaan" msgid "" "In a secured deployment, TLS certificates are used to protect the transports " "amongst the various components. In some cases, this requires additional " "mechanism to handle TLS offloading and to terminate the connection " "gracefully:" msgstr "" "Dalam penyebaran yang aman, sertifikat TLS digunakan untuk melindungi " "transportasi di antara berbagai komponen. Dalam beberapa kasus, ini " "membutuhkan mekanisme tambahan untuk menangani pemuatan TLS dan untuk " "mengakhiri koneksi dengan lembut:" msgid "In above example OVS and Neutron OVS agent are disabled." msgstr "Dalam contoh di atas agen OVS dan Neutron OVS dinonaktifkan." msgid "" "In all cases, we will need to provide different ``profiles`` (in other " "words, overrides), to test different image providers use cases in CI." msgstr "" "Dalam semua kasus, kami akan perlu memberikan ``profil`` yang berbeda " "(dengan kata lain, override), untuk menguji berbagai kasus penggunaan " "penyedia image dalam CI." msgid "" "In order to maximize flexibility for operators, and to help facilitate " "upgrades to newer versions of containerized software without editing the " "chart itself, all configuration files will be specified dynamically based on " "`values.yaml` and overrides. In most cases the config files will be " "generated based on the YAML values tree itself, and in some cases the config " "file content will be specified in `values.yaml` as a string literal." msgstr "" "Untuk memaksimalkan fleksibilitas bagi operator, dan untuk membantu " "memfasilitasi upgrade ke versi yang lebih baru dari perangkat lunak " "containerized tanpa mengedit chart itu sendiri, semua file konfigurasi akan " "ditentukan secara dinamis berdasarkan pada `values.yaml` dan override. Dalam " "kebanyakan kasus file config akan dihasilkan berdasarkan pada YAML values " "tree itu sendiri, dan dalam beberapa kasus konten file config akan " "ditentukan dalam `values.yaml` sebagai string literal." msgid "In particular, these charts must move to OpenStack-Helm-Infra:" msgstr "Secara khusus, chart ini harus pindah ke OpenStack-Helm-Infra:" msgid "" "In the current openstack-helm, all charts provide an ``images:`` section in " "their ``values.yaml`` that have the container images references. By default, " "the container images are all downloaded from a registry hosted by Docker or " "Quay. However, the image references can be overridden by operators to " "download images from any OCI image registry. In the case that the OCI image " "registry has authentication turned on, kubelet would fail to download the " "images because the current Openstack-Helm does not provide a way to pass the " "OCI image registry credentials to kubernetes when pulling images." msgstr "" "Di openstack-helm saat ini, semua chart menyediakan bagian ``images:`` di " "``values.yaml`` mereka yang memiliki referensi image kontainer. Secara " "default, semua image kontainer diunduh dari registri yang diselenggarakan " "oleh Docker atau Quay. Namun, referensi image dapat diganti oleh operator " "untuk mengunduh image dari registri image OCI. Jika registry image OCI telah " "dihidupkan otentikasi, kubelet akan gagal mengunduh image karena Openstack-" "Helm saat ini tidak menyediakan cara untuk meneruskan kredensial registri " "image OCI ke kubernet ketika menarik image." msgid "Include the URL of your Storyboard RFE:" msgstr "Sertakan URL RF Storyboard Anda:" msgid "" "Installing OVS requires Kubernetes worker node labeling with tag :code:" "`openvswitch=enabled`. To mark nodes where LB should be used, new tag will " "be introduced: :code:`linuxbridge=enabled`." msgstr "" "Instalasi OVS membutuhkan pelabelan node Kubernetes worker dengan tag :code:" "`openvswitch=enabled`. Untuk menandai node tempat LB harus digunakan, tag " "baru akan diperkenalkan: :code:`linuxbridge=enabled`." msgid "Instead of using nginx, haproxy can be used instead." msgstr "Daripada menggunakan nginx, haproxy dapat digunakan sebagai gantinya." msgid "" "Introducing a new SDN solution should consider how the above services are " "provided. It may be required to disable the built-in Neutron functionality." msgstr "" "Memperkenalkan solusi SDN baru harus mempertimbangkan bagaimana layanan di " "atas disediakan. Mungkin diperlukan untuk menonaktifkan fungsionalitas " "Neutron bawaan (built-in)." msgid "" "It is important to notice that the helm charts can be split in two " "categories for now:" msgstr "" "Penting untuk diperhatikan bahwa chart helm dapat dibagi menjadi dua " "kategori untuk saat ini:" msgid "Kibana chart" msgstr "Kibana chart" msgid "Kubernetes" msgstr "Kubernetes" msgid "Kubernetes metrics: pod status, replica availability, job status, etc" msgstr "" "Metrik Kubernetes: status pod, ketersediaan replika, status pekerjaan, dll" msgid "" "Kubernetes must enable mount propagation (until it is enabled by default)" msgstr "" "Kubernet harus mengaktifkan propagasi mount (sampai diaktifkan secara " "default)" msgid "L3 routing - creation of routers" msgstr "L3 routing - pembuatan router" msgid "Labels assigned to nodes: node1, node2, node3:" msgstr "Label diberikan ke node: node1, node2, node3:" msgid "Labels assigned to nodes: node4, node5, node6:" msgstr "Label diberikan ke node: node4, node5, node6:" msgid "" "Labels for mon, osd, rgw, mgr and job have been updated for tenant Ceph." msgstr "" "Label untuk mon, osd, rgw, mgr dan pekerjaan telah diperbarui untuk tenant " "Ceph." msgid "" "Let's consider how new SDN can take advantage of disaggregated Neutron " "services architecture. First assumption is that neutron-server functionality " "would be common for all SDNs, as it provides networking API, database " "management and Keystone interaction. Required modifications are:" msgstr "" "Mari kita pertimbangkan bagaimana SDN baru dapat memanfaatkan arsitektur " "layanan Neutron terpilah (disaggregated). Asumsi pertama adalah bahwa " "fungsionalitas server neutron akan umum untuk semua SDN, karena menyediakan " "API jaringan, manajemen basis data, dan interaksi Keystone. Modifikasi yang " "diperlukan adalah:" msgid "" "LinuxBridge installation with neutron chart takes advantaged of decomposable " "neutron chart in OSH. LinuxBridge agent will be added as daemonset, " "similarly how OVS is implemented. New value :code:`daemonset_lb_agent` " "should be added in :code:`neutron/values.yaml` in :code:`manifests` section:" msgstr "" "Instalasi LinuxBridge dengan chart neutron mengambil keuntungan dari chart " "neutron decomposable di OSH. Agen LinuxBridge akan ditambahkan sebagai " "daemonset, sama seperti bagaimana OVS diimplementasikan. Nilai baru :code:" "`daemonset_lb_agent` harus ditambahkan dalam :code:`neutron/values.yaml` di " "hagian :code:`manifests``:" msgid "LinuxBridge should be also enabled in :code:`manifests` section:" msgstr "LinuxBridge juga harus diaktifkan di bagian :code:`manifests` :" msgid "" "LinuxBridge should support external bridge configuration, as well as auto " "bridge add mechanism implemented for OVS." msgstr "" "LinuxBridge harus mendukung konfigurasi jembatan eksternal, serta mekanisme " "penambahan jembatan otomatis yang diterapkan untuk OVS." msgid "Log aggregator deployment runs on a selected node as deployment" msgstr "" "Penerapan agregator log berjalan pada node yang dipilih sebagai penyebaran" msgid "Log aggregator is able to send data to Elasticsearch and Kafka" msgstr "Log aggregator dapat mengirim data ke Elasticsearch dan Kafka" msgid "Log aggregator should be scalable" msgstr "Log agregator harus scalable" msgid "Log aggregator should have HA capability" msgstr "Log aggregator harus memiliki kemampuan HA" msgid "Log aggregator should have a flexible output capability to choose from" msgstr "" "Log aggregator harus memiliki kemampuan output yang fleksibel untuk dipilih" msgid "Log collection daemon runs on each node to forward logs to aggregator" msgstr "" "Log koleksi daemon berjalan pada setiap node untuk meneruskan log ke " "aggregator" msgid "Log collection daemon runs on each node to forward logs to storage" msgstr "" "Log koleksi daemon berjalan pada setiap node untuk meneruskan log ke " "penyimpanan" msgid "Log collection daemon should have a minimal server footprint" msgstr "Daemon pengumpulan log harus memiliki jejak server minimal" msgid "Logging" msgstr "Logging" msgid "Logging Requirements" msgstr "Persyaratan Logging" msgid "Logging Use Cases" msgstr "Mencatat Penggunaan Kasus (logging use case)" msgid "Logical Diagram" msgstr "Diagram Logika" msgid "" "Make following changes to script: 1 Replace occurrence of ``ceph-fs-uuid." "txt`` with ``tenant-ceph-fs-uuid.txt``" msgstr "" "Buat perubahan berikut pada skrip: 1 Ganti kemunculan ``ceph-fs-uuid.txt`` " "dengan ``tenant-ceph-fs-uuid.txt``" msgid "" "Make webserver binary path/arguments templated using ``values.yaml``. As " "expressed above, this allows us to provide different overrides per image/" "distribution to automatically wire things." msgstr "" "Buat path/argument biner webserver templated menggunakan ``values.yaml``. " "Seperti yang dinyatakan di atas, ini memungkinkan kami untuk memberikan " "penggantian yang berbeda per image/distribution untuk secara otomatis " "mentransfer berbagai hal." msgid "Metadata- Provide proxy for Nova metadata service" msgstr "Metadata- Berikan proxy untuk layanan Nova metadata" msgid "Monitoring" msgstr "Pemantauan" msgid "Monitoring Requirements" msgstr "Persyaratan Pemantauan" msgid "Monitoring Use Cases" msgstr "Memonitor Kasus Penggunaan" msgid "" "More information about the blueprint + specification lifecycle can be found " "here_." msgstr "" "Informasi lebih lanjut tentang siklus hidup blueprint + spesifikasi dapat " "ditemukan here_." msgid "Multi-OS Support" msgstr "Dukungan Multi-OS" msgid "Neutron multiple SDNs" msgstr "Neutron multiple SDNs" msgid "New charts" msgstr "New charts" msgid "" "Next, Neutron services like L3 routing, DHCP and metadata serving should be " "considered. If SDN provides its own implementation, the Neutron's default " "one should be disabled:" msgstr "" "Selanjutnya, layanan Neutron seperti L3 routing, DHCP dan penyajian metadata " "harus dipertimbangkan. Jika SDN menyediakan implementasinya sendiri, default " "Neutron harus dinonaktifkan:" msgid "Nginx Sidecar" msgstr "Nginx Sidecar" msgid "No benchmark was done to evaluate:" msgstr "Tidak ada patokan yang dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi:" msgid "" "No change in testing is required, *per se*. It is expected the new software " "configuration would be tested with the current practices." msgstr "" "Tidak diperlukan perubahan dalam pengujian, *per se*. Diharapkan konfigurasi " "perangkat lunak baru akan diuji dengan praktik saat ini." msgid "" "No direct impact, as there is no change in the current software/" "configuration location, merely a templating change." msgstr "" "Tidak ada dampak langsung, karena tidak ada perubahan pada lokasi software/" "configuration saat ini, hanya perubahan templating." msgid "No impact" msgstr "Tidak ada dampak" msgid "No performance impact" msgstr "Tidak ada dampak kinerja" msgid "No security impact." msgstr "Tidak ada dampak keamanan." msgid "None" msgstr "None" msgid "" "None more than this spec, as it should be relatively transparent for the " "user. However, extra documentation to explain the usage of " "``value_overrides`` would be welcomed." msgstr "" "Tidak lebih dari spesifikasi ini, karena seharusnya relatif transparan untuk " "pengguna. Namun, dokumentasi tambahan untuk menjelaskan penggunaan " "``value_overrides`` akan disambut." msgid "" "Not providing a support of multiple images. This leads to ease of " "maintainance and reduced gate impact, with the risk of having less " "contributors. For available overrides, users would have to provide many " "overrides themselves, while this spec proposes a common community approach." msgstr "" "Tidak memberikan dukungan multiple image. Ini mengarah pada kemudahan " "pemeliharaan dan mengurangi dampak gate, dengan risiko memiliki lebih " "sedikit kontributor. Untuk override yang tersedia, pengguna harus " "menyediakan sendiri banyak override, sementara spesifikasi ini mengusulkan " "pendekatan komunitas umum." msgid "Note that mon_addr and mon_host have default mon port 6789." msgstr "Perhatikan bahwa mon_addr dan mon_host memiliki mon port default 6789." msgid "OSH Logging, Monitoring, and Alerting" msgstr "OSH Logging, Monitoring, dan Alerting" msgid "" "OVS is an alternative in Neutron reference architecture. It is already in " "tree." msgstr "" "OVS adalah alternatif dalam arsitektur referensi Neutron. Sudah ada di tree." msgid "" "On top of that, the newly provided `example_values/` must aim for being " "tested **as soon as possible upon delivery**. Without tests, those examples " "will decrepit. The changes in CI pipelines for making use of " "`example_values` is outside the scope of this spec." msgstr "" "Selain itu, `example_values/` yang baru disediakan harus bertujuan untuk " "diuji ***as soon as possible upon delivery**. Tanpa tes, contoh itu akan " "usang. Perubahan dalam pipeline CI untuk menggunakan `example_values` berada " "di luar cakupan spec ini." msgid "" "Only provide one way to configure software, and expect to always have the " "same versions. This is further away from the \"image independent\" contract, " "with extra burden: We will need to maintain a curated list of versions, deal " "with the differences of the defaults (selinux/apparmor profiles come to mind " "as path sensitive for example), and different expectations for operational " "teams (\"The code is not where I expect it to be in the image\"). Embracing " "difference could even allow deployers to have different expectations for " "images, for example: apache+mod_wsgi vs uwsgi standalone or uwsgi + nginx." msgstr "" "Hanya menyediakan satu cara untuk mengkonfigurasi perangkat lunak, dan " "berharap untuk selalu memiliki versi yang sama. Ini lebih jauh dari kontrak " "\"image independent\", dengan beban tambahan: Kita perlu mempertahankan " "daftar versi yang dikuratori (curated), menangani perbedaan default (profil " "selinux/apparmor muncul di pikiran sebagai path sensitif misalnya), dan " "harapan yang berbeda untuk tim operasional (\"The code is not where I expect " "it to be in the image\"). Merangkul perbedaan bahkan dapat memungkinkan para " "deployer untuk memiliki harapan yang berbeda untuk image, misalnya: apache" "+mod_wsgi vs uwsgi standalone or uwsgi + nginx." msgid "" "OpenStack metrics: tenants, networks, flavors, floating IPs, quotas, etc" msgstr "" "Metrik OpenStack: tenants, networks, flavors, floating IPs, quotas, dll" msgid "OpenStack-Helm 1.0 Requirements" msgstr "OpenStack-Helm 1.0 Requirements" msgid "" "OpenStack-Helm currently lacks a centralized mechanism for providing insight " "into the performance of the OpenStack services and infrastructure " "components. The log formats of the different components in OpenStack-Helm " "vary, which makes identifying causes for issues difficult across services. " "To support operational readiness by default, OpenStack-Helm should include " "components for logging events in a common format, monitoring metrics at all " "levels, alerting and alarms for those metrics, and visualization tools for " "querying the logs and metrics in a single pane view." msgstr "" "OpenStack-Helm saat ini tidak memiliki mekanisme terpusat untuk memberikan " "wawasan tentang kinerja layanan OpenStack dan komponen infrastruktur. Format " "log dari berbagai komponen di OpenStack-Helm bervariasi, yang membuat " "mengidentifikasi penyebab masalah sulit di seluruh layanan. Untuk mendukung " "kesiapan operasional secara default, OpenStack-Helm harus menyertakan " "komponen untuk mencatat peristiwa dalam format umum, memantau metrik di " "semua tingkatan, mengingatkan dan alarm untuk metrik tersebut, dan alat " "visualisasi untuk menanyakan log dan metrik dalam tampilan panel tunggal." msgid "" "OpenStack-Helm defines a centralized logging mechanism to provide insight " "into the state of the OpenStack services and infrastructure components as " "well as underlying Kubernetes platform. Among the requirements for a logging " "platform, where log data can come from and where log data need to be " "delivered are very variable. To support various logging scenarios, OpenStack-" "Helm should provide a flexible mechanism to meet with certain operation " "needs. This spec proposes fast and lightweight log forwarder and full " "featured log aggregator complementing each other providing a flexible and " "reliable solution. Especially, Fluentbit is proposed as a log forwarder and " "Fluentd is proposed as a main log aggregator and processor." msgstr "" "OpenStack-Helm mendefinisikan mekanisme logging terpusat untuk memberikan " "wawasan (insight) tentang status layanan OpenStack dan komponen " "infrastruktur serta platform Kubernetes yang mendasarinya. Di antara " "persyaratan untuk platform logging, dari mana data log dapat berasal dan " "dari mana data log harus dikirim sangat bervariasi. Untuk mendukung berbagai " "skenario logging, OpenStack-Helm harus menyediakan mekanisme yang fleksibel " "untuk memenuhi kebutuhan operasi tertentu. Spesifikasi ini mengusulkan log " "forwarder cepat dan ringan dan agregator log berfitur lengkap yang saling " "melengkapi memberikan solusi yang fleksibel dan andal. Terutama, Fluentbit " "diusulkan sebagai log forwarder dan Fluentd diusulkan sebagai agregator dan " "prosesor log utama." msgid "" "OpenStack-Helm documentation will be updated to indicate the usage of the " "nginx sidecar." msgstr "" "Dokumentasi OpenStack-Helm akan diperbarui untuk menunjukkan penggunaan " "nginx sidecar." msgid "OpenStack-Helm for OpenStack services" msgstr "OpenStack-Helm untuk layanan OpenStack" msgid "" "OpenStack-Helm has developed a number of conventions around the format and " "ordering of charts' `values.yaml` file, in support of both reusable Helm-" "Toolkit functions and ease of developer ramp-up. For 1.0 readiness, " "OpenStack-Helm must cement these conventions within a spec, as well as the " "ordering of `values.yaml` keys. These conventions must then be gated to " "guarantee conformity. The spec in progress can be found here [1]_." msgstr "" "OpenStack-Helm telah mengembangkan sejumlah konvensi seputar format dan " "pemesanan file chart ``values.yaml`, untuk mendukung kedua fungsi Helm-" "Toolkit yang dapat digunakan kembali dan kemudahan pengembangan pengembang. " "Untuk kesiapan 1.0, OpenStack-Helm harus menambahkan konvensi ini dalam " "spesifikasi, serta urutan kunci `values.yaml`. Konvensi ini kemudian harus " "terjaga keamanannya untuk menjamin kepatuhan. Spesifikasi yang sedang " "berjalan dapat ditemukan di sini [1] _." msgid "" "OpenStack-Helm has undergone rapid development and maturation over its " "lifetime, and is nearing the point of real-world readiness. This spec " "details the functionality that must be implemented in OpenStack-Helm for it " "to be considered ready for a 1.0 release, as well as for general use." msgstr "" "OpenStack-Helm telah mengalami perkembangan dan pematangan yang cepat selama " "masa hidupnya, dan mendekati titik kesiapan real-world. Spesifikasi ini " "merinci fungsionalitas yang harus diimplementasikan di OpenStack-Helm agar " "dianggap siap untuk rilis 1.0, serta untuk penggunaan umum." msgid "" "OpenStack-Helm multinode guide includes scripts which are used to specify " "overrides and deploy charts." msgstr "" "Panduan multinode OpenStack-Helm mencakup skrip yang digunakan untuk " "menentukan override dan menyebarkan chart." msgid "" "OpenStack-Helm supports a \"bring your own Kubernetes\" paradigm. Any " "particular k8s configuration or feature requirements must be documented." msgstr "" "OpenStack-Helm mendukung paradigma \"bring your own Kubernetes\". " "Konfigurasi k8 tertentu atau persyaratan fitur harus didokumentasikan." msgid "OpenStack-Helm-Addons for ancillary services" msgstr "OpenStack-Helm-Addons untuk layanan tambahan" msgid "OpenStack-Helm-Infra for supporting services" msgstr "OpenStack-Helm-Infra untuk layanan pendukung" msgid "Operating system" msgstr "Operating system" msgid "" "Operators should be able to use Openstack-Helm to deploy containerized " "openstack services with a docker registry has authentication turned on." msgstr "" "Operator harus dapat menggunakan Openstack-Helm untuk menggunakan layanan " "openstack containerized dengan registry docker yang telah mengaktifkan " "otentikasi." msgid "Orchestration (heat)" msgstr "Orchestration (heat)" msgid "Organizational auditing needs" msgstr "Kebutuhan audit organisasi" msgid "Other networking services provided by Neutron are:" msgstr "Layanan jaringan lain yang disediakan oleh Neutron adalah:" msgid "" "Other services inside Neutron reference stack (L3/DHCP/metadata agents) are " "dependent on L2 connectivity agent. Thus, replacing OVS with LB would cause " "changes in mentioned services configuration." msgstr "" "Layanan lain di dalam stack referensi Neutron (L3/DHCP/metadata agents) " "bergantung pada agen konektivitas L2. Jadi, mengganti OVS dengan LB akan " "menyebabkan perubahan dalam konfigurasi layanan yang disebutkan." msgid "" "Our :ref:`images documentation` documentation claims to be independent of " "the image. However, some helm charts hard code paths of binaries, " "executables' runtime configurations, etc. Therefore, the image agnostic " "promise is broken." msgstr "" "Dokumentasi kami :ref:`images documentation` mengklaim tidak tergantung dari " "image. Namun, beberapa helm menunjukkan jalur kode yang sulit dari binari, " "konfigurasi runtime yang dapat dieksekusi, dll. Oleh karena itu, janji " "agnostik image rusak." msgid "Performance Impact" msgstr "Dampak Kinerja" msgid "Pete Birley " msgstr "Pete Birley " msgid "Platform Requirements" msgstr "Persyaratan Platform" msgid "PoC deployments of OpenStack-Helm" msgstr "Deployment PoC dari OpenStack-Helm" msgid "Port numbers for Ceph_Mon and Ceph_Mgr are different from default." msgstr "Nomor port untuk Ceph_Mon dan Ceph_Mgr berbeda dari default." msgid "Pre-pulling images on all nodes" msgstr "Pre-pulling image di semua node" msgid "Prepare Host(s) for OpenStack-Helm deployment" msgstr "Mempersiapkan Host untuk penerapan OpenStack-Helm" msgid "Primary assignee:" msgstr "Penugasan utama (primary assignee):" msgid "Primary assignees:" msgstr "Penerima tugas utama (primary assignees):" msgid "Proactive monitoring of stack traces across all deployed infrastructure" msgstr "Pemantauan proaktif stack trace di semua infrastruktur yang digunakan" msgid "Problem Description" msgstr "Deskripsi Masalah" msgid "Process and Tooling" msgstr "Proses dan Tooling" msgid "Project Specifications" msgstr "Spesifikasi Proyek" msgid "" "Prometheus and Grafana meet OpenStack-Helm's monitoring requirements. The " "Prometheus monitoring tool provides the ability to scrape targets for " "metrics over HTTP, and it stores these metrics in Prometheus's time-series " "database. The monitoring targets can be discovered via static configuration " "in Prometheus or through service discovery. Prometheus includes a querying " "language that provides meaningful queries against the metrics gathered and " "supports the creation of rules to measure these metrics against for alerting " "purposes. It also supports a wide range of Prometheus exporters for " "existing services, including Ceph and OpenStack. Grafana supports " "Prometheus as a data source, and provides the ability to view the metrics " "gathered by Prometheus in a single pane dashboard. Grafana can be " "bootstrapped with dashboards for each target scraped, or the dashboards can " "be added via Grafana's web interface directly. To meet OpenStack-Helm's " "alerting needs, Alertmanager can be used to interface with Prometheus and " "send alerts based on Prometheus rule evaluations." msgstr "" "Prometheus dan Grafana memenuhi persyaratan pemantauan OpenStack-Helm. Alat " "pemantauan Prometheus menyediakan kemampuan untuk mengikis target (scrape " "target) untuk metrik melalui HTTP, dan alat ini menyimpan metrik ini dalam " "basis data seri waktu Prometheus. Sasaran pemantauan dapat ditemukan melalui " "konfigurasi statis di Prometheus atau melalui penemuan layanan. Prometheus " "menyertakan bahasa kueri yang menyediakan kueri yang berarti terhadap metrik " "yang dikumpulkan dan mendukung pembuatan aturan untuk mengukur metrik ini " "untuk keperluan peringatan. Ini juga mendukung berbagai eksportir Prometheus " "untuk layanan yang ada, termasuk Ceph dan OpenStack. Grafana mendukung " "Prometheus sebagai sumber data, dan menyediakan kemampuan untuk melihat " "metrik yang dikumpulkan oleh Prometheus dalam dasbor panel tunggal. Grafana " "dapat di-bootstrap dengan dasbor untuk setiap target yang dikorek, atau " "dasbor dapat ditambahkan melalui antarmuka web Grafana secara langsung. " "Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan peringatan OpenStack-Helm, Alertmanager dapat " "digunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan Prometheus dan mengirim peringatan " "berdasarkan evaluasi aturan Prometheus." msgid "Prometheus chart" msgstr "Prometheus chart" msgid "Prometheus exporters" msgstr "Prometheus exporters" msgid "Proper directories mounted to retrieve logs from the node" msgstr "Direktori yang tepat dipasang untuk mengambil log dari node" msgid "Proposed Change" msgstr "Usulan Perubahan" msgid "" "Proposes a common approach to software configuration, describing the distro/" "image specific differences for applications." msgstr "" "Mengusulkan pendekatan umum untuk konfigurasi perangkat lunak, menjelaskan " "perbedaan specific distro/image untuk aplikasi." msgid "" "Provide the credentials and add the manifest across all charts in OSH and " "OSH-infra" msgstr "" "Berikan kredensial dan tambahkan manifes di semua chart di OSH dan OSH-infra" msgid "Providing the neutron plugin code." msgstr "Memberikan kode plugin neutron." msgid "Provision of those services should be included inside SDN chart." msgstr "Penyediaan layanan tersebut harus dimasukkan dalam chart SDN." msgid "Put .docker/config.json in docker/kubelet root directory on all nodes" msgstr "" "Masukkan .docker/config.json di direktori root docker/kubelet di semua node" msgid "Record OpenStack service behavior and status" msgstr "Catat perilaku dan status layanan OpenStack" msgid "Record compute instance behavior across nodes and services" msgstr "Catat perilaku instance komputasi di seluruh node dan layanan" msgid "" "Reference the created secret by adding the ``imagePullSecrets:`` field to " "ServiceAccount resource template [2]_ in ``helm-toolkit/snippets/" "_kubernetes_pod_rbac_serviceaccount.tpl``. To handle it as optional, the " "field is wrapped in a conditional. For example," msgstr "" "Referensi rahasia yang dibuat dengan menambahkan field ``imagePullSecrets:" "`` ke templat sumber daya ServiceAccount [2] _ dalam ``helm-toolkit/snippets/" "_kubernetes_pod_rbac_serviceaccount.tpl``. Untuk menanganinya sebagai " "opsional, field dikemas dalam kondisi. Sebagai contoh," msgid "References" msgstr "Referensi" msgid "" "Release notes for the 1.0 release must be prepared, following OpenStack best " "practices. The criteria for future changes that should be included in " "release notes in an ongoing fashion must be defined / documented as well." msgstr "" "Catatan rilis untuk rilis 1.0 harus disiapkan, mengikuti praktik terbaik " "OpenStack. Kriteria untuk perubahan di masa depan yang harus dimasukkan " "dalam catatan rilis dengan cara yang berkelanjutan harus didefinisikan / " "didokumentasikan juga." msgid "" "Releated Specs: 1. OSH logging monitoring and alerting: https://review." "openstack.org/#/c/482687/" msgstr "" "Spesifikasi yang Diresmikan: 1. Pemantauan dan peringatan logging OSH: " "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/482687/" msgid "Result from Steps 2, 3, 4:" msgstr "Hasil dari Langkah 2, 3, 4:" msgid "Results from Step 5, 6, 7:" msgstr "Hasil dari Langkah 5, 6, 7:" msgid "SSH into VM and check it can access the internet" msgstr "SSH ke VM dan periksa apakah dapat mengakses internet" msgid "Sane defaults for log retention and rotation policies" msgstr "Sane default untuk penyimpanan retensi dan kebijakan rotasi" msgid "Script to update and execute: ``020-ingress.sh``" msgstr "Skrip untuk update dan menjalankan: ``020-ingress.sh``" msgid "Script to update and execute: ``030-ceph.sh``" msgstr "Skrip untuk update dan menjalankan: ``030-ceph.sh``" msgid "Script to update and execute: ``030-tenant-ceph.sh``" msgstr "Skrip untuk update dan menjalankan: ``030-tenant-ceph.sh``" msgid "Script to update and execute: ``040-tenant-ceph-ns-activate.sh``" msgstr "Skrip untuk update dan menjalankan: ``040-tenant-ceph-ns-activate.sh``" msgid "Script to update and execute: ``100-glance.sh``" msgstr "Skrip untuk update dan menjalankan: ``100-glance.sh``" msgid "Script to update and execute: ``110-cinder.sh``" msgstr "Skrip untuk update dan menjalankan: ``110-cinder.sh``" msgid "Script to update: ``090-tenant-ceph-radosgateway.sh``" msgstr "Skrip untuk update: ``090-tenant-ceph-radosgateway.sh``" msgid "Security Impact" msgstr "Dampak Keamanan" msgid "See above for documentation requirements." msgstr "Lihat di atas untuk persyaratan dokumentasi." msgid "See above for gating requirements." msgstr "Lihat di atas untuk persyaratan gating." msgid "See above for the list of work items." msgstr "Lihat di atas untuk daftar item pekerjaan." msgid "Setup access to the external network from the development machine" msgstr "Atur akses ke jaringan eksternal dari mesin pengembangan" msgid "Single pane visualization capabilities" msgstr "Kemampuan visualisasi panel tunggal" msgid "Specifications Process" msgstr "Spesifikasi Proses" msgid "Specifications Purpose" msgstr "Specifications Purpose (spesifikasi tujuan)" msgid "" "Specifications in this repository represent a consensus on the topics " "covered within. They should be considered a mandate on the path forward " "with regards to the content on which they are drafted." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi dalam repositori ini mewakili konsensus tentang topik yang " "dicakup di dalam. Mereka harus dianggap sebagai mandat di jalan ke depan " "sehubungan dengan konten yang mereka buat." msgid "StatefulSets" msgstr "StatefulSets" msgid "Support OCI image registry with authentication turned on" msgstr "Mendukung OCI image registry dengan otentikasi dihidupkan" msgid "Support linux bridge on neutron helm chart" msgstr "Mendukung linux bridge pada chart helm neutron" msgid "TODO - release management spec" msgstr "TODO - rilis spesifikasi manajemen" msgid "Test Steps:" msgstr "Langkah uji:" msgid "Testing" msgstr "Pengujian" msgid "" "Testing should include Helm tests for each of the included charts as well as " "an integration test in the gate." msgstr "" "Pengujian harus mencakup tes Helm untuk masing-masing chart termasuk juga " "tes integrasi di gate." msgid "" "The LinuxBridge (LB) is Neutron's L2 agent, using linux kernel bridges as " "network configuration for VMs. Both OVS and LB are part of Neutron's Modular " "Layer 2 (ML2) framework, allowing to simultaneously utilize the variety of " "layer 2 networking technologies." msgstr "" "LinuxBridge (LB) adalah agen L2 Neutron, menggunakan jembatan kernel Linux " "sebagai konfigurasi jaringan untuk VM. Baik OVS dan LB adalah bagian dari " "kerangka kerja Modular Layer 2 (ML2) Neutron, memungkinkan untuk secara " "bersamaan memanfaatkan berbagai teknologi jaringan layer 2." msgid "" "The Neutron reference architecture provides mechanism_drivers OpenVSwitch " "(OVS) and linuxbridge (LB) with ML2 core_plugin framework." msgstr "" "Arsitektur referensi Neutron menyediakan mechanism_drivers OpenVSwitch (OVS) " "dan linuxbridge (LB) dengan ML2 core_plugin framework." msgid "" "The OpenStack-Helm Zuulv2 gates were written to allow use outside of " "OpenStack-Infra, to quickly set up a Kubernetes cluster, with the adoption " "of Zuulv3 underway it is logical to extend this paradigm to the Zuulv3 " "Playbooks. This will be driven via a ``Makefile`` that will allow developers " "to perform the following actions:" msgstr "" "Gate OpenStack-Helm Zuulv2 ditulis untuk memungkinkan penggunaan di luar " "OpenStack-Infra, untuk dengan cepat membuat kluster Kubernetes, dengan " "adopsi Zuulv3 yang sedang berjalan, logis untuk memperluas paradigma ini ke " "Playbook Zuulv3. Ini akan didorong melalui ``Makefile`` yang akan " "memungkinkan pengembang untuk melakukan tindakan berikut:" msgid "" "The OpenStack-Helm release process will be somewhat orthogonal to the " "OpenStack release process, and the differences and relationship between the " "two must be documented in a spec. This will help folks quickly understand " "why OpenStack-Helm is a Release-Independent project from an OpenStack " "perspective." msgstr "" "Proses rilis OpenStack-Helm akan sedikit ortogonal untuk proses rilis " "OpenStack, dan perbedaan dan hubungan antara keduanya harus didokumentasikan " "dalam sebuah spec. Ini akan membantu orang dengan cepat memahami mengapa " "OpenStack-Helm adalah proyek Release-Independent dari perspektif OpenStack." msgid "" "The ``profiles`` yaml files (for example ``centos_7``, ``opensuse_15``) will " "be provided in each chart's ``example_values/`` directory. This folder will " "be masked to helm through a helmignore file. Its content is only for user " "consumption, not for inclusion in helm charts through the File directive. In " "other words, this is a user interface given for convenience merely using the " "abilities of the existing helm charts." msgstr "" "File ``profile`` yaml (misalnya ``centos_7``, ``opensuse_15``) akan " "disediakan di setiap direktori ``example_values/`` chart. Folder ini akan " "ditutup untuk dikunci melalui file helmignore. Kontennya hanya untuk " "konsumsi pengguna, bukan untuk dimasukkan dalam helm chart melalui arahan " "File. Dengan kata lain, ini adalah antarmuka pengguna yang diberikan untuk " "kenyamanan hanya menggunakan kemampuan helm chart yang ada." msgid "" "The above chart must include sensible configuration values to make the " "logging platform usable by default. These include: proper input " "configurations for both Fluentbit and Fluentd, proper output configurations " "for both Fluentbit and Fluentd, proper metadata and formats applied to the " "logs via Fluentd." msgstr "" "Bagan di atas harus menyertakan nilai konfigurasi yang masuk akal untuk " "membuat platform logging dapat digunakan secara default. Ini termasuk: " "konfigurasi input yang tepat untuk Fluentbit dan Fluentd, konfigurasi output " "yang tepat untuk Fluentbit dan Fluentd, metadata yang tepat dan format yang " "diterapkan pada log melalui Fluentd." msgid "" "The alternative is to provide no organization layout for charts across all " "openstack-helm repositories." msgstr "" "Alternatifnya adalah tidak menyediakan tata letak organisasi untuk chart di " "semua repositori openstack-helm." msgid "" "The alternative would be to continue supporting the current bash driven " "containerized KubeADM and Kubelet approach, though this has the following " "issues:" msgstr "" "Alternatifnya adalah untuk terus mendukung pendekatan Kubelet dan bash " "driven containerized KubeADM saat ini, meskipun ini memiliki masalah sebagai " "berikut:" msgid "" "The bash scripts are largely undocumented and have grown to the point where " "they are very hard for a new developer to work on." msgstr "" "Script bash sebagian besar tidak berdokumen dan telah berkembang ke titik di " "mana mereka sangat sulit untuk dikembangkan oleh pengembang baru." msgid "" "The code can be supplied as modified neutron server image, or plugin can be " "mounted to original image. The :code:`manifests` section in :code:`neutron/" "values.yaml` should be enabled for below components:" msgstr "" "Kode dapat diberikan sebagai image server neutron yang dimodifikasi, atau " "plugin dapat dipasang ke image asli. Bagian :code:`manifests` dalam :code:" "`neutron/values.yaml` harus diaktifkan untuk komponen di bawah ini:" msgid "" "The containerized Kubelet cannot survive a restart, as it does not setup " "mounts correctly." msgstr "" "Kubelet containerized tidak dapat selamat dari restart, karena ia tidak " "memasang mount dengan benar." msgid "" "The credentials for the registry could be exposed by running the kubectl " "command: kubectl get secret --output=\"jsonpath={.data.\\." "dockerconfigjson}\" | base64 --decode" msgstr "" "Kredensial untuk registri dapat diekspos dengan menjalankan perintah " "kubectl: kubectl get secret --output=\"jsonpath={.data.\\." "dockerconfigjson}\" | base64 --decode" msgid "" "The default ``values.yaml`` need to expose those abilities, by adding a new " "series of keys/values to add the necessary features." msgstr "" "Default ``values.yaml`` perlu mengekspos kemampuan itu, dengan menambahkan " "serangkaian keys/values baru untuk menambahkan fitur yang diperlukan." msgid "The detailed proposes change are described as following:" msgstr "Usulan perubahan yang rinci dijelaskan sebagai berikut:" msgid "" "The developer documentation in OpenStack-Helm should be updated to guide key " "ordering on value files." msgstr "" "Dokumentasi pengembang di OpenStack-Helm harus diperbarui untuk memandu " "pengurutan kunci pada file nilai." msgid "" "The developer documentation in OpenStack-Helm should be updated to match the " "gated developer deploy process." msgstr "" "Dokumentasi pengembang di OpenStack-Helm harus diperbarui agar sesuai dengan " "proses penerapan pengembang yang terjaga keamanannya." msgid "The existing schema for images is the following:" msgstr "Skema yang ada untuk image adalah sebagai berikut:" msgid "" "The following work items need to be completed for this Specification to be " "implemented." msgstr "" "Item pekerjaan berikut ini perlu diselesaikan agar Spesifikasi ini dapat " "diimplementasikan." msgid "" "The following work items need to be completed for this specification to be " "implemented." msgstr "" "Item pekerjaan berikut ini perlu diselesaikan agar spesifikasi ini dapat " "diimplementasikan." msgid "" "The last thing to be considered is VM network virtualization. What engine " "does SDN use? It is OpenVSwitch, Linux Bridges or l3 routing (no l2 " "connectivity). If SDN is using the OpenVSwitch, it can take advantage of " "existing OVS daemonsets. Any modification that would be required to OVS " "manifests can be included in base Neutron chart as a configurable option. In " "that way, the features of OVS can be shared between different SDNs. When " "using the OVS, default Neutron L2 agent should be disabled, but OVS-DB and " "OVS-vswitchd can be left enabled." msgstr "" "Hal terakhir yang harus dipertimbangkan adalah VM network virtualization. " "Mesin apa yang SDN gunakan? Ini adalah OpenVSwitch, Linux Bridges atau l3 " "routing (tanpa konektivitas l2). Jika SDN menggunakan OpenVSwitch, ia dapat " "memanfaatkan daemonset OVS yang ada. Setiap modifikasi yang akan diperlukan " "untuk manifes OVS dapat dimasukkan dalam chart Neutron dasar sebagai opsi " "yang dapat dikonfigurasi. Dengan cara itu, fitur OVS dapat dibagi antara SDN " "yang berbeda. Saat menggunakan OVS, agen Neutron L2 default harus " "dinonaktifkan, tetapi OVS-DB dan OVS-vswitchd dapat dibiarkan aktif." msgid "" "The monolithic Ceph chart does not allow for following Ceph upgrade best " "practices, namely to upgrade Mons, OSDs, and client services in that order. " "The Ceph chart must therefore be split into at least three charts (one for " "each of the above upgrade phases) prior to 1.0 to ensure smooth in-place " "upgradability." msgstr "" "Chart Ceph monolitik tidak memungkinkan untuk mengikuti praktik terbaik " "upgrade Ceph, yaitu untuk upgrade Mons, OSD, dan layanan klien dalam urutan " "itu. Oleh karena itu, Ceph chart harus dibagi menjadi setidaknya tiga chart " "(satu untuk masing-masing fase peningkatan di atas) sebelum 1.0 untuk " "memastikan kelancaran upgrade in-place." msgid "" "The move to Zuulv3 native operation of the OpenStack-Helm gates mean there " "would be no code reuse between the gate and developer environments, so " "supporting the existing code for Zuulv2 will incur significant tech-debt." msgstr "" "Perpindahan ke operasi asli Zuulv3 dari gate OpenStack-Helm berarti tidak " "akan ada kode yang digunakan kembali antara gate dan lingkungan pengembang, " "sehingga mendukung kode yang ada untuk Zuulv2 akan menimbulkan tech-debt " "yang signifikan." msgid "" "The option ``enabled:`` under ``auth:`` and the manifest ``secret_registry:" "`` provide the ability for operator to determine whether they would like to " "have secrets generated and passed to kubernetes for pulling images." msgstr "" "Opsi ``enabled:`` di bawah ``auth:`` dan manifes ``secret_registry:`` " "memberikan kemampuan bagi operator untuk menentukan apakah mereka ingin " "memiliki rahasia yang dihasilkan dan diteruskan ke kubernetes untuk menarik " "image." msgid "" "The performance aspect of these point are restricted to deployment, and have " "no performance impact on operations." msgstr "" "Aspek kinerja point ini dibatasi untuk penggunaan, dan tidak memiliki dampak " "kinerja pada operasi." msgid "The proposal includes the following:" msgstr "Proposal tersebut meliputi:" msgid "The proposed requirements for a 1.0 release are as follows:" msgstr "Persyaratan yang diusulkan untuk rilis 1.0 adalah sebagai berikut:" msgid "" "The proposes change would be to add in :code:`neutron/values.yaml` new " "section with boolean values describing which Neutron's Kubernetes resources " "should be enabled:" msgstr "" "Perubahan yang diajukan adalah menambahkan :code:`neutron/values.yaml` " "bagian baru dengan nilai boolean yang menggambarkan sumber daya Kubernet " "Neutron mana yang harus diaktifkan:" msgid "The requirements for a logging collector/aggregator include:" msgstr "Persyaratan untuk kolektor/agregator logging meliputi:" msgid "The requirements for a logging platform include:" msgstr "Persyaratan untuk platform logging meliputi:" msgid "The requirements for a monitoring platform include:" msgstr "Persyaratan untuk platform pemantauan meliputi:" msgid "" "The secret would not be created with the default option ``enabled: false`` " "and ``secret_registry: true``. To enable secret creation, operator should " "override ``enabled:`` to true. The above example shows the default " "credentials, operator should override the ``username:`` and ``password:`` " "under ``auth:`` section to provide their own credentials." msgstr "" "Rahasia tidak akan dibuat dengan opsi default ``enabled: false`` dan " "``secret_registry: true``. Untuk mengaktifkan pembuatan rahasia, operator " "harus mengganti ``enabled:`` menjadi true. Contoh di atas menunjukkan " "kredensial default, operator harus mengganti ``username:`` and ``password:" "`` di bawah bagian ``auth:`` untuk memberikan kredensial mereka sendiri." msgid "" "The testing will be performed by the OpenStack-Helm gate to demonstrate the " "sidecar container correctly routes traffic to the correct services." msgstr "" "Pengujian akan dilakukan oleh gate OpenStack-Helm untuk mendemonstrasikan " "sidecar container dengan benar mengarahkan lalu lintas ke layanan yang benar." msgid "" "The top-level keys are based on the organizational keys common to all charts " "in the openstack-helm repositories. The top-level keys are strictly ordered " "according to function, which creates a common organization pattern between " "all charts." msgstr "" "Top-level keys didasarkan pada kunci organisasi yang umum untuk semua chart " "di repositori openstack-helm. Top-level keys diatur secara ketat sesuai " "dengan fungsinya, yang menciptakan pola organisasi yang sama di antara semua " "chart." msgid "" "Then, add manifest ``secret-registry.yaml`` in ``templates/`` to leverage " "the function that will be added in helm-toolkit to create the secret. For " "example:" msgstr "" "Kemudian, tambahkan manifes ``secret-registry.yaml`` di ``templates/`` untuk " "meningkatkan fungsi yang akan ditambahkan dalam helm-toolkit untuk membuat " "rahasia. Sebagai contoh:" msgid "" "Then, inside Kubernetes manifests, add global if statement, deciding if " "given manifest should be declared on Kubernetes API, for example :code:" "`neutron/templates/daemonset-ovs-agent.yaml`:" msgstr "" "Kemudian, di dalam manifes Kubernetes, tambahkan global if statement, " "putuskan jika manifes yang diberikan harus dideklarasikan pada API " "Kubernetes, misalnya :code:`neutron/templates/daemonset-ovs-agent.yaml`:" msgid "" "There is no significant performance impact as the traffic will be locally " "routed (via and may potentially improve performance for services " "whose native TLS handling is inefficient." msgstr "" "Tidak ada dampak kinerja yang signifikan karena lalu lintas akan dirutekan " "secara lokal (melalui dan berpotensi meningkatkan kinerja untuk " "layanan yang penanganan TLS native tidak efisien." msgid "" "There will be no security impact, as it will deploy the charts in OpenStack-" "Helm[-infra/-addons] upon a reference KubeADM administered cluster." msgstr "" "Tidak akan ada dampak keamanan, karena akan menyebarkan grafik di OpenStack-" "Helm[-infra/-addons] pada cluster yang dikelola KubeADM referensi" msgid "This Ceph cluster will be used by Cinder and Glance as storage backend." msgstr "" "Cluster Ceph ini akan digunakan oleh Cinder dan Glance sebagai backend " "penyimpanan." msgid "" "This Ceph cluster will be used for k8s RBD storage (pvc). This can be used " "by entire Kubernetes cluster." msgstr "" "Cluster Ceph ini akan digunakan k8s RBD storage (pvc). Ini dapat digunakan " "oleh seluruh cluster Kubernetes." msgid "This approach:" msgstr "Pendekatan ini:" msgid "" "This deployment process will be gated, to ensure that the development the " "environment is consistently working against ``master`` for the OpenStack-" "Helm repositories." msgstr "" "Proses deployment ini akan terjaga keamanannya, untuk memastikan bahwa " "pengembangan lingkungan bekerja secara konsisten terhadap ``master`` untuk " "repositori OpenStack-Helm." msgid "" "This enhances the system's security design by allowing pods with services " "that cannot natively manage TLS to secure the traffic to the service pod." msgstr "" "Ini meningkatkan desain keamanan sistem dengan memungkinkan pod dengan " "layanan yang tidak dapat mengelola TLS untuk mengamankan lalu lintas ke pod " "layanan." msgid "This feature will not affect the performance of OpenStack-Helm." msgstr "Fitur ini tidak akan mempengaruhi kinerja OpenStack-Helm." msgid "" "This guide shows how to setup multiple Ceph clusters. One Ceph cluster will " "be used for k8s RBD storage and while other Ceph cluster will be for tenant " "facing storage backend for Cinder and Glance." msgstr "" "Panduan ini menunjukkan cara mengatur multiple cluster Ceph. Satu cluster " "Ceph akan digunakan untuk penyimpanan RBD k8s dan sementara cluster Ceph " "lainnya akan untuk penyewa menghadapi backend penyimpanan untuk Cinder dan " "Glance." msgid "" "This spec describes a point-in-time readiness for OpenStack-Helm 1.0, after " "which it will be for historical reference only." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi ini menggambarkan kesiapan point-in-time untuk OpenStack-Helm " "1.0, setelah itu hanya untuk referensi sejarah." msgid "" "This spec describes a wide variety of self-contained work efforts, which " "will be implemented individually by the whole OpenStack-Helm team." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi ini menjelaskan berbagai upaya kerja mandiri, yang akan " "dilaksanakan secara individual oleh seluruh tim OpenStack-Helm." msgid "" "This spec lays out the criteria for a stable and reliable 1.0 release, which " "can serve as the basis for real-world use as well as ongoing development. " "The alternative approaches would be to either iterate indefinitely without " "defining a 1.0 release, which would fail to signal to operators the point at " "which the platform is ready for real-world use; or, to define a 1.0 release " "which fails to satisfy key features which real-world operators need." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi ini menjabarkan kriteria untuk rilis 1.0 yang stabil dan andal, " "yang dapat berfungsi sebagai dasar untuk penggunaan di real-world serta " "pengembangan yang berkelanjutan. Pendekatan alternatif adalah untuk " "melakukan iterate tanpa batas tanpa mendefinisikan rilis 1.0, yang akan " "gagal memberi sinyal kepada operator, titik di mana platform siap untuk " "penggunaan real-world; atau, untuk menentukan rilis 1.0 yang gagal memenuhi " "fitur utama yang dibutuhkan operator real-world." msgid "" "This spec will be worked helm chart by helm chart, starting with keystone." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi ini akan dikerjakan helm chart dengan helm chart, dimulai dengan " "keystone." msgid "" "This specification also proposes to restrict the addition of any new top-" "level keys in charts across all OpenStack-Helm repositories, in order to " "maintain the common structure the ordering creates. The addition of a new " "top-level key shall be agreed upon by the OpenStack-Helm team on a case-by-" "case basis. The addition of any new top-level keys should be documented, " "and this specification shall be amended to account for any added keys." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi ini juga mengusulkan untuk membatasi penambahan top-level keys " "baru dalam chart di semua repositori OpenStack-Helm, untuk menjaga struktur " "umum yang dibuat oleh pengurutan. Penambahan top-level key yang baru harus " "disetujui oleh tim OpenStack-Helm berdasarkan kasus per kasus. Penambahan " "top-level key yang baru harus didokumentasikan, dan spesifikasi ini harus " "diubah untuk memperhitungkan setiap kunci yang ditambahkan." msgid "" "This specification proposes defining entries in the values.yaml file into " "two categories: top-level keys, and their children (sub-level) keys." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi ini mengusulkan pendefinisian entri dalam file values.yaml ke " "dalam dua kategori: top-level keys, dan their children (sub-level) keys." msgid "" "This specification proposes introducing a uniform values.yaml structure " "across all charts in openstack-helm, openstack-helm-infra, and openstack-" "helm-addons, with the goal of reducing the complexities of working across " "multiple charts and reducing the effort for creating new charts." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi ini mengusulkan untuk memperkenalkan nilai yang seragam. " "Struktur yaml di semua chart di openstack-helm, openstack-helm-infra, dan " "openstack-helm-addons, dengan tujuan mengurangi kompleksitas bekerja di " "berbagai chart dan mengurangi upaya untuk menciptakan chart yang baru." msgid "" "This specification proposes to add a nginx sidecar container to the pod for " "service that requires the tls offloading. The nginx can be used to handle " "the TLS offoading and terminate the TLS connection, and routes the traffic " "to the service via localhost (" msgstr "" "Spesifikasi ini mengusulkan untuk menambahkan kontainer sidecar nginx ke pod " "untuk layanan yang memerlukan pembongkaran tls. Nginx dapat digunakan untuk " "menangani pemutusan TLS dan mengakhiri koneksi TLS, dan merutekan (route) " "lalu lintas ke layanan melalui localhost (" msgid "" "This specification will address enablement of LinuxBridge network " "virtualization for OpenStack Helm (OSH). LinuxBridge is second available " "networking technology in Neutron's reference architecture. The first one is " "OVS, that is already implemented in OSH." msgstr "" "Spesifikasi ini akan membahas pemberlakuan virtualisasi jaringan LinuxBridge " "untuk OpenStack Helm (OSH). LinuxBridge adalah teknologi jaringan kedua yang " "tersedia dalam arsitektur referensi Neutron. Yang pertama adalah OVS, yang " "sudah diimplementasikan dalam OSH." msgid "Time-series database for collected metrics" msgstr "Database time-serie untuk metrik yang dikumpulkan" msgid "Time-series database for logs collected" msgstr "Database time-series untuk log dikumpulkan" msgid "" "To be able to install Neutron with multiple possible SDNs as networking " "plugin, Neutron chart should be modified to enable installation of base " "services with decomposable approach. This means that operator can define " "which components from base Neutron chart should be installed, and which " "should not. This plus proper configuration of Neutron chart would enable " "operator to flexibly provision OpenStack with chosen SDN." msgstr "" "Untuk dapat menginstal Neutron dengan beberapa kemungkinan SDN sebagai " "plugin jaringan, chart Neutron harus dimodifikasi untuk memungkinkan " "instalasi layanan dasar dengan pendekatan yang dapat didekomposisi. Ini " "berarti bahwa operator dapat menentukan komponen mana dari chart Neutron " "dasar yang harus dipasang, dan mana yang tidak. Konfigurasi chart Neutron " "plus yang tepat ini akan memungkinkan operator untuk secara fleksibel " "menyediakan OpenStack dengan SDN yang dipilih." msgid "" "To be able to pull images from an OCI image registry which has the " "authentication turned on, kubernetes needs credentials. For each chart, a " "new ``endpoints:`` entry could be added in ``values.yaml`` to provide image " "credentials, a secret needs to be generated to hold the credentials and the " "``imagePullSecrets:`` field should be added in each service account to " "specify which secret should be used to get the credentials from when pulling " "images by kubelet." msgstr "" "Untuk dapat menarik image dari registri image OCI yang otentikasi " "dihidupkan, kubernetes memerlukan kredensial. Untuk setiap chart, entri " "``endpoints:`` baru dapat ditambahkan dalam ``values.yaml`` untuk memberikan " "kredensial image, rahasia perlu dibuat untuk memegang kredensial dan field " "``imagePullSecrets:`` harus berupa ditambahkan di setiap akun layanan untuk " "menentukan rahasia mana yang harus digunakan untuk mendapatkan kredensial " "mulai saat menarik image dengan kubelet." msgid "" "To enable new SDN solution, there should be separate chart created, which " "would handle the deployment of service, setting up the database and any " "related networking functionality that SDN is providing." msgstr "" "Untuk mengaktifkan solusi SDN baru, harus ada chart terpisah yang dibuat, " "yang akan menangani penyebaran layanan, pengaturan basis data dan segala " "fungsi jaringan terkait yang disediakan oleh SDN." msgid "" "To facilitate effective collaboration and communication across the OpenStack-" "Helm community team, work items for the enhancements above will be captured " "in Storyboard. Therefore, migration from Launchpad to Storyboard must be " "accomplished prior to the 1.0 release. Going forward, Storyboard will be " "leveraged as a tool to collaboratively define and communicate the OpenStack-" "Helm roadmap." msgstr "" "Untuk memfasilitasi kolaborasi dan komunikasi yang efektif di seluruh tim " "komunitas OpenStack-Helm, item pekerjaan untuk peningkatan di atas akan " "ditangkap di Storyboard. Oleh karena itu, migrasi dari Launchpad ke " "Storyboard harus diselesaikan sebelum rilis 1.0. Ke depan, Storyboard akan " "dimanfaatkan sebagai alat untuk secara kolaboratif mendefinisikan dan " "mengkomunikasikan roadmap OpenStack-Helm." msgid "" "To minimize the performance impacts, the following should be considered:" msgstr "" "Untuk meminimalkan dampak kinerja, hal-hal berikut harus dipertimbangkan:" msgid "" "To successfully enforce the ordering defined here, our gates need a method " "for validating the ordering and the schema of all values.yaml files. " "Without such a mechanism, the overhead associated with properly reviewing " "and validating any changes to the structure will be substantial. A tool, " "such as yamllint, would provide this functionality and remove the need to " "write a custom validation tool" msgstr "" "Untuk berhasil menegakkan pengurutan yang ditentukan di sini, gate kami " "memerlukan metode untuk memvalidasi pengurutan dan skema semua file values." "yaml. Tanpa mekanisme seperti itu, overhead yang terkait dengan meninjau dan " "memvalidasi setiap perubahan pada struktur akan menjadi substansial. Alat, " "seperti yamllint, akan menyediakan fungsi ini dan menghapus kebutuhan untuk " "menulis alat validasi kustom." msgid "Top-level keys are placed in this order:" msgstr "Top-level keys ditempatkan dalam urutan ini:" msgid "Topic: osh-1.0-requirements_" msgstr "Topic: osh-1.0-requirements_" msgid "Trigger alerts when desired replicas fall below required number" msgstr "" "Peringatan pemicu ketika replika yang diinginkan berada di bawah angka yang " "dibutuhkan" msgid "Trigger alerts when services become unavailable or unresponsive" msgstr "" "Pemicu peringatan ketika layanan menjadi tidak tersedia atau tidak responsif" msgid "Under storage: mon directory have been updated." msgstr "Di bawah penyimpanan: direktori mon telah diperbarui." msgid "" "Under storageclass section, values for following have been updated: " "ceph_configmap_name, admin_secret_name, admin_secret_namespace, " "user_secret_name" msgstr "" "Di bawah bagian storageclass, nilai untuk yang berikut telah diperbarui: " "ceph_configmap_name, admin_secret_name, admin_secret_namespace, " "user_secret_name" msgid "" "Update ``helm toolkit`` to provide snippet to create the nginx sidecar " "container for the services that require it." msgstr "" "Perbarui ``helm toolkit`` untuk memberikan cuplikan untuk membuat nginx " "sidecar container untuk layanan yang membutuhkannya." msgid "" "Update helm-toolkit serviceaccount template to pass the secret in a " "conditional" msgstr "" "Update templat akun layanan helm-toolkit untuk memberikan rahasia secara " "bersyarat" msgid "" "Update helm-toolkit to provide manifest to create secret for registry " "authentication" msgstr "" "Update helm-toolkit untuk menyediakan manifes untuk membuat rahasia untuk " "otentikasi registri" msgid "Update of Developer Documentation" msgstr "Update Dokumentasi Pengembang" msgid "" "Update of Makefile for OpenStack-Helm-Infra to allow modular deployment of " "components" msgstr "" "Update Makefile untuk OpenStack-Helm-Infra sehingga memungkinkan penempatan " "komponen secara modular" msgid "Update of developer documentation" msgstr "Update dokumentasi pengembang" msgid "Update relevant Documentation." msgstr "Update Dokumentasi yang relevan." msgid "Update script as following:" msgstr "Update skrip sebagai berikut:" msgid "Update script overrides as following:" msgstr "Update override skrip sebagai berikut:" msgid "Update script to include namespace ``tenant-ceph`` as shown below." msgstr "" "Update skrip untuk memasukkan namespace ``tenant-ceph`` seperti yang " "ditunjukkan di bawah ini." msgid "Update script with following overrides:" msgstr "Update skrip dengan override berikut:" msgid "Update script's override section with following:" msgstr "Update bagian override skrip dengan yang berikut:" msgid "Update service charts to use the updated ``helm toolkit``." msgstr "" "Perbarui chart layanan untuk menggunakan yang diperbarui ``helm toolkit``." msgid "Use Cases" msgstr "Use Case" msgid "Use case" msgstr "Use case" msgid "Use cases" msgstr "Gunakan kasus" msgid "" "Use default overrides and execute following scripts as per OSH guide steps:" msgstr "" "Gunakan override default dan jalankan skrip berikut sesuai langkah panduan " "OSH:" msgid "VM networking performance would be dependent of SDN used." msgstr "Kinerja jaringan VM akan tergantung pada SDN yang digunakan." msgid "" "VM networking performance would be dependent on linux bridge implementation." msgstr "Kinerja jaringan VM akan tergantung pada implementasi jembatan linux." msgid "Values File Ordering" msgstr "Nilai Pengurutan File" msgid "" "Version requirements for the following must be documented and maintained:" msgstr "" "Persyaratan versi untuk yang berikut ini harus didokumentasikan dan " "dipelihara:" msgid "" "Visualize logged events to determine if an event is recurring or an outlier" msgstr "" "Visualisasikan event yang dicatat untuk menentukan apakah suatu event " "berulang atau outlier" msgid "" "Visualize performance to identify trends in traffic or utilization over time" msgstr "" "Visualisasikan kinerja untuk mengidentifikasi tren lalu lintas atau " "pemanfaatan seiring waktu" msgid "We are disabling rbd and cephfs provisioners." msgstr "Kami menonaktifkan provisioner rbd dan cephfs." msgid "" "We need to adapt all the helm charts to remove the hard-coded bits, be image " "agnostic, to allow users to bring their own images." msgstr "" "Kita perlu mengadaptasi semua bagan helm untuk menghapus bit yang dikodekan, " "menjadi agnostik image, untuk memungkinkan pengguna membawa image mereka " "sendiri." msgid "Web UI (horizon)" msgstr "Web UI (horizon)" msgid "" "When possible, ``values_overrides/`` will refer to existing ``helm-toolkit`` " "functions to avoid repeating ourselves." msgstr "" "Jika memungkinkan, ``values_overrides/`` akan merujuk ke fungsi ``helm-" "toolkit`` yang ada untuk menghindari pengulangan diri." msgid "Work Items" msgstr "Work Items" msgid "" "Work is underway to refactor common manifest patterns into reusable snippets " "in Helm-Toolkit. The following manifests have yet to be combined:" msgstr "" "Pekerjaan sedang dilakukan untuk memperbaiki pola manifes umum menjadi " "potongan yang dapat digunakan kembali di Helm-Toolkit. Manifes berikut belum " "digabungkan:" msgid "Worker Deployments" msgstr "Worker Deployments" msgid "``040-ceph-ns-activate.sh``" msgstr "``040-ceph-ns-activate.sh``" msgid "``050-mariadb.sh``" msgstr "``050-mariadb.sh``" msgid "``060-rabbitmq.sh``" msgstr "``060-rabbitmq.sh``" msgid "``070-memcached.sh``" msgstr "``070-memcached.sh``" msgid "``080-keystone.sh``" msgstr "``080-keystone.sh``" msgid "``Ceph ConfigMaps``" msgstr "``Ceph ConfigMaps``" msgid "``Ceph Pods``" msgstr "``Ceph Pods``" msgid "``Ceph Status``" msgstr "``Ceph Status``" msgid "``Ceph endpoints``" msgstr "``Ceph endpoints``" msgid "``Ceph for RBD related labels:``" msgstr "``Ceph for RBD related labels:``" msgid "``Ceph for Tenant related labels:``" msgstr "``Ceph for Tenant related labels:``" msgid "``Ceph secrets``" msgstr "``Ceph secrets``" msgid "``Ceph services``" msgstr "``Ceph services``" msgid "``Openstack PV list``" msgstr "``Openstack PV list``" msgid "``Openstack Pods:``" msgstr "``Openstack Pods:``" msgid "``Openstack endpoints``" msgstr "``Openstack endpoints``" msgid "``Openstack secrets``" msgstr "``Openstack secrets``" msgid "``Openstack services``" msgstr "``Openstack services``" msgid "``Storage on node1, node2, node3:``" msgstr "``Storage on node1, node2, node3:``" msgid "``Storage on node4, node5, node6:``" msgstr "``Storage on node4, node5, node6:``" msgid "``ceph-mon-etc (ceph.conf)``" msgstr "``ceph-mon-etc (ceph.conf)``" msgid "" "``cephfs_provisioner: false`` and ``provision_storage_class: false`` are set " "to false to disable cephfs. ``deployment_mds: false`` is set to disable ceph-" "mds" msgstr "" "``cephfs_provisioner: false`` dan ``provision_storage_class: false`` disetel " "ke false untuk menonaktifkan cephfs. ``deployment_mds: false`` diatur untuk " "menonaktifkan ceph-mds." msgid "``for CHART in ceph-mon ceph-osd ceph-client; do``" msgstr "``for CHART in ceph-mon ceph-osd ceph-client; do``" msgid "" "``k8s node list with labels`` After applying above labels, node labels " "should look like following." msgstr "" "``k8s node list with labels`` Setelah menerapkan label di atas, label node " "akan terlihat seperti berikut." msgid "``k8s storageclass``" msgstr "``k8s storageclass``" msgid "``netstat ceph mon port``" msgstr "``netstat ceph mon port``" msgid "`values.yaml` changes" msgstr "`values.yaml` changes" msgid "bootstrap * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "bootstrap * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "ceph" msgstr "ceph" msgid "conf * sub-keys (up-to-chart-developer)" msgstr "conf * sub-keys (up-to-chart-developer)" msgid "dependencies * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "dependencies * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "" "diagram link: https://github.com/sktelecom-oslab/docs/blob/master/images/" "fluentbit-fluentd-diagram.png" msgstr "" "diagram link: https://github.com/sktelecom-oslab/docs/blob/master/images/" "fluentbit-fluentd-diagram.png" msgid "endpoints * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "endpoints * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "etcd" msgstr "etcd" msgid "evrardjp" msgstr "evrardjp" msgid "fluentbit-fluentd logging architecture" msgstr "arsitektur logging fluentbit-fluentd" msgid "" "https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-helm/+spec/developer-environment" msgstr "" "https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-helm/+spec/developer-environment" msgid "https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images" msgstr "https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images" msgid "" "https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-" "account/#add-imagepullsecrets-to-a-service-account" msgstr "" "https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-" "account/#add-imagepullsecrets-to-a-service-account" msgid "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552485/" msgstr "https://review.openstack.org/#/c/552485/" msgid "https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2005130" msgstr "https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2005130" msgid "images * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "images * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "ingress" msgstr "ingress" msgid "k8s namespace: ceph" msgstr "k8s namespace: ceph" msgid "k8s namespace: tenant-ceph" msgstr "k8s namespace: tenant-ceph" msgid "k8s node labels:" msgstr "k8s node labels:" msgid "korzen (Artur Korzeniewski)" msgstr "korzen (Artur Korzeniewski)" msgid "labels * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "labels * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "ldap" msgstr "ldap" msgid "libvirt" msgstr "libvirt" msgid "manifests * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "manifests * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "mariadb" msgstr "mariadb" msgid "mattmceuen (Matt McEuen ) for coordination" msgstr "mattmceuen (Matt McEuen ) untuk koordinasi" msgid "memcached" msgstr "memcached" msgid "metric port: 9283" msgstr "metric port: 9283" msgid "metric port: 9284" msgstr "metric port: 9284" msgid "mgr endpoint port: 7000" msgstr "mgr endpoint port: 7000" msgid "mgr endpoint port: 7001" msgstr "mgr endpoint port: 7001" msgid "mon endpoint port: 6789" msgstr "mon endpoint port: 6789" msgid "mon endpoint port: 6790" msgstr "mon endpoint port: 6790" msgid "mon_addr and mon_host have non default mon port 6790." msgstr "mon_addr and mon_host memiliki port mon standar 6790." msgid "mongodb" msgstr "mongodb" msgid "monitoring * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "monitoring * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "network * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "network * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "no ceph-mds" msgstr "no ceph-mds" msgid "no ceph-mds and ceph-rgw" msgstr "no ceph-mds dan ceph-rgw" msgid "no storage classes" msgstr "no storage classes" msgid "" "openstack-control-plane=enabled, ceph-mon=enabled, ceph-mgr=enabled, ceph-" "rgw=enabled, ceph-mds=enabled, ceph-osd=enabled" msgstr "" "openstack-control-plane=enabled, ceph-mon=enabled, ceph-mgr=enabled, ceph-" "rgw=enabled, ceph-mds=enabled, ceph-osd=enabled" msgid "" "openstack-data-plane=enabled, openstack-compute-node=enabled, ceph-osd-" "tenant=enabled, openstack-data-plane=enabled" msgstr "" "openstack-data-plane=enabled, openstack-compute-node=enabled, ceph-osd-" "tenant=enabled, openstack-data-plane=enabled" msgid "openvswitch" msgstr "openvswitch" msgid "pod * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "pod * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "" "portdirect (Pete Birley ) for the release management spec " "[2]_" msgstr "" "portdirect (Pete Birley ) untuk spesifikasi manajemen " "rilis [2] _" msgid "portdirect (Pete Birley)" msgstr "portdirect (Pete Birley)" msgid "postgresql" msgstr "postgresql" msgid "" "powerds (DaeSeong Kim ) for the `values.yaml` ordering " "spec [1]_" msgstr "" "powerds (DaeSeong Kim ) untuk `values.yaml` ordering " "spec [1]_" msgid "" "powerds0111 (DaeSeong Kim ) srwilkers (Steve Wilkerson " ")" msgstr "" "powerds0111 (DaeSeong Kim ) srwilkers (Steve Wilkerson " ")" msgid "rabbitmq" msgstr "rabbitmq" msgid "" "randeep.jalli (Randeep Jalli ) and renmak (Renis Makadia " ") for splitting up the Ceph chart" msgstr "" "randeep.jalli (Randeep Jalli ) dan renmak (Renis Makadia " ") untuk membagi chart Ceph" msgid "" "rwellum (Rich Wellum ) for coordination of Storyboard " "adoption" msgstr "" "rwellum (Rich Wellum ) untuk koordinasi adopsi " "Storyboard" msgid "secrets * sub-keys (alphabetical order)" msgstr "secrets * sub-keys (sesuai abjad)" msgid "services do not handle TLS offloading and termination," msgstr "layanan tidak menangani pemuatan dan pemutusan TLS," msgid "" "services whose native handling of TLS offloading and termination cause major " "performance impact, for example, eventlet." msgstr "" "layanan dengan penanganan native pemuatan dan pemutusan TLS menyebabkan " "dampak kinerja utama, misalnya, eventlet." msgid "" "srwilker (Steve Wilkerson) portdirect (Pete Birley) lr699s (Larry Rensing)" msgstr "" "srwilker (Steve Wilkerson) portdirect (Pete Birley) lr699s (Larry Rensing)" msgid "storage classes: general (rbd based for pvc)" msgstr "storage classes: general (rbd based for pvc)" msgid "sungil (Sungil Im) jayahn (Jaesuk Ahn)" msgstr "sungil (Sungil Im) jayahn (Jaesuk Ahn)" msgid "" "tenant-ceph-control-plane=enabled, ceph-mon-tenant=enabled, ceph-mgr-" "tenant=enabled, ceph-rgw-tenant=enabled" msgstr "" "tenant-ceph-control-plane=enabled, ceph-mon-tenant=enabled, ceph-mgr-" "tenant=enabled, ceph-rgw-tenant=enabled" msgid "" "the impact of adding extra conditionals in the helm charts, to deal with " "multi-distro aspect (if not using the approach above, or when using an " "alternative approach)" msgstr "" "dampak dari penambahan persyaratan extra di helm chart, untuk menangani " "aspek multi-distro (jika tidak menggunakan pendekatan di atas, atau ketika " "menggunakan pendekatan alternatif)" msgid "" "the impact of adding functionality in the ``helm-toolkit`` to deal with a " "common multi-distro aspect (could possibly increase helm chart rendering " "time)" msgstr "" "dampak dari penambahan fungsionalitas dalam ``helm-toolkit`` untuk menangani " "aspek multi-distro yang umum (mungkin dapat meningkatkan waktu rendering " "chart helm)" msgid "" "the impact of exposing extra key/values in the helm chart ``values.yaml`` " "file (could possibly have a deployment speed/ram usage increase)." msgstr "" "dampak dari mengekspos key/value tambahan dalam file helm ``values.yaml`` " "(mungkin bisa memiliki kecepatan deployment / peningkatan penggunaan ram)."