#!/bin/bash # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. set -xe #NOTE: Define variables : ${OSH_HELM_REPO:="../openstack-helm"} : ${OSH_VALUES_OVERRIDES_PATH:="../openstack-helm/values"} : ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS_PLACEMENT:="$(helm osh get-values-overrides ${DOWNLOAD_OVERRIDES:-} -p ${OSH_VALUES_OVERRIDES_PATH} -c placement ${FEATURES})"} : ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS_NOVA:="$(helm osh get-values-overrides ${DOWNLOAD_OVERRIDES:-} -p ${OSH_VALUES_OVERRIDES_PATH} -c nova ${FEATURES})"} : ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS_NEUTRON:="$(helm osh get-values-overrides ${DOWNLOAD_OVERRIDES:-} -p ${OSH_VALUES_OVERRIDES_PATH} -c neutron ${FEATURES})"} : ${RUN_HELM_TESTS:="yes"} export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm CEPH_ENABLED=false if openstack service list -f value -c Type | grep -q "^volume" && \ openstack volume type list -f value -c Name | grep -q "rbd"; then CEPH_ENABLED=true fi #NOTE: Deploy placement helm upgrade --install placement ${OSH_HELM_REPO}/placement --namespace=openstack \ ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS:=} \ ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS_PLACEMENT} #NOTE: Deploy nova tee /tmp/nova.yaml << EOF conf: nova: libvirt: virt_type: qemu cpu_mode: none ceph: enabled: ${CEPH_ENABLED} bootstrap: wait_for_computes: enabled: true EOF : ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS:=""} helm upgrade --install nova ${OSH_HELM_REPO}/nova \ --namespace=openstack \ --values=/tmp/nova.yaml \ ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS:=} \ ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS_NOVA} #NOTE: Deploy neutron tee /tmp/neutron.yaml << EOF network: interface: tunnel: null conf: neutron: DEFAULT: l3_ha: False max_l3_agents_per_router: 1 l3_ha_network_type: vxlan dhcp_agents_per_network: 1 # provider1 is a tap interface used by default in the test env # we create this interface while setting up the test env auto_bridge_add: br-ex: provider1 plugins: ml2_conf: ml2_type_flat: flat_networks: public openvswitch_agent: agent: tunnel_types: vxlan ovs: bridge_mappings: public:br-ex linuxbridge_agent: linux_bridge: bridge_mappings: public:br-ex labels: agent: l3: node_selector_key: l3-agent node_selector_value: enabled EOF helm upgrade --install neutron ${OSH_HELM_REPO}/neutron \ --namespace=openstack \ --values=/tmp/neutron.yaml \ ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS:=} \ ${OSH_EXTRA_HELM_ARGS_NEUTRON} #NOTE: Wait for deploy helm osh wait-for-pods openstack 1200 #NOTE: Validate Deployment info export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm openstack service list sleep 30 #NOTE(portdirect): Wait for ingress controller to update rules and restart Nginx openstack compute service list openstack network agent list openstack hypervisor list if [ "x${RUN_HELM_TESTS}" == "xno" ]; then exit 0 fi ./tools/deployment/common/run-helm-tests.sh nova ./tools/deployment/common/run-helm-tests.sh neutron