#!/bin/bash set -ex function is_integer { # This function is about saying if the passed argument is an integer # Supports also negative integers # We use $@ here to consider everything given as parameter and not only the # first one : that's mainly for splited strings like "10 10" [[ $@ =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] } function osd_directory { if [[ ! -d /var/lib/ceph/osd ]]; then log "ERROR- could not find the osd directory, did you bind mount the OSD data directory?" log "ERROR- use -v :/var/lib/ceph/osd" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${HOSTNAME}" ]; then log "HOSTNAME not set; This will prevent to add an OSD into the CRUSH map" exit 1 fi # check if anything is present, if not, create an osd and its directory if [[ -n "$(find /var/lib/ceph/osd -prune -empty)" ]]; then log "Creating osd with ceph --cluster ${CLUSTER} osd create" OSD_ID=$(ceph --cluster ${CLUSTER} osd create) if is_integer "$OSD_ID"; then log "OSD created with ID: ${OSD_ID}" else log "OSD creation failed: ${OSD_ID}" exit 1 fi OSD_PATH=$(get_osd_path $OSD_ID) # create the folder and own it mkdir -p $OSD_PATH chown ceph. $OSD_PATH log "created folder $OSD_PATH" fi # create the directory and an empty Procfile mkdir -p /etc/forego/${CLUSTER} echo "" > /etc/forego/${CLUSTER}/Procfile for OSD_ID in $(ls /var/lib/ceph/osd | sed 's/.*-//'); do OSD_PATH=$(get_osd_path $OSD_ID) OSD_KEYRING="$OSD_PATH/keyring" if [ -n "${JOURNAL_DIR}" ]; then OSD_J="${JOURNAL_DIR}/journal.${OSD_ID}" chown -R ceph. ${JOURNAL_DIR} else if [ -n "${JOURNAL}" ]; then OSD_J=${JOURNAL} chown -R ceph. $(dirname ${JOURNAL_DIR}) else OSD_J=${OSD_PATH}/journal fi fi # check to see if our osd has been initialized if [ ! -e ${OSD_PATH}/keyring ]; then chown ceph. $OSD_PATH # create osd key and file structure ceph-osd ${CLI_OPTS} -i $OSD_ID --mkfs --mkkey --mkjournal --osd-journal ${OSD_J} --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph if [ ! -e $OSD_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING ]; then log "ERROR- $OSD_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING must exist. You can extract it from your current monitor by running 'ceph auth get client.bootstrap-osd -o $OSD_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING '" exit 1 fi timeout 10 ceph ${CLI_OPTS} --name client.bootstrap-osd --keyring $OSD_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING health || exit 1 # add the osd key ceph ${CLI_OPTS} --name client.bootstrap-osd --keyring $OSD_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING auth add osd.${OSD_ID} -i ${OSD_KEYRING} osd 'allow *' mon 'allow profile osd' || log $1 log "done adding key" chown ceph. ${OSD_KEYRING} chmod 0600 ${OSD_KEYRING} # add the osd to the crush map OSD_WEIGHT=$(df -P -k $OSD_PATH | tail -1 | awk '{ d= $2/1073741824 ; r = sprintf("%.2f", d); print r }') ceph ${CLI_OPTS} --name=osd.${OSD_ID} --keyring=${OSD_KEYRING} osd crush create-or-move -- ${OSD_ID} ${OSD_WEIGHT} ${CRUSH_LOCATION} fi echo "${CLUSTER}-${OSD_ID}: /usr/bin/ceph-osd ${CLI_OPTS} -f -i ${OSD_ID} --osd-journal ${OSD_J} -k $OSD_KEYRING" | tee -a /etc/forego/${CLUSTER}/Procfile done log "SUCCESS" start_forego }