Gage Hugo db79e79788 Remove OSH Authors copyright
The current copyright refers to a non-existent group
"openstack helm authors" with often out-of-date references that
are confusing when adding a new file to the repo.

This change removes all references to this copyright by the
non-existent group and any blank lines underneath.

Change-Id: Ia035037e000f1bf95202fc07b8cd1ad0fc019094
2020-04-03 20:53:32 +00:00

140 lines
4.6 KiB

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
set -ex
# Set defaults to use for testing.
: ${IMAGE_ID:="$(openstack image show -f value -c id \
$(openstack image list -f csv | awk -F ',' '{ print $2 "," $1 }' | \
grep "^\"Cirros" | head -1 | awk -F ',' '{ print $2 }' | tr -d '"'))"}
: ${FLAVOR_ID:="$(openstack flavor show m1.tiny -f value -c id)"}
: ${NETWORK_NAME:="public"}
: ${SUB_TIMEOUT:=1200}
# Define functions to use during tests.
function gen_uuid () {
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1
function wait_for_senlin_cluster {
set +x
end=$(($(date +%s) + ${SUB_TIMEOUT}))
while true; do
STATE=$(openstack cluster show "${1}" -f value -c status)
[ "x${STATE}" == "xACTIVE" ] && break
sleep 1
now=$(date +%s)
[ $now -gt $end ] && echo "Node did not come up in time" && openstack cluster show "${1}" && exit -1
set -x
openstack cluster show "${1}"
function wait_for_senlin_node {
set +x
end=$(($(date +%s) + ${SUB_TIMEOUT}))
while true; do
STATE=$(openstack cluster node show "${1}" -f value -c status)
[ "x${STATE}" == "xACTIVE" ] && break
sleep 1
now=$(date +%s)
[ $now -gt $end ] && echo "Node did not come up in time" && openstack cluster node show "${1}" && exit -1
set -x
openstack cluster node show "${1}"
function wait_for_senlin_profile_delete {
set +x
end=$(($(date +%s) + ${SUB_TIMEOUT}))
until openstack cluster profile delete "${1}" --force; do
sleep 1
now=$(date +%s)
[ $now -gt $end ] && echo "Profile did not delete in time" && exit -1
set -x
# Start test run.
# Create a cluster profile.
tee > /tmp/cirros_basic.yaml <<EOF
type: os.nova.server
version: 1.0
name: osh-test
flavor: "${FLAVOR_ID}"
image: "${IMAGE_ID}"
#key_name: oskey
- network: ${NETWORK_NAME}
test_key: test_value
user_data: |
echo 'hello, world' > /tmp/test_file
openstack cluster profile create --spec-file /tmp/cirros_basic.yaml "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_PROFILE}"
# Create a 0 node cluster using the profile.
# NOTE(portdirect): There is a bug in the Newton era osc/senlin client
# interaction, so we fall back to calling senlin client directly to create
# a cluster, before outright failing.
openstack cluster create --profile "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_PROFILE}" "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}" || \
senlin cluster-create -p "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_PROFILE}" "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}" || false
# Resize the cluster to contain a node.
openstack cluster resize --capacity 1 "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
wait_for_senlin_cluster "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
# Expand the cluster by one node.
openstack cluster expand "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
wait_for_senlin_cluster "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
# Shrink the cluster by one node.
openstack cluster shrink "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
wait_for_senlin_cluster "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
# Create a single node using the cluster profile.
# NOTE(portdirect): There is a bug in the Newton era osc/senlin client
# interaction, so we fall back to calling senlin client directly to create
# a node, before outright failing.
openstack cluster node create --profile "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_PROFILE}" "${SENLIN_NODE_NAME}" || \
senlin node-create -p "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_PROFILE}" "${SENLIN_NODE_NAME}" || false
wait_for_senlin_node "${SENLIN_NODE_NAME}"
# Add the node to the cluster.
openstack cluster members add --nodes "${SENLIN_NODE_NAME}" "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
openstack cluster members list "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
wait_for_senlin_cluster "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
wait_for_senlin_node "${SENLIN_NODE_NAME}"
# Remove the node from the cluster.
openstack cluster members del --nodes "${SENLIN_NODE_NAME}" "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
openstack cluster members list "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
wait_for_senlin_cluster "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}"
wait_for_senlin_node "${SENLIN_NODE_NAME}"
# Cleanup the resources created.
openstack cluster node delete "${SENLIN_NODE_NAME}" --force
openstack cluster delete "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_NAME}" --force
wait_for_senlin_profile_delete "${SENLIN_CLUSTER_PROFILE}"
echo 'Tests Passed'